despite the path is right I don't see pictures and video for games, mi potete aiutare?
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable G:/Mega Collection AM/emulators/mame 0.196/mame64.exe
args [name] -skip_gameinfo -nowindow
rompath G:/Mega Collection AM/collections/Outrun Collection
romext .zip;.chd;.7z
system Outrun Collection
info_source scummvm
import_extras G:/Mega Collection AM/catver.ini
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork flyer $PROGDIR/collections/Outrun Collection/flyer
artwork marquee $PROGDIR/collections/Outrun Collection/marquee
artwork snap $PROGDIR/collections/Outrun Collection/video;$PROGDIR/collections/Outrun Collection/snap
artwork cover $PROGDIR/collections/Outrun Collection/cover
artwork wheel $PROGDIR/collections/Outrun Collection/wheel