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Topics - kaptainsteve

Pages: [1]
Themes / Sub Basic Horizontal Arcade Theme
« on: January 13, 2018, 03:12:53 AM »
Here is a sub basic theme for horizontal arcade cabinets.
I just took Attract Mode's basic theme and made some tweaks to simplify it even more for arcade machines.
If you like super simple stoopid, then this is for you.

General / Generating Romlist
« on: February 27, 2017, 06:56:25 PM »

I hope someone can help generating a romlist for Mame in Attractmode.
I can't seem to get it to work.
At one point I got the name of the roms to show up, but not the correct game names.

In short, could someone please walk me through the settings in Attractmode for mame to generate the correct romlist and names, please.

Thanks in advance.


General / Suggestions...
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:47:37 AM »
I love AttractMode, thanks!

I'd like to offer a suggestion.

How about a most played games menu?
A menu that just lists the top 100 (or # to be set)  played games.

Also, is there something in AttractMode to do key combinations?



General / Mame Ini file changes on it's own?
« on: May 15, 2016, 06:12:30 AM »

Hello all,

This might be a Mame issue and not an Attract Mode issue, I'm not sure...

I have a cabinet with mame 173 and Attract Mode.  Every once in a while, the Mame ini file changes back to default on it's own?  When you go to play the next game nothing enters because the keys have been defaulted back.  Then, I got to go back to Mame and reconfig the button assignments back to my preference that work in the cabinet specifically the coin, enter and esc assignments and save it in Mame and then I'm good until the next time it happens.  I've tried making the Mame.ini a read only file but that seems not to work?

I'm not sure if it's Attract Mode rewriting the files or Mame or some mix match?
Any suggestions are welcome.


General / Power Off Option for PC?
« on: May 08, 2016, 06:53:20 PM »

I would like to suggest a power off option/button for Attract.  It would be very convenient to have a way to shutdown the Pc inside my cabinet from the frontend  possibly with a key stroke combination and or delay press.   If there is one and I haven't seen it I apologize in advance.

P.S.  I have just discovered Attract and love it.  I was a Mala fan but that seems not to work anymore, as do most of the others (at least on W10). 

Thanks to all involved and active here in the forums.


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