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Topics - a_netanel

Pages: [1]
I've installed VNC server on Retropie and I'm able to connect to the desktop environment. But I guess since attract mode does not use X, the attract mode "window" stays on the main screen, while the VNC client shows the desktop still.
Any ideas?

General / Request: quiet (no prints) mode
« on: April 25, 2017, 02:02:17 PM »
I'm trying to minimize the amount of output to the console, that can be seen in the second before the game is launched.
I tried to redirect stdout to /dev/null, but this way the runcommand menu does not clear, even if i send a clear command in etc.

I looked in the cpp code and saw there are only 94 lines that output to stdout (greped "cout").
I believe it could be quite easy (to someone who remembers how to program cpp, that is) to add a flag that quiets these couts.

Many thanks!

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