Author Topic: Compiling attract on Raspbian jessie  (Read 2402 times)


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Compiling attract on Raspbian jessie
« on: March 14, 2023, 11:35:13 AM »
I have followed the instructions here for my Rpi 3B

I compiled ffmpeg and SFML just fine
When I try to compile attract I get the following compile errors

pi@retropie:~/develop/attract $ make USE_GLES=1
flags: -std=c++11   -Wl,--export-dynamic -I/usr/include/freetype2  -DDATA_PATH=\"/usr/local/share/attract/\" -O2 -DNDEBUG -I/opt/vc/include -L/opt/vc/lib -Iextlibs/miniz -Iextlibs/audio/include -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/AL  -Iextlibs/squirrel/include -Iextlibs/sqrat/include -Iextlibs/nowide -Iextlibs/nvapi -Iextlibs/rapidjson/include -Iextlibs/gameswf  -DUSE_GLES -DUSE_FONTCONFIG -DUSE_LIBCURL
Compiling obj/gameswflib/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.o...
extlibs/gameswf/gameswf/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.cpp: In function 'void ffmpeg_resample(int, int, int, int, uint8*, int, int)':
extlibs/gameswf/gameswf/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.cpp:1193:2: error: 'AVPicture' was not declared in this scope
  AVPicture my_pict;
extlibs/gameswf/gameswf/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.cpp:1194:20: error: 'my_pict' was not declared in this scope
  avpicture_alloc( &my_pict, fmt, dst_width, dst_height );
extlibs/gameswf/gameswf/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.cpp:1194:56: error: 'avpicture_alloc' was not declared in this scope
  avpicture_alloc( &my_pict, fmt, dst_width, dst_height );
extlibs/gameswf/gameswf/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.cpp:1211:27: error: 'avpicture_free' was not declared in this scope
  avpicture_free( &my_pict );
Makefile:769: recipe for target 'obj/gameswflib/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.o' failed
make: *** [obj/gameswflib/gameswf_render_handler_ogles.o] Error 1

Is there a fix for this?
