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Raspberry Pi F.A.Q.

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--- Quote from: MV19 on May 19, 2020, 11:05:15 AM ---Is AM officially coming to the Pi 4 at all? Not trying to pressure anyone to get it done, just wondered if that was on the road map for the application.


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AM can already run on a Pi4 and there are steps to do so in the wiki. The issue is that the Pi4 currently requires X windows (the old way to run AM on the Pi four years ago) which is less than ideal but works. This issue was over come years ago by creating a special module called sfml-pi.

To run AM on a Pi4 in an ideal manner (without x windows) the special sfml-pi module would need to be updated. This module is a separate project and not part of AM even though it's by the same author. If you want to know about this special sfml-pi module you should ask there (where others have inquired)

Thanks for the reply. I'll keep an eye on the other project to see if there's any movement. Cheers.


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