Nice, and it will be better if have more modes like 9/16 and 5/4 for vertical cabinets.
Thank you!

To use the vertical format, I would have to restructure the entire layout, which would take a long time. In addition to this, there is the "AMFlash" that I am also developing.
The Vertical cabinet is the icing on the cake that people are looking for. There are few themes in this format. I have a project like that saved in the drawer, but I can't put it into practice because I have 2 unfinished themes.

The theme videos provided here do not have exact colors and brightness. I tried oCam and OBS. What most resembles the theme is when it is recorded in OBS.
If someone knows a better program, that reproduces a recording faithful to what is showing on the screen, thank you.I was able to solve the problem in the OBS configuration. The video for the "Displays Menu" has the colors and sparkles of the original theme.