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Messages - glaysonmestre

Pages: [1] 2
General / street fighter alpha 3 mix v 0.31 on android ?
« on: July 22, 2024, 09:34:39 PM »
Has anyone been able to emulate this game on Android?

Version 0.31

I don't even know if I'm doing this right I download the zip version I rename it to when I try to open it in mame4droid it loads up to 60% and closes the emulator several emulators threaten to open the game and then close it can someone help me, the street fighter 2 mix I can play on Android why wouldn't this other one work? I'm using a Xiaomi Mi 8
work of art  :

General / Re: street fighter zero 3 mix
« on: June 04, 2022, 09:17:25 AM »
please let me see what your mame executable looks like

General / Re: street fighter zero 3 mix
« on: June 03, 2022, 04:10:07 PM »
your zips 
the black screen ,did not work the work ram ng

General / Re: street fighter zero 3 mix
« on: June 02, 2022, 02:23:25 PM »
 ??? look my printscreen send me your zip   I wanted to understand why it's not getting the same as yours, your version is diferent ?  my version is 0.13

General / Re: street fighter zero 3 mix
« on: June 01, 2022, 10:21:05 PM »
Yes, that game works fine in MAME (tested with 0.237) once you follow the instructions.

1. Remove the original rom if you have it (or rename it)
2. Rename to
3. Extract
4. Enter the extracted "sfa3ud" folder
5. Rename the "bat_sfz3mix_sfa3ud.txt" to "bat_sfz3mix_sfa3ud.bat"
6. Run the bat file
7. Add all the files (exclude the txt and bat files) to a new zip named ""
8. Copy this new zip to your roms folder for MAME

Add to your romlist

look my video

with your tutorial some success but now the game appears the red letters work ram ng and does not leave this screen

General / street fighter zero 3 mix
« on: May 31, 2022, 07:24:42 PM »

:o  Does anyone know if this game works on attract mode ?mame I need it to work on attract mode mame I already have several games configured on this mame I didn't quite understand the instructions to install this rom could someone test it?

General / Re: 2 rom same name
« on: August 05, 2021, 08:00:22 PM »
pretty shure you can just set the name vs title, diff after you have your romlist set, and also the emulater..  should solve this for you..

give me an example of how to do this

General / 2 rom same name
« on: August 03, 2021, 07:06:41 PM »
 managed to make a hack rom run on advmame and a rom that they said did not work on it is street fighter 2 golden magic , but you have to change its name to the name of a rom that is already in the rom list, for example :

I have two directories I have a rom named sf2v004 in directory 1 and directory 2

the attract mode when running the game  as main the game in directory 1 I would like to make it recognize each one of them because they are different games I can't make the game run with the original name because it doesn't seem to work



video the game 

General / help flycast?
« on: March 26, 2021, 02:52:38 PM »
how do I set up the flycast emulator in the AM

Themes / Re: edit layout help
« on: March 11, 2021, 05:50:26 PM »
work , thanks    now I can edit almost everything, thank you very much  ;D

Themes / edit layout help
« on: March 10, 2021, 05:51:07 PM »
i'm venturing to create a layout i chose nevato as a base i don't know much about programming, i wanted to know how to change the position of this snap screen i would like to move it a little more to the right, i already learned how to remove the inclination hers.

Emulators / Re: help game boy advance
« on: February 28, 2021, 04:09:41 PM »
neither by root nor by attrac mode

Emulators / help game boy advance
« on: February 28, 2021, 03:05:38 PM »
every time I try to play a certain game in attract mode when you open the emulator a message appears that I have to give ok to continue, I already downloaded the bios file but still the message still appears does anyone know how to solve this?

 i downloaded bios in this site >>
[link removed by administrator]

Emulators / filters advmame ?
« on: February 25, 2021, 07:49:07 PM »

windows screen effect
is it possible to put these options in this video on the advmame? I would like to activate these filters and see which one is better, and which one would look more like an arcade monitor on an LCD screen

General / Re: rom in subfolder?
« on: February 21, 2021, 10:36:22 AM »
Having two roms with the same name, even if they are in different folders, is going to be a issue. Here's how I think Attract-Mode (AM) can solve it for you. Remove the second rom folder from you existing emulator in AM and create a new emulator in AM with the same settings except for the other rom folder. This will cause each AM emulator to only use one rom path. Once both of these are emulator setups are work properly you can combine the romlists in AM to get the romlist you want.

1. Change your existing advmame emulator configuration in AM (I'll assume it called advmame in my example) to only use one rom folder
Code: [Select]
executable           C:\attract\sistems\capcom\advmame.exe
args                 -m "[romfilename]"
rompath             C:\attract\sistems\capcom\roms
romext               .zip
system               arcade

2. Create a new emulator in AM and call it advmame2 (only for my example, you can use whatever you want but need to adjust accordingly) with this configuration use the other rom folder
Code: [Select]
executable           C:\attract\sistems\capcom\advmame.exe
args                 -m "[romfilename]"
rompath             C:\attract\sistems\capcom\roms2
romext               .zip
system               arcade

3. Backup your existing romlists that use advmame... just in case things don't work the way you want so you can revert back to what you have now.

4. Regenerate romlists for advmame and advmame2 emulators in AM

5. Create a combined romlist of advmame and advmame2. This might take a while to build if you have a lot roms.
    Configure-->Emulators-->Generate Collection/Rom List-->Set your advmame and advmame2 game emulators to “Yes” and then click “Generate Collection/Rom List” and enter the name “advmame_all” (just for my example, again you can choose any name here)

6. Hide your two split romlist displays from AM GUI
    Configure-->Displays-->advmame-->Show in Cycle = no
    Configure-->Displays-->advmame-->Show in Menu = no
    Configure-->Displays-->advmame2-->Show in Cycle = no
    Configure-->Displays-->advmame2-->Show in Menu = no

You should now have a new display called advmame_all that has both versions of the same roms in different folders that all work correctly in AM.

You might want to look at this thread on similar solutions on how to get exactly what you need from AM

I managed to solve it in a simple way I found out. in the mame.ini file I modified  but the original game does not appear on the bad weels it doesn’t matter, this is a hacks screen, somehow the rom hacks can read the original rom now, and when choosing the original it becomes the hack. I don't even know what I did but it worked

mame.ini  original
Code: [Select]
rompath                  roms;bios
mame.ini   edit

Code: [Select]
rompath                  roms2;roms;bios

directorie 1 roms\

directorie 2 roms2\

the advmame  execute rom from directorie 2 now  and ignore 1, and same time execute hacks the directorie 1 allow original rom

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