This guide is quick & dirty and for
windows-systems only:
ScummVM is an emulator system for many point & click-adventures (like Monkey Island of LucasArts) and it's possible to including them in AM.
SCUMM : Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion.
ScummVM offers a lot of free games ScummVM is a little bit tricky to use, because it's not possible to start ScummVM-games the common way like another emulator systems.
Usually you start an emulator with romfile immediately this way:
path_to_emulator\emulator.exe -parameters rompath\romfile.romfile-extension
(e.g. C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe -m "C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\roms\game123abc.smc" )
AM offers a complete configuration of ScummVM already.
Have a look at your C:\attract\romlists\scumm-vm.txt. It looks like this:
executable C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe
args -f -p [rompath]
[name] [name]rompath C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
-f : switch to fullscreen
-p : path to installed game
[name] : name of game-folder under C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
[name] : name of game-folder under C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
e.g. you've
downloaded the french version of game 'Lure of the Temptress' from and unzipped to your scummvm-rom-folder.
There's now a folder called : lure-fr
If you starts scummvm.exe with the desribed parameters above:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -f -p C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
lure-fr lure-frPROBLEM:It stops with an error message: Unrecognized game target 'lure-fr'
But why?
The second
[name] parameter causes the problem,
because ScummVM works with own Game IDs (and not true name of gamefolder).
To identify the correct Game ID of your game, use this in a cmd window:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -z
or a complete list of GameIDs here
In this snippet of overview you see, that the Game Title 'Lure of the Temptress' got the GameID '
dreamweb = Dreamweb
queen = Flight of the Amazon Queen
sword1 = Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
and so on
There are two ways to solve this problem:
1) Rename folder lure-fr to correct GameID
lureIn cmd window test it:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -f -p C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
lure lureGame starts. That's ok.
PROBLEM:If you generate a romlist in AM, you'll get the GameID as Game Name. Don't look so good.
If you scrape artworks, cover and so on, you'll don't get them complete (Dreamweb works; many another games leaves empty)

2) Rename folder to Full Title (
Lure of the Temptress) and use Game ID (
In cmd window:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -f -p "C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
Lure of the Temptress"
lureGame starts. That's ok.
PROBLEM:In AM you can't generate a correct romlist, because of the the two [name] parameters of gamefolder and you are not able to setup the correct Game ID to gamefolder as parameter
This won't work in scumm-vm.txt:#Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra
Lure of the Temptress;
Lure of the Temptress;scumm-vm;;;;;;;;;;;;;
You've to edit the second row in scumm-vm.txt and then it works:#Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra
Lure of the Temptress;scumm-vm;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Now you are able to scrape artworks, covers and so on too.
PROBLEM: You have to change the Title manually by hand. Next time you update your Romlist, all changes are lost. So you have to change the Title again.
I offer you my workaround:
Download latest version of ScummVM
install / unzip scummvm (like this):
copy your games to your rom location (like this):
Rename all your gamefolders to scummvm Game ID (e.g. rename the gamefolder of Lure of the Temptress to
lure )
A complete list of GameIDs here
starts AM. Generate Romlist
exit AM
generate a .vbs-file with this code (e.g. C:\AM_scummvm_name-editor.vbs ), change the path to your scumm-vm.txt as SOURCE AND TARGET and execute it
SOURCE = "c:\attract\romlists\scumm-vm.txt"
TARGET = "c:\attract\romlists\scumm-vm.txt"
ROW = 2
Delim = ";"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
T = Split(fso.OpenTextFile(SOURCE).ReadAll, vbNewline)
For i = 0 To UBound(T)
If Trim(T(i)) <> "" Then
Z = Split(T(i), Delim)
GAME_ID = Z(ROW - 1)
Select Case GAME_ID
Case "activity"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack"
Case "agi-fanmade"
GAME_ID = "Fanmade Games"
Case "airport"
GAME_ID = "Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy"
Case "arthur"
GAME_ID = "Arthur's Teacher Trouble"
Case "arthurbday"
GAME_ID = "Arthur's Birthday"
Case "arttime"
GAME_ID = "Blue's Art Time Activities"
Case "atlantis"
GAME_ID = "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis"
Case "balloon"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama"
Case "bambou"
GAME_ID = "Playtoons: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle"
Case "bargon"
GAME_ID = "Bargon Attack"
Case "baseball"
GAME_ID = "Backyard Baseball"
Case "baseball2001"
GAME_ID = "Backyard Baseball 2001"
Case "baseball2003"
GAME_ID = "Backyard Baseball 2003"
Case "bc"
GAME_ID = "The Black Cauldron"
Case "beardark"
GAME_ID = "The Berenstain Bears in the Dark"
Case "bearfight"
GAME_ID = "The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight"
Case "blueforce"
GAME_ID = "Blue Force"
Case "Blues123Time"
GAME_ID = "Blue's 123 Time Activities"
Case "BluesABCTime"
GAME_ID = "Blue's ABC Time Activities"
Case "BluesBirthday"
GAME_ID = "Blue's Birthday Adventure"
Case "BluesTreasureHunt"
GAME_ID = "Blue's Treasure Hunt"
Case "brstorm"
GAME_ID = "Bear Stormin'"
Case "camelot"
GAME_ID = "Conquests of Camelot"
Case "castlebrain"
GAME_ID = "Castle of Dr. Brain (EGA and VGA)"
Case "chase"
GAME_ID = "SPY Fox in Cheese Chase"
Case "chivalry"
GAME_ID = "Chivalry is Not Dead"
Case "comi"
GAME_ID = "The Curse of Monkey Island"
Case "cruise"
GAME_ID = "Cruise for a Corpse"
Case "darby"
GAME_ID = "Darby the Dragon"
Case "dig"
GAME_ID = "The Dig"
Case "dimp"
GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - D.I.M.P."
Case "dog"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick"
Case "draci"
GAME_ID = "Dragon History"
Case "drascula"
GAME_ID = "Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back"
Case "dreamweb"
GAME_ID = "DreamWeb"
Case "dw"
GAME_ID = "Discworld"
Case "dw2"
GAME_ID = "Discworld II - Missing presumed...!?"
Case "ecoquest"
GAME_ID = "EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus"
Case "ecoquest2"
GAME_ID = "EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest"
Case "elvira1"
GAME_ID = "Elvira - Mistress of the Dark"
Case "elvira2"
GAME_ID = "Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus"
Case "eob"
GAME_ID = "Eye of the Beholder"
Case "eob2"
GAME_ID = "Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon"
Case "fairytales"
GAME_ID = "Mixed-up Fairy Tales"
Case "farm"
GAME_ID = "Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy"
Case "fascination"
GAME_ID = "Fascination"
Case "fbear"
GAME_ID = "Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise"
Case "fbpack"
GAME_ID = "Fatty Bear's Fun Pack"
Case "feeble"
GAME_ID = "The Feeble Files"
Case "football"
GAME_ID = "Backyard Football"
Case "football2002"
GAME_ID = "Backyard Football 2002"
Case "freddi"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds"
Case "freddi2"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse"
Case "freddi3"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell"
Case "freddi4"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch"
Case "freddicove"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove"
Case "freddypharkas"
GAME_ID = "Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist"
Case "ft"
GAME_ID = "Full Throttle"
Case "funpack"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt's Fun Pack"
Case "fw"
GAME_ID = "Future Wars"
Case "geisha"
GAME_ID = "Geisha"
Case "gob1"
GAME_ID = "Gobliiins"
Case "gob2"
GAME_ID = "Gobliins 2"
Case "gob3"
GAME_ID = "Goblins 3"
Case "goldrush"
GAME_ID = "Gold Rush!"
Case "grandma"
GAME_ID = "Just Grandma and Me"
Case "greeneggs"
GAME_ID = "Green Eggs and Ham"
Case "gregory"
GAME_ID = "Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon"
Case "harryhh"
GAME_ID = "Harry and the Haunted House"
Case "hopkins"
GAME_ID = "Hopkins FBI"
Case "hoyle1"
GAME_ID = "Hoyle's Book of Games 1"
Case "hoyle2"
GAME_ID = "Hoyle's Book of Games 2"
Case "hoyle3"
GAME_ID = "Hoyle's Book of Games 3 (EGA and VGA)"
Case "hoyle4"
GAME_ID = "Hoyle Classic Card Games"
Case "hugo1"
GAME_ID = "Hugo's House of Horrors"
Case "hugo2"
GAME_ID = "Hugo 2: Whodunit?"
Case "hugo3"
GAME_ID = "Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom"
Case "iceman"
GAME_ID = "Codename: ICEMAN"
Case "ihnm"
GAME_ID = "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"
Case "indy3"
GAME_ID = "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
Case "islandbrain"
GAME_ID = "The Island of Dr. Brain"
Case "ite"
GAME_ID = "Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb"
Case "jones"
GAME_ID = "Jones in the Fast Lane"
Case "jumble"
GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Jumble"
Case "jungle"
GAME_ID = "Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy"
Case "kq1"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest I"
Case "kq1sci"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest I (SCI remake)"
Case "kq2"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest II"
Case "kq3"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest III"
Case "kq4"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest IV"
Case "kq4sci"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest IV (SCI version)"
Case "kq5"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest V (EGA and VGA)"
Case "kq6"
GAME_ID = "King's Quest VI (low and hi res)"
Case "kyra1"
GAME_ID = "The Legend of Kyrandia"
Case "kyra2"
GAME_ID = "The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate"
Case "kyra3"
GAME_ID = "The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge"
Case "laurabow"
GAME_ID = "Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest"
Case "laurabow2"
GAME_ID = "Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra"
Case "lgop2"
GAME_ID = "Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2"
Case "liam"
GAME_ID = "Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story"
Case "lilmonster"
GAME_ID = "Little Monster at School"
Case "littlered"
GAME_ID = "Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood"
Case "lol"
GAME_ID = "Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos"
Case "longbow"
GAME_ID = "Conquests of the Longbow (EGA and VGA)"
Case "loom"
GAME_ID = "Loom"
Case "lost"
GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam's Lost & Found"
Case "lostintime"
GAME_ID = "Lost in Time"
Case "lsl1"
GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
Case "lsl1sci"
GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 1 (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA)"
Case "lsl2"
GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 2"
Case "lsl3"
GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 3"
Case "lsl5"
GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 5 (EGA and VGA)"
Case "lsl6"
GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 6 (low res)"
Case "lure"
GAME_ID = "Lure of the Temptress"
Case "manhole"
GAME_ID = "The Manhole"
Case "maniac"
GAME_ID = "Maniac Mansion"
Case "maze"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness"
Case "mh1"
GAME_ID = "Manhunter 1: New York"
Case "mh2"
GAME_ID = "Manhunter 2: San Francisco"
Case "mickey"
GAME_ID = "Mickey's Space Adventure"
Case "mixedup"
GAME_ID = "Mixed-Up Mother Goose"
Case "monkey"
GAME_ID = "The Secret of Monkey Island"
Case "monkey2"
GAME_ID = "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge"
Case "mortevielle"
GAME_ID = "Mortville Manor"
Case "mothergoose"
GAME_ID = "Mixed-up Mother Goose"
Case "mustard"
GAME_ID = "SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard"
Case "nebular"
GAME_ID = "Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender"
Case "neverhood"
GAME_ID = "The Neverhood"
Case "newkid"
GAME_ID = "The New Kid on the Block"
Case "nippon"
GAME_ID = "Nippon Safes Inc."
Case "pajama"
GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside"
Case "pajama2"
GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening"
Case "pajama3"
GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet"
Case "pass"
GAME_ID = "Passport to Adventure"
Case "pegasus"
GAME_ID = "The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime"
Case "pepper"
GAME_ID = "Pepper's Adventures in Time"
Case "pjgames"
GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day"
Case "pn"
GAME_ID = "Personal Nightmare"
Case "pq1"
GAME_ID = "Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel"
Case "pq1sci"
GAME_ID = "Police Quest 1 (SCI remake)"
Case "pq2"
GAME_ID = "Police Quest 2"
Case "pq3"
GAME_ID = "Police Quest 3 (EGA and VGA)"
Case "princess"
GAME_ID = "The Princess and the Crab"
Case "puttcircus"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Joins the Circus"
Case "puttmoon"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon"
Case "puttputt"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Joins the Parade"
Case "puttrace"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Enters the Race"
Case "putttime"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Travels Through Time"
Case "puttzoo"
GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo"
Case "puzzle"
GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - NoPatience"
Case "qfg1"
GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 1/Hero's Quest"
Case "qfg1vga"
GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 1 VGA remake"
Case "qfg2"
GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 2"
Case "qfg3"
GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 3"
Case "queen"
GAME_ID = "Flight of the Amazon Queen"
Case "readtime"
GAME_ID = "Blue's Reading Time Activities"
Case "ringworld"
GAME_ID = "Ringworld: Revenge Of The Patriarch"
Case "ringworld2"
GAME_ID = "Return to Ringworld"
Case "rodney"
GAME_ID = "Rodney's Funscreen"
Case "rtz"
GAME_ID = "Return to Zork"
Case "ruff"
GAME_ID = "Ruff's Bone"
Case "samnmax"
GAME_ID = "Sam & Max Hit the Road"
Case "seussabc"
GAME_ID = "Dr. Seuss's ABC"
Case "sfinx"
GAME_ID = "Sfinx"
Case "sheila"
GAME_ID = "Sheila Rae, the Brave"
Case "simon1"
GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer 1"
Case "simon2"
GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer 2"
Case "sky"
GAME_ID = "Beneath a Steel Sky"
Case "slater"
GAME_ID = "Slater & Charlie Go Camping"
Case "sleepingcub"
GAME_ID = "Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage"
Case "socks"
GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam's Sock Works"
Case "soltys"
GAME_ID = "Soltys"
Case "spyfox"
GAME_ID = "SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal"
Case "spyfox2"
GAME_ID = "SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required"
Case "spyozon"
GAME_ID = "SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone"
Case "sq1"
GAME_ID = "Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter"
Case "sq1sci"
GAME_ID = "Space Quest I (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA)"
Case "sq2"
GAME_ID = "Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge"
Case "sq3"
GAME_ID = "Space Quest III"
Case "sq4"
GAME_ID = "Space Quest IV (EGA and VGA)"
Case "sq5"
GAME_ID = "Space Quest V"
Case "stellaluna"
GAME_ID = "Stellaluna"
Case "swampy"
GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Swampy Adventures"
Case "sword1"
GAME_ID = "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars"
Case "sword2"
GAME_ID = "Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror"
Case "t7g"
GAME_ID = "The 7th Guest"
Case "teenagent"
GAME_ID = "TeenAgent"
Case "tentacle"
GAME_ID = "Day of the Tentacle"
Case "thinker1"
GAME_ID = "Big Thinkers First Grade"
Case "thinkerk"
GAME_ID = "Big Thinkers Kindergarten"
Case "toltecs"
GAME_ID = "3 Skulls of the Toltecs"
Case "tony"
GAME_ID = "Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths"
Case "toon"
GAME_ID = "Toonstruck"
Case "tortoise"
GAME_ID = "Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare"
Case "touche"
GAME_ID = "Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer"
Case "troll"
GAME_ID = "Troll's Tale"
Case "tucker"
GAME_ID = "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble"
Case "urban"
GAME_ID = "Urban Runner"
Case "voyeur"
GAME_ID = "Voyeur"
Case "water"
GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries"
Case "waxworks"
GAME_ID = "Waxworks"
Case "ween"
GAME_ID = "Ween: The Prophecy"
Case "winnie"
GAME_ID = "Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood"
Case "woodruff"
GAME_ID = "The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble"
Case "zak"
GAME_ID = "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders"
Case "zgi"
GAME_ID = "Zork: Grand Inquisitor"
Case "znemesis"
GAME_ID = "Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands"
End Select
Z(ROW - 1) = GAME_ID
T(i) = Join(Z, Delim)
End If
fso.CreateTextFile(TARGET).Write Join(T, vbNewline)
starts AM. Now you are able to scrape artwork and cover and see the correct Game Title in AM

NOTE:Next time, you generate a new Romlist of scumm-vm, you have just to execute AM_scummvm_name-editor.vbs again.