« Last post by steelepdx on February 26, 2025, 08:23:56 PM »
I am using Yaron's most excellent "MS-DOS Vintage" (10.4) layout for my classic PC games. I am very inexperienced with Squirrel and how to achieve this. I want the CRT glow effect to basically wait until the game selection screen fades before the glow effect happens. As it stands now, the glow effect happens immediately in the game select screen, before it fades to the snap of the game (currently set to 1000ms). I'd like the CRT glow effect to fade in right as the snap is fading in. I have tried a couple of different things to no avail. Is there someone who can help me out? A minor detail, for sure, but I just thought I would ask. Here is the pertinent code for the glow effect in the layout.nut:
// Screen glow
if( my_config["enable_crt_glow"] == "Yes" && ShadersAvailable == 1 )
local shadow_radius = 1600
local shadow_xoffset = -75
local shadow_yoffset = -50
local shadow_alpha = 255
local shadow_downsample = 0.018
// creation of first surface with safeguards area
local xsurf1 = fe.add_surface( shadow_downsample * (video.width + 2*shadow_radius), shadow_downsample * (video.height + 2*shadow_radius) )
// add a clone of the picture to topmost surface
local pic1 = xsurf1.add_clone(video)
pic1.set_pos( shadow_radius*shadow_downsample, shadow_radius*shadow_downsample, video.width*shadow_downsample, video.height*shadow_downsample )
// creation of second surface
local xsurf2 = fe.add_surface( xsurf1.width, xsurf1.height )
// nesting of surfaces
xsurf1.visible = false
xsurf1 = xsurf2.add_clone( xsurf1 )
xsurf1.visible = true
// deifine and apply blur shaders
local blursizex = 1.0/xsurf2.width
local blursizey = 1.0/xsurf2.height
local kernelsize = shadow_downsample * (shadow_radius * 2) + 1
local kernelsigma = shadow_downsample * shadow_radius * 0.3
local shaderH1 = fe.add_shader( Shader.Fragment, fe.script_dir + "gauss_kernsigma_o.glsl" )
shaderH1.set_param("kernelData", kernelsize, kernelsigma)
shaderH1.set_param("offsetFactor", blursizex, 0.0)
xsurf1.shader = shaderH1
local shaderV1 = fe.add_shader( Shader.Fragment, fe.script_dir + "gauss_kernsigma_o.glsl" )
shaderV1.set_param("kernelData", kernelsize, kernelsigma)
shaderV1.set_param("offsetFactor", 0.0, blursizey)
xsurf2.shader = shaderV1
// apply black color and alpha channel to shadow
pic1.alpha = shadow_alpha
pic1.width = 21
pic1.height = 16
// reposition and upsample shadow surface stack
xsurf2.set_pos( video.x-shadow_radius+shadow_xoffset, video.y-shadow_radius+shadow_yoffset, video.width + 2 * shadow_radius, video.height + 2 * shadow_radius )