Attract-Mode Support > Themes

Cosmo's Theme (v.1.1 uploaded!)

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Hey Man!

My buddy Mike just finished his theme stemmed from the same template but you both used different wheels (Yours vertical, his curved). Wish I could combine both to choose my favorites from both your builds. Do you have your flyers without the wheel already photoshopped in?

Great Job !  8) 8)

i'm currently updating the code and improving it. The next iteration will have...

-Options to mute video sound (done)
-Option for disabling/enabling animations (i don't know why but it's making dissapear wheel art  ::)... i'm probably going to need some help for this)
-Options for using vertical wheels or normal wheels (done)
-A layout for all systems with boxart and cartart (wip)
-lots of fixes to the code

I am excited to hear about the updates. I noticed the vertical wheel shadow  is actually on the flyer background art. Does that mean you would be uploading the flyers again but without that so that we can choose from the normal wheel or vertical wheel?

Yes. I have splitted wheel shadows from the rest of the background.


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