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Messages - redhalo

Pages: [1]
Scripting / Re: Error with conveyor module.
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:57:43 PM »
Yeah, I've already tried that, doesn't work correctly in either by changing the msg in the constructor or in the on_progress function. I'll just have to work around it for now and maybe a solution will show itself later.

Scripting / Re: Error with conveyor module.
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:47:35 AM »
Actually, I found my problem. It works fine with "'[Title]'" style variables, but fe.game_info( Info.Title, index_offset ) doesn't work for me. It has completely different titles in motion than when stationary. I feel it has to do with finding the correct thing to fill the index_offset variable with, but I can't get it working with anything I can think of.

The thing is I'd use the "'[Title]'" style variables, except I want to format the title to remove cruft characters and anything I do to modify that text line just modifies "'[Title]'" as is and not the variable it represents.

Scripting / Re: Error with conveyor module.
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:46:10 AM »
Thanks for your help. Talk to me about swap() for a sec. Assuming I fill the text with a game title or whatever, with swap() as default in the library it keeps my titles correct but moves the actual items all over the x dimension when changing games. With swap() blank, it keeps the items in place, but messes up the correct m_base_io reference when moving. It's very strange, I feel that this is way more simple than I'm seeing but I just don't seem to get it.

Scripting / Error with conveyor module.
« on: February 19, 2015, 05:14:32 AM »
Can't figure it out. The below code is almost identical to the example in the conveyor module, but when ran I receive the error "the index 'rawset_index_offset' does not exist"

Code: [Select]
fe.load_module( "conveyor" );

class Card extends ConveyorSlot {
    m_parent = null;
    constructor( parent, text ) {
        m_parent = parent;
        base.constructor( ::fe.add_text( text, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );

    function on_progress( progress, var ) {
        m_obj.set_rgb( 255, 0, 0 );
        m_obj.width = m_parent.m_width;
        m_obj.height = m_parent.m_height;
        m_obj.x = m_parent.m_x + progress * m_parent.m_x_span;
        m_obj.y = m_parent.m_y + progress * m_parent.m_y_span;

class Cards extends Conveyor {
    m_x=0; m_y=0; m_width=0; m_height=0; m_x_span=0; m_y_span=0;

    constructor( text, num_objs, x, y, width, height, pad=0 ) {
        local my_list = [];
        for ( local i=0; i<num_objs; i++ )
            my_list.push( Card( this, text ) );
        set_slots( my_list );

        m_x=x+pad/2; m_y=y+pad/2;



local cards = Cards( "test", 5, 0, 0, fe.layout.width,
  25, 2 );

General / Re: Mess Software List or No-Intro issue.
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:23:21 PM »
Thanks for your assistance guys, but I think I solved my problem. I wrote a working python script that can use No-Intro files in a directory, scrape info from and then save a romlist to be used by AM. I'll start a new thread to release it once I've worked out a few kinks.

General / Re: Mess Software List or No-Intro issue.
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:00:29 PM »
Yeah, I've come across that thread. The problem is that fuzzy rename needs a name that's close, MESS names as you know are 8 character abbreviations. It may get a few, but many names are fairly bastardized. Attract-Mode is the absolute perfect front end for arcade games as everyone has settled with using MAME's 8 character names, but outside of that AM kind of falls apart.

Something to suggest would be adding in an online scraper for by searching for the description name provided by MESS's lists but then saving the files as the actual rom name. I have some limited python programming knowledge and no experience in online scraping, but I may attempt to make such a program if this is out of your interest.

edit: Or add a feature where AM also looks for artwork fuzzy matched to the romlist's description name. No-Intro sets are pretty much exactly the same as the description name, but with added info at the end in parenthesis. (USA, Euro) for example.

General / Mess Software List or No-Intro issue.
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:56:35 PM »
I really like the straightforwardness of Attract-Mode but am running into a problem. If I'm using roms named in the No-Intro fashion, how can I populate the rom lists with info in order to use filters? If instead I use Mess Software List roms, how do I match them up with artwork. It would seem that either issue would require an obscene amount of hand editing to get non MAME roms to have both artwork and be filterable. Am I missing some technique to make this happen?

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