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Messages - dunginhawk

Pages: [1]
General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 20, 2017, 06:43:42 PM »
I only run 2 emulators, so worst case I just go right and left to find the games I want... Ill have to train my idiot friends to do that as well :)

After 2 months 4 front ends, and dozens of hours I have the right solution in place.  Onyx frontend and emumovies service to match the pics.

thank you all for your help

General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:55:12 AM »
hmmm something seems to be working now :)  updates soon

ok so I found for a LOT of roms, you need to go in, tab, set up the dipswitch and the video options to be what you want.  Close the game, come back in and then the changes will have taken place.
Some games work on the fly, but a lot require a reboot so to speak.

The only outstanding issue is the merged favorites list, which reading through that link makes me want to vomit :)

General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 20, 2017, 07:59:59 AM »
So I dont necessarily mind flipping each game the first time I go in... thats fine.

What will not work is when its a 2 player pacman game for example, player one on one side of the cocktail, 2 on the other.. when its 2's turn, he needs to come over to play one, because its not smart enough to rotate to his side.  Ill have to research that a bit.
Other games that have a "cocktail" mode just put two tiny screens facing opposite directions which makes it really hard to play (but thats only a few games, so im not worried about that).

More the flipping :)

EDIT:  so after having checked out the dip switches and all that, the only thing that seems to happen is instead of the screen filling up, it just creates 2 smaller screens, one facing each way... thats ridiculous :)  thats necessary for games like joust which have you on the screen at the same time, or fighting games. but like pacman, should be full screen facing 1 way, then the other. 


General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 19, 2017, 10:23:42 PM »
progets, thank you.. that will help a TON.

I am 99.9% of the way there, and im so jacked... Things are coming along so well.

Does attract mode have an auto flip mode for cocktail in 2 player mode?
some games that you play at the same time work great in cocktail mode, but others  are too tiny.
is there any way to player 1 go first, then flips the screen to player 2?i know some other frontends have it.


General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 19, 2017, 08:44:51 PM »
ok, so i am making major headway..

The only problem i have now besides the theme images not being scaled right, is the ability to have 1 master favorite list.

I have mame, and mame1 (mame1 is my Killer instinct and a few other ones). 

So have my main favorites, than like 20 favorites on the other emulator mame1
is there any way to merge favorites from mame and mame1?

General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 19, 2017, 07:51:21 PM »
So I got romlister to work. finally.
Although i noticed a LOT of games got dropped in the mix.
I basically chose all the options, all regions,  but no clones, no samples, and playable.

out of 28,800 games,i get 650, which is totally fine..
but it removed joust for some reason, and im sure others i cant think of right now :)

General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 19, 2017, 07:09:34 PM »
Running windows 10.

So i have  onyx theme running, and its perfect, except the background image is so big, not scaled the right way i need it.
OTher than that, its totally playable.

I went ahead and paid for the service for EMUmovies (i have more money than time haha) and it spent hours overnight comparing my media images, movies, banners, etc.. matching them all. worked perfectly.

So now the ONLY thing left to do is trim the fat on these games.. 28,000 games, i may only really need 300 :)

Oh and the reason I still have that old emulator is absolutely killer instinct :)  one of my favorites.

General / Re: New install, couple of questions
« on: June 18, 2017, 07:54:13 PM »
So the Roms im using are from 10_+ years ago that work.. and some i just cant get working on updated ones.

I cant remember the rom set i have now, but its only a month or so old, and its massive, 28,000 games i think.. So updating that again, isnt happening haha.

I have tried to use romlister, i just couldnt get it working.

I think the only real option for me is to use the favorites, and use that list of games to keep it shorter.  I really only play 50 anyway, so perhaps I should just stick with the ones I know i like.

One question that comes up is artwork.  Is there anywhere that would have the artwork for all the mame games?  I hate having a beautiful theme like some of you guys make, only to have nothing to show, because the artwork is bad :)
the last time I had a cabinet I used mamewah and did a customer skin (but that was back when i was smarter).
I feel so far behind the times right now :)


General / New install, couple of questions
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:44:11 PM »
Good evening all... I am new (as of today) to this front end, but i like it.

couple of questions.
1. I have 2 versions of mame I use.  one for some other roms that i simply cant get running on newer versions, so I keep an older one around.  Problem is if I try to do the 2nd mame and use artwork, and what not and it doesnt quite work because it doesnt recognize mame1, because it had to be named something different.

2. for the love of pete has anyone figured out a way to purge duplicates?  tens of thousands of roms, I can not go through one by one :) id love a way to just remove duplicates, and non working.  one filter i have set up is working for duplicates, but how can i do versioning too?  so I dont have to see every version as well? maybe thats a start.

3. EDIT - is there any way to scroll by letter or something? with 20,000 games it takes forever to get anywhere, is it simply up and down game by game?

thanks all, this forum is quite good, with nice folks.

Themes / Re: Best Portrait / Vertical / Cocktail Themes?
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:44:36 AM »
SO I am new to AM as of today...
Im finding it a bit more difficult than some other emulators, but the thing Im hoping to get working here that I couldnt with Launchbox is cocktail.
Cocktail theme worked there, but the resolution etc was terrible.

Anyway, dualist doesnt seem to work here..  When i choose it, nothing happens.
Any idea why?


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