Attract-Mode Support > Themes


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I've come up with the idea last night of a Neon Theme and I need your feedback. Would you like me to make that kind of theme? Feel free to post any suggestions.

Yes please, i mean something like this should be stick in the front page of the site ;D

Nice theme i like it  :)

I REALLY like the idea of using the flyer artwork to sort through your game library :)

It's similar to the same way so many of the movie media players use the dvd/blu-ray artwork etc, here's an example of mine for instance:

An equivalent for games which also shows a video snap of the game being played would be awesome!

The top LEFT half of the screen needs some work tho to look as polished as the lower half of the screen. I'd leave the box to display the video snap where it is but on the left I'd have a large stylised text box that displayed a little info about the game, story, release date, manufacturer etc.

Good luck with it Oomek :)

Thanks for your input Pooterman. As you said, Top part needs work, still unsure how I would like it to be. Will try your suggestions. Your theme looks sleek.


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