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Messages - Oomek

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Scripting / Re: New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 18, 2018, 04:35:20 AM »
Hmm, i still don’t see any benefit of using it. Isn’t using a console version quicker in debugging?

Scripting / Re: New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 18, 2018, 02:33:42 AM »
Your exe is not compatible with :

Code: [Select]
if (fe.load_module("Debug")) log <- Log();

Not run with my theme layout and not shows "last_run.log" file.

Can you explain what is the purpose and describe the functionality of that plugin?

General / Re: Help to compile attract-mode in windows 10 64bits
« on: June 17, 2018, 07:01:08 PM »
I’m pretty sure you are refering to building with mingw. I’m talking about native VS compiler.

Yes, that's correct but it's what is mentioned in the original post.

Well, that's embarrassing , I indeed forgot what the first post was about :)

General / Re: Help to compile attract-mode in windows 10 64bits
« on: June 17, 2018, 01:13:46 PM »
I’m pretty sure you are refering to building with mingw. I’m talking about native VS compiler.

Scripting / Re: New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 17, 2018, 01:06:13 PM »
Your exe is not compatible with :

Code: [Select]
if (fe.load_module("Debug")) log <- Log();

Not run with my theme layout and not shows "last_run.log" file.

Thanks, I’ll look into it. Maybe it’s because I renabled the old debug window in the make file. If you compile it from my branch it should work.

Scripting / Re: New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 17, 2018, 01:05:41 PM »
The word "Super" disappears because of the bug? in AM which I’m currently working on I fixed already. If the text does not fit into the box AM cuts the sides and leaves only the middle part if word_wrap is enabled. Weird decision, but that’s how it was originally coded.


I asked Andrew to explain if it's whether a bug or feature. I need to know that before I pull the changes to Github.
Below is the video describing that odd behaviour. Both text boxes have default align modes.

Scripting / Re: New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 15, 2018, 10:39:05 AM »
Added the following align modes:

Align.TopLeft, Align.TopRight, Align.TopCentre,
Align.BottomLeft, Align.BottomRight, Align.BottomCentre,
Align.MiddleLeft, Align.MiddleRight, Align.MiddleCentre

The modes:
Align.MiddleLeft, Align.MiddleRight, Align.MiddleCentre

replace the:
Align.Left, Align.Right, Align.Centre

The old align modes:
Align.Left, Align.Right, Align.Centre
are still working like before for compatibility reasons

The old alignment modes were quite unreliable causing random vertical shift depending on the font used.
If your custom font is off vertically and your text aligment is set to Align.Left you just swap it with Align.MiddleLeft and it should be positioned pixel-perfect

Scripting / Re: New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 13, 2018, 05:38:53 PM »
No. It’s a separate fork. I will merge them if there were no issues.

The file was too large, I’ve swapped it with the link to my OneDrive.

Scripting / New feature: vertical text alignment
« on: June 13, 2018, 03:30:53 PM »
I’ve added some additional flags to fe.text.align property

I would like you to test it with your fonts and report if it aligns nicely.
I’m attaching a compiled attract.exe x64 and an example layout for testing!Ag7uFeM0f_fzhOM9Eb2a5bKE6dKv1g

As some of you probably know drawing something on nested surfaces in AM introduces an unwanted artifact, a 1 or more frames of delay in updating the nested surface content.
Luckily I discovered a neat trick that circumvents that.

Here is a code example that draws a game title twice in white colour, and twice in black but on nested surfaces ( with a little offset to make you see the white text underneath )
Just scroll through your game list and observe that the left side is blinking in white, that's the delay I'm referring to as the black title on a nested surface is being drawn with 1 frame delay.
The text on the right is drawn without any delay.

Code: [Select]
// This is an example of how to draw nested surfaces and avoid 1 frame delay ( or more, depending on the nesting level )
// The text on the left is blinking as the white text drawn on fe is updated first,
// then the black text on a surface is drawn on top, but it's late by 1 frame
// On the right the white and black texts are drawn on the same frame

local flw = fe.layout.width
local flh = fe.layout.height

local background = fe.add_text( "", 0, 0, flw, flh )
background.set_bg_rgb( 50, 150, 150 )

// title drawn on fe. in white
local textOnFe1 = fe.add_text( "[Title]", 0, 0, flw/2, 50 )
textOnFe1.align = Align.Left

// title drawn on fe. in white
local textOnFe2 = fe.add_text( "[Title]", flw/2, 0, flw/2, 50 )
textOnFe2.align = Align.Left

// SURFACE WITHOUT DELAY ( on the right )
local nestedSurface2 = fe.add_surface( flw/2, 50 )

// title drawn on nested surface in black
local txtsu2 = nestedSurface2.add_text( "[Title]", 0, 0, flw/2, 50 )
txtsu2.align = Align.Left
txtsu2.set_rgb( 0, 0, 0 )

// main surface on which both nested surfaces are drawn
local mainSurface = fe.add_surface( flw, 50 )

// shift the main surface by 2 pixes so you can see the white text underneath
mainSurface.set_pos( 0, 1 )

nestedSurface2.visible = false
nestedSurface2 = mainSurface.add_clone( nestedSurface2 )
nestedSurface2.visible = true

// position nested surface to the right
nestedSurface2.set_pos( flw/2, 0 )

// SURFACE WITH DELAY ( on the left )
local nestedSurface1 = mainSurface.add_surface( flw/2, 50 )

// title drawn on nested surface in black
local txtsu1 = nestedSurface1.add_text( "[Title]", 0, 0, flw/2, 50 )
txtsu1.align = Align.Left
txtsu1.set_rgb( 0, 0, 0 )

// do something at tick() so the screen keeps updating
function tick(ttime) {
mainSurface.x = 0
fe.add_ticks_callback( "tick" )

General / Re: Set default video/image
« on: June 09, 2018, 12:24:47 PM »
Name it with your emulator name and put it in the snaps folder i.e. mame.png snes9x.png or pcsx.png

General / Re: Help to compile attract-mode in windows 10 64bits
« on: June 07, 2018, 07:04:50 AM »
Two weeks ago I asked myself, is it possible to compile AM natively using the Visual Studio compiler ( not just by using VS IDE as a wrapper for make from msys) so I opened the project and started squishing those tons of errors. I gave up after 3 days.
It’s way over my single head, but what If I posted it on github so anyone can contribute? Maybe it’s doable?

Themes / Re: Ambience HD theme [WIP]
« on: June 06, 2018, 07:13:52 AM »
The menus are part of the theme. But (if Andrew agrees) the goal is to refresh the whole AM menu system in the future, because it feels a bit ancient. This is just one of the ideas for it.

Themes / Re: Ambience HD theme [WIP]
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:50:15 AM »
Amazing job Oomek!  But I think it would be well worth swapping out the vertical filter list to a system list instead!
If you can swap between systems it would eliminate the need for a separate System Menu!

That’s not going to happen. I extensively use filters and mainly use Mame.
I can add systems menu later activated with a button.

Themes / Re: Ambience HD theme [WIP]
« on: June 04, 2018, 08:48:01 AM »
Is there a chance for a 4: 3 version?

Yes, it will scale to all horizontal ratios.

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