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Messages - arthurvalenca

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
General / Re: [Help]Need help with retroarch command line C#
« on: February 18, 2023, 07:44:42 AM »
Shouldn't there be a space between commandline and rom when you build the command line to execute? Also no need to put the full core path after -L, the mnemonic name of the core is enough, like -L genesis_plus_gx

Code: [Select]
private void StartGame()
            string rom = @"ROMFILES\" + RomfilesList.Text + ".zip";
            string emulator = @"EMULATOR\retroarch.exe";
            string commandline = "-L genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll" + " " + rom ;

            if (!File.Exists(emulator))
                MessageBox.Show("Emulator is required to continue.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                Process.Start(emulator, "\"" + commandline);

I tried that way but it didn't work, it just opens the emulator but no games, could you give me an example?

General / [Help]Need help with retroarch command line C#
« on: February 16, 2023, 02:22:05 PM »
I'm trying to start games in the retroarch emulator from command lines for retroarch but it's not working out very well, I think the problem is in the command line that calls the core. I can even open the emulator but it doesn't load the core or the game, if anyone can help me I would be grateful. Below is the code I'm trying to make work.

Code: [Select]
private void StartGame()
    string rom = @"ROMFILES\" + RomfilesList.Text + ".zip";
    string emulator = @"EMULATOR\retroarch.exe";
    string commandline = @"-L EMULATOR\cores\genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll";

            if (!File.Exists(emulator))
                MessageBox.Show("Emulator is required to continue.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                Process.Start(emulator, "\"" + commandline + rom);

Scripting / Re: [RELEASE] Tools for AttractMode
« on: February 13, 2023, 08:38:42 AM »
Having Trojan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-\


I think your antivirus is paranoid, or it's finding a horn on a horse's head, there's no virus in the files, ask Jedione for an opinion, he'll tell you something.

Scripting / [RELEASE] Tools for AttractMode
« on: February 12, 2023, 04:09:41 PM »
Hello everybody! Below I will leave some tools that I developed to make life easier for those who like to have game information and game descriptions, everything is based on gamelist.xml that is downloaded by the tool from the ScreenScraper site, I hope that someone can enjoy the tools.

*Convert gamelist.xml to romlist.txt

*Convert gamelist.xml to overview

*Romlist Editor

*Image, Videos and Roms Comparer


Themes / Re: AM High Score HD (Hi-Res) Theme 2.4.1 (Finial Build)
« on: June 24, 2021, 05:48:15 PM »
Man, link broken.

Generally for this to work well the arts must use the same names as roms, if it's different it won't appear

Ex: Rom = - Snap = astrobat.mp4

I advise you to use this:

General / [HELP] Custom overlay Menu
« on: March 14, 2021, 07:46:55 AM »
Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is any way to transform the default configuration menu, which comes in the AM, in a personalized menu, I know that Favorites, Tag's and Exit Attractmode can, but I have been breaking my head for many days and not I can come up with a solution, could someone help?

this works well with Favorites, Tags and Exit AttractMode.

Code: [Select]
## Menu Overall Surface ##

local overlaySurface = fe.add_surface(flw,flh);
overlaySurface.visible = false;

// translucent background
local overlayBackground = overlaySurface.add_image("images/overlaymenu/black.png",flx*0.0,fly*0.0,flw,flh);
overlayBackground.alpha = 240;

// create extra surface for the menu
local overlayMenuSur = overlaySurface.add_surface(flx*0.600,fly*0.800);
overlayMenuSur.set_pos(flw*0.290,flh*0.210); //tamanho da caixa
overlayMenuSur.add_image("images/overlaymenu/menuframe.png",flx*0.060,fly*0.085,flw*0.300,flh*0.250); // Add the menu frame

local overlay_lb = overlayMenuSur.add_listbox(flx*0.065,fly*0.100,flw*0.291,flh*0.200); //Add the listbox
overlay_lb.rows = 3; // the listbox will have 6 slots
overlay_lb.charsize  = 32;
overlay_lb.font="Geforce Bold";
overlay_lb.set_rgb( 128, 128, 128 );
overlay_lb.align = Align.Centre;
//overlay_lb.sel_style = Style.Bold;
overlay_lb.set_sel_rgb( 111, 174, 0 );
overlay_lb.set_selbg_rgb( 0, 0, 0 );

local overlayMenuTitle = overlayMenuSur.add_text("",flx*0.010,fly*-0.125,flw*0.400,flh*0.35); //Add the menu title
overlayMenuTitle.charsize=35; = Style.Bold;

local overlayBartop = overlaySurface.add_image("images/overlaymenu/arrow.gif"); //add the bartop picutre

// Show the up time
local ut = overlaySurface.add_text( "ELASPED TIME: ", flx*0.512, fly*0.515, flw*0.100, flh*0.024 );
ut.set_rgb( 190, 190, 190 );
ut.align = Align.Right;

local ut = overlaySurface.add_text( "", flx*0.607, fly*0.515, flw*0.055, flh*0.024 );
ut.set_rgb( 255, 165, 0 );
ut.align = Align.Left;
ut.charsize= 14;
ut.font = "Geforce Light";

General / Re: [HELP] Function Switch Case
« on: February 23, 2021, 03:26:37 PM »
When the display is changed, the layout is loaded/reloaded (if I recall correctly). You can use the name of the display to load a graphic with the same name as the display. In this example a display called  "Arcade" would load "Arcade.png", if named "Nintendo Entertainment System" then it would load "Nintendo Entertainment System.png".

Code: [Select]
local display =
local display_background = fe.add_image(display + ".png" , 0, 0, fe.layout.width, fe.layout.height)

function on_signal( sig )
    switch ( sig )
        case "up":
            fe.signal( "prev_display" );
            return true;

        case "down":
            fe.signal( "next_display" );
            return true;
    return false;
fe.add_signal_handler(this, "on_signal");

Big thanks,
this really was what I expected

General / [HELP] Function Switch Case
« on: February 20, 2021, 05:48:12 AM »
Hello, I need help basically what i would like to do and when i press the key up or down change the platform in attractmode and when change the platform the code by [DisplayName] show the background image referring to the selected platform, could someone help me with this code

Code: [Select]
function on_signal( sig ){

switch ( sig )
case "up":
fe.signal( "prev_display" );
return true;

case "down":
fe.signal( "next_display" );
return true;
return false;
fe.add_signal_handler(this, "on_signal");


function layout_transitions(ttype, var, ttime) {
case Transition.ToNewList:
            switch ([DisplayName])
case "Arcade":

local ar = fe.add_image ( "images/arcade.png", flx*0.0, fly*0.0, flw, flh );


case "Sega Genesis":

local sg = fe.add_image ( "images/sega genesis.png", flx*0.0, fly*0.0, flw, flh );

return false;

Scripting / [Script] Create a quick favorite list
« on: January 21, 2021, 04:17:56 AM »
Here is a script that will help many people to easily and quickly create the list of favorites with file backup, this script was developed by a member of the forum "StackOverflow BR" All credits of the script to the friend "It Wasn't Me", basically you should copy the code below and save it as .bat or .cmd, change to the path of your "Romlists", where the .tag files are stored and execute the script.

Original Version Full Speed Link:

Code: [Select]
@echo off

set /a "_tag=0"
set /a "_num=0"

rem *Place " " Place the path of your romlist folder.

cd /d "D:\AM-2.6.1\Romlists"

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

echo=    AM Favorites Romlist Generator Script for Windows
echo=      Created by - It Wasn't Me - StackOverflow BR   

if not exist .\favorites.txt (
      set /p "'= - Cretating .\Favorites.txt File.."<nul
    )  else (
      set /p "'= - Backing up your old Favorites.txt: "<nul
      move /y .\Favorites.txt .\Favorites.txt.backup 2>nul >nul
      if %errorlevel% equ 0 echo\Done^!!
echo/- Gathering list of your Favorites: Tags-Files

(echo #Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons;Series;Language;Region;Rating) > Favorites.txt

for %%G in (*.tag)do (
     set /a "_tag+=1"
     for /f useback^delims^= %%i in (`more "%%~G"`)do (
         set/p "'=- ROM Found in File %%~nxG: %%~i"<nul
         find "%%~i;" <"%%~nG.txt" >>".\Favorites.txt"
         if %errorlevel% equ 0 set /a "_num=!_num!+1"

set /a "_num=!_num! + 1000"
set /a "_tag=!_tag! + 1000"

call echo/- Romlist Files [tag=txt]: !_tag:~-3!
echo/- Favorites added to Disc: !_num:~-3!
echo/- ROMlist .\Favorites.txt: New

echo/- is Done!.. & timeout 5|findstr /ec:\.\Favorites\.txt "%~f0"
goto :EOF

General / Re: [HELP] Create Favorites List batch file
« on: January 17, 2021, 10:25:59 AM »
Resolved or code was incomplete, after several tests I was able to solve the problem now and create a list of favorite games from any platform.

PS: If you use it on the C:\ disk you should keep it like this: cd "C:\AM-2.6.1\romlists\"

PS1: If you use it on the D:\, E:\ or Other disk you should keep it like this: cd /d "D:\AM-2.6.1\romlists\"

Correct Script Below copy and save as .bat or .cmd and put it in your attractmode folder:

Code: [Select]
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
rem ================================================================================
rem This script basically does the same thing as DM's favorites romlist generator
rem but on Windows [Shouts to him for the pi version ;)].
rem How it works:
rem It grabs all the (tagged) favorites from every tag file, searches for them
rem through all the romlists, then generates a romlist called Favorites.txt
rem Written by Steve Sherrod, 05/20/17, as part of project HyperPie Expanded
rem     Modified, Implemented and Optimized by 17/01/2021 arthurvalenca.
rem ================================================================================

rem Default path (on windows). This should point to your attract modes romlists dir

cd /d "D:\AM-2.6.1\romlists\"

echo ==========================================================
echo     AM favorites romlist generator script for Windows
echo ==========================================================

rem remove the old Favorites.txt and create the backup

echo - Backup old Favorites.txt file
if not exist "Favorites_Backup\" mkdir Favorites_Backup
if exist Favorites.txt (
copy Favorites.txt Favorites_Backup\Favorites_bak.txt
del Favorites.txt

echo - Gathering list of favorites (tag files)

set /a numfavorites=0
set /a romlist=0

(echo #Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons;Series;Language;Region;Rating) > Favorites.txt

rem loop through each tag file

for %%f in (*.tag) do (
echo - Processing tag file: %%~nf.tag
set /a numtagfiles=numtagfiles+1

rem loop through favorites stored in tag file

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type "%%~nf.tag"') do (
set /a numfavorites=numfavorites+1
set favorite=%%a
echo - Searching rom list: %%~nf.txt for rom: %%a

rem loop through each rom file and parse favorited (tagged) roms

for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('type "%%~nf.txt"') do (
set /a romlist=romlist+1
set str=%%s

rem Search current line (for current favorite substring) and if found, append it to Favorites.txt

echo."!str!" | findstr /C:"%%a">nul && (
echo !str!>>"Favorites.txt"

echo - Favorites.txt romlist generated. !numtagfiles! romlists read, !numfavorites! favorites written to disk
echo - Done
echo Add a display in Attract Mode and set its romlist to the newly created Favorites.txt

General / [HELP] Create Favorites List batch file
« on: January 16, 2021, 09:18:30 PM »
At times I tried to use this script but I was unsuccessful, I configured the path it asks for and put it in the romlist folder, but when I try to create a list from that .bat it reads Arcade.tag it writes inside a Favorites.txt file but when he goes to read the next EX platform: Sega Genesis.tag or Super Nintendo.tag he returns me a message:

Code: [Select]
   AM favorites romlist generator script for Windows
- Backing up old Favorites.txt file
- Gathering list of favorites (tag files)
- Processing tag file: Arcade.tag
- Searching rom list: Arcade.txt for rom: 64street
- Favorites.txt romlist generated. 1 romlists read, 1 favorites written to disk
- Done

Add a display in Attract Mode and set its romlist to the newly created Favorites.txt
- Processing tag file: Sega Genesis.tag
- Searching rom list: Sega Genesis.txt for rom: Duke Nukem 3D (Brazil)
FINDSTR: could not open Nukem
FINDSTR: could not open 3D
FINDSTR: could not open (Brazil)
FINDSTR: could not open Nukem
FINDSTR: could not open 3D

Code: [Select]
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
rem ================================================================================
rem This script basically does the same thing as DM's favorites romlist generator
rem but on Windows [Shouts to him for the pi version ;)].
rem How it works:
rem It grabs all the (tagged) favorites from every tag file, searches for them
rem through all the romlists, then generates a romlist called Favorites.txt
rem Written by Steve Sherrod, 05/20/17, as part of project HyperPie Expanded
rem ================================================================================

rem Default path (on windows). This should point to your attract modes romlists dir
cd "D:\AM\romlists\"

echo ==========================================================
echo     AM favorites romlist generator script for Windows
echo ==========================================================

sleep 1

echo - Backing up old Favorites.txt file

rem remove the old Favorites.txt and create the backup
if exist Favorites.txt (
move /y Favorites.txt Favorites.txt.backup

echo - Gathering list of favorites (tag files)

set /a numfavorites=0
set /a romlist=0

rem loop through each tag file
for %%f in (*.tag) do (
echo - Processing tag file: %%~nf.tag
set /a numtagfiles=numtagfiles+1

rem loop through favorites stored in tag file
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type "%%~nf.tag"') do (

set /a numfavorites=numfavorites+1
set favorite=%%a

echo - Searching rom list: %%~nf.txt for rom: %%a

rem loop through each rom file and parse favorited (tagged) roms
for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('type "%%~nf.txt"') do (
set /a romlist=romlist+1
set str=%%s
rem Search current line (for current favorite substring) and if found, append it to Favorites.txt
echo."!str!" | findstr /C:%%a>nul && (
echo "!str!">>"Favorites.txt"

echo - Favorites.txt romlist generated. !numtagfiles! romlists read, !numfavorites! favorites written to disk
echo - Done
echo Add a display in Attract Mode and set its romlist to the newly created Favorites.txt

PS: At the end of the process it only generates the list of arcade favorites, the others are not generated.

Could you help me, please?

General / Re: Q. Emulator RPCS3 Playstation 3
« on: September 25, 2020, 05:06:56 AM »
>taskkill of emulator task:

via external software (like autoit): Here


via NUT script:


>change complete emulator settings (instead using command line).

the folder structure seems always be the same:

use gamefolder as "romfilename"

This should do it (untested):
executable           C:\attract\EMU\PS3\rpcs3.exe
args                 C:\attract\EMU\PS3\ROMS\[name]\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN
rompath              C:\attract\EMU\PS3\ROMS
romext               <DIR>
system               Sony Playstation 3
exit_hotkey          Escape

The command
Code: [Select]
taskkill /F /IM rpcs3.exehas no effect on the rpcs3.exe emulator, it does not kill the process, nor does it run directly at the command prompt giving the Access denied message, as the last alternative I will try a combination in ALT + F4 JoyToKey and put the result here .

I mapped the joyToKey to when I press Select + Start it would do the ALT + F4 function I left the JoyToKey open I started the emulator I pressed the two buttons on my control and nothing happened, it seems that when it starts this emulator it overlaps over all programs that when it is open it does not let anything run, this also happened with scripts in autoit the script remains open but when the key is pressed to close the emulator nothing happens, after clicking on the desktop with the mouse and running the script it correctly closes the game.

Autoit Scripts Send ALT+F4:
Code: [Select]
ShellExecute("D:\AM-2.6.1\Emuladores\PS3 Emulator\rpcs3.exe", '"D:\AM-2.6.1\Games\Sony Playstation 3\Alone in the Dark Inferno BLUS30232\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN" ', "open")

while 1
sleep (100)

Func fechar()
Local $fechar,$fechar2
$fechar = processExists("rpcs3.exe")
   if $fechar then


would anyone else have any ideas for this emulator?

General / Re: Q. Emulator RPCS3 Playstation 3
« on: September 24, 2020, 12:33:24 PM »
Working on my end. Try running this code in cmd from rpcs3 directory (if roms are in d:\ps3\roms and u have demon souls in there).

rpcs3 "D:\ps3\roms\Demon Souls\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN".

Make sure directory/ filename is correct. Since no central database for ps3 yet, it might be eboot.bin or EBOOT.bin or EBOOT.BIN.

Ignore that ^ just checked and rpcs3 does not support .lnk (must have mistaken it with some other em, sorry).

You should make alternate emulator entries for each item since the game ID will be different and one argument won't work on other titles. In am/romlists create a new folder named exactly as the emulator.cfg for sony ps3 (lest say its sony_ps3) in that folder create a cfg file for each game you have in collection. Only create a single entry for arg:

Code: [Select]
args                 "Absolute\Path\to\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"'

Edit emultaor.cfg for ps3 and use replace .lnk in romext with .bin.

Code: [Select]
@echo off

"D:\AM-2.6.1\Emulators\PS3 Emulator\rpcs3.exe" "D:\AM-2.6.1\Games\Sony Playstation 3\Alone in the Dark Inferno BLUS30232\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"

Work, but....

this command does not close the game, would you have any alternative for that?

General / Re: Q. Emulator RPCS3 Playstation 3
« on: September 23, 2020, 02:15:21 PM »
Hello everyone, I've been looking here on the forum for arguments for playstation 3 games on attractmode but I haven't found anything about it, the doubt is anyone would have the arguments to make available?

Create a separate directory "Links" in rom folder. Create links for each game's EBOOT.BIN, it exists in [name]\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN and place them in the \Links

Links is just example, name it anything you want. You can also create a direct command in "args" by using [name]\USRDIR\EBOOT but I am not sure if it would work with non disc items and disc items with updates. Use the following in emulator.cfg >

Code: [Select]
executable          Path\to\rpcs3.exe
args                 "[romfilename]"
rompath              Path\To\Roms\Links\
romext               .lnk

did not work

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