I have setup tons of emulators in Attract Mode on my iMac, Mame, Final Burn Alpha, Snes, Nintendo DS, various Atari, various Gameboy, N64, Megadrive, PSP, Dreamcast
You will need to Download Retro Arch for Mac, once open scroll down to Online Updater and Core Update, there you can download all the cores for whatever emulator you need. Set up the controls too
In attract Mode you will need to do the following commands when setting up new Emulator, this example is for Nintendo DS;
Executable: /applications/retroarch.app/Contents/MacOS/RetroArch
Command Arguments: -L /Applications/RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/cores/desmume_libretro.dylib
With a PS4 controller I can launch exit all perfectly just like on the Raspberry Pi except I'm on a much more powerful machine.