« Last post by Elaphe666 on Yesterday at 09:23:12 AM »
Hello. I'm new to Attract Mode and I have several questions. I have already made a very simple and minimalistic layout for a resolution of 640x480 and I would like to improve some aspects.
First: is there any way to have a key for menu select and another key for launching games? I see that the "select" option under controls works for both.
Second: I have made a vertical version of my layout (I will rotate my 4:3 CRT monitor). Is there any way I can toggle between the horizontal and the vertical layout with a button/key? My current solution is to use Autohotkey to map a button to perform a series of actions such as copying different versions of attract.cfg in a toggle and restart the frontend.
Third: I am using the popup script to show an imagen with some help information. How can I center it on screen for both my horizontal and vertical layouts? This is the code I have:
class PopUpImage
_my_image = fe.add_image( "help.png", 0, 0 );
fe.add_signal_handler( this, "on_signal" )
function on_signal( signal )
if ( signal == "custom1" )
return true;
return false;
local blah = PopUpImage();