General / Re: Windows .bat files wont load in Attract Mode
« on: September 11, 2020, 07:49:05 AM »
Is this a bug? Or am I just doing something wrong?
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Here they are working good inside AM with relative paths (you can adapt it to your structure):
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath collections\PC Games\roms
romext .bat
system PC
nb_mode_wait 5
Sample .bat file
@echo off
set "GAMENAME=yourgame.exe"
set "GAMEPATH=\your game folder name\"
set HOME="%~dp0"
PS: .bat files and games folders are located in the same main folder
Something like:
PC games roms. Inside you have:
Game name folder
.bat file named the same as the game name folder
a cmd.exe just in case.
Hope this helps.
Since you already have a 3-tier nested menu working .. you've got that part all handled.
But, I'm thinking, if you are wanting to go to a 2-tier menu like this:
Displays Menu/Main Menu
| - Consoles (have romlist with all games from all consoles available)
| - Handhelds (have romlist with all games from all handhelds available)
But....when you go into Consoles ... let's say, you are initially only seeing NES games. Scrolling up/down through NES games only. You would like to be able to "go to next console" from there and only see, say SNES games.
Here's an idea:
1. create a master consoles_only.txt romlist
manually copy-paste all of your current console romlist file's contents into this single large file
2. create a new Consoles_Only display
set it up to use this newly made consoles_only.txt romlist
Now...setup new filters on this new display...one filter for every console system you have.
Let's say you have the following consoles.
Setup a new filter called "NES" with this:
Emulator = "NES"
Now create 3 more filters:
filter name: SNES
filter: Emulator = "SNES"
filter name: TG16
filter: Emulator = "TG16"
filter name: ATARI2600
filter: Emulator = "ATAR2600"
Setup a hotkey button to cycle through Filters.
I'm thinking what you should end up with is, a new display that has a romlist with every game from those consoles...but the new display is governed by various filters that are setup to only show games from a single system.
The "All" filter will still be there and show all games (but you could remove it if wanted). Otherwise, you'd just press a button to cycle through the Filters for each system and use Up/Down to scroll the games.
Just replace the samples above with your proper emulator names.
Hope that makes sense (it did in my head when typing....LOL).
Try this for everything you don't want to see in the menu.
Configure-->Displays--><display_name>-->Show in Menu = No
You can go to configure > controls and map previous display to right and next display to left. You will still have 3 tiers but once you enter a game system A you can press left to jump to system B and so on.
To be honest its pretty difficult to understand what you mean in ur opening post. If you mean that by selecting "Consoles" in platforms you directly jump in to first console then its not possible atm.
Well you can create unified lists for all platforms (each only consisting of one platform like arcades, consoles etc) then create filters in each unified platform list so one filter only shows one system then map right and left to previous/ next filter, this will act in the way (as I understood it) you want. But unified lists are more difficult to update/ modify as compared to single system so its better to try this when you have complete system romlists.
1. Using AttractMode 2.4 or newer on Window you need to use the "attract-console.exe" executable (AM older than 2.4 uses the "attract.exe" executable) to build romlists from the console
2. When using Windows you need to use the proper command line switches (i.e. -b instead of --build-romlist, -F instead of --filter, etc.)
3. To view the proper switches in Windows you can use "attract-console.exe -h" or "attract.exe -h" (depending on your version of AM)
Here's what your command would be (or at least close)Code: [Select]attract-console.exe -b MAME -F "Tags not_contains HIDE" -F "Year not_contains ?" -F "Manufacturer not_contains bootleg" -F "Control not_contains gambling" -F "CloneOf not_equals .*" -o MAME2