Attract-Mode Project > Announcements

Version 2.4.1 bug fix release

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I find some issue of loop playing music. If I write loop = true, then the music play once and then quit AM. I am using windows 10 [10.0.17134.228]. Please fix. Thankls.

local mysong = fe.add_sound("music-1.mp3");
mysong.playing = true;
mysong.loop = true;

Can I ask a basic question?  To update from 2.4 to 2.4.1, can I just replace the 2.4 .exe in my folder with the 2.4.1 .exe, or do all the files and folders need to be replaced? 

corect me if im wrong but i would say, you just need to replace the main .exe
because nothing in the new file strutcher has changed with the update,
only AM internal bug fix's,   :)


--- Quote ---Updated setting of hwaccel in FFmpeg.
--- End quote ---
This fixes hardware video acceleration on my setup (Windows). Previously had to use software because some of my videos showed only garbage. Good work, thanks a lot for this!

Find as error code in 2.4.x version, there is no error in 2.3. I am using windows 10

 ! Unexpectedly lost focus to: explorer.exe (5640)


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