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General / $PROGDIR variable not working on Attract Mode for MacOS
« on: January 13, 2021, 02:26:20 PM »
Hi all! I'm a new member here, and I apologize for my first post being a support request.

I have experience working with the settings of AM and have built a multi-system cabinet with it running on windows.
However, now I want to use most of what I built on MacOS but am having problems with the $PROGDIR variable, which does not seem to work on my MacOS setup.
My wheel art and other menu-art/videos do not load when using the $PROGDIR variable, however, as soon as I change that to absolute path, it runs without a problem

The code sample below is the console output of running attract mode. I understand the emulator I selected for this representation is a windows .exe file, but for the purpose of the demonstration should suffice, where my intent is to show that the $PROGDIR variable is being replaced by an empty string

Code: [Select]
Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (OSX, SFML 2.5.1 +FontConfig +SWF +Curl)
avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: /Volumes/MediaBackup/Games/emu/Attract/attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'Sega Genesis'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Sega Genesis' in 72 ms (733 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (1466 comparisons)
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
 ! Unexpectedly lost focus to: Unknown
Attract-Mode Version: v2.6.1
Screen aspect ratio: 16x10
Resolution: 2880x1800
Shader GLSL available: 1
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][res_x] : 1920
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][res_y] : 1200
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][maskFactor] : 1.9
 - Loaded layout: /Volumes/MediaBackup/Games/emu/Attract/layouts/Sega Genesis/ (layout.nut)
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (12 comparisons)
Attract-Mode Version: v2.6.1
Screen aspect ratio: 16x10
Resolution: 2880x1800
Shader GLSL available: 1
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][res_x] : 1920
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][res_y] : 1200
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][maskFactor] : 1.9
 - Loaded layout: /Volumes/MediaBackup/Games/emu/Attract/layouts/Favourites/ (layout.nut)

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index '0' does not exist]

*FUNCTION [system_stats()] /Volumes/MediaBackup/Games/emu/Attract/layouts/Favourites/layout.nut line [1220]

[curr_sys] "Displays Menu"
[ttime] 0
[var] 2
[ttype] 0
[this] TABLE
Script Error in transition function: system_stats - the index '0' does not exist

*** Initializing display: 'Sega Genesis'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Sega Genesis' in 13 ms (733 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (1466 comparisons)
Attract-Mode Version: v2.6.1
Screen aspect ratio: 16x10
Resolution: 2880x1800
Shader GLSL available: 1
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][res_x] : 1920
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][res_y] : 1200
using settings[16x10][aspectDepend][maskFactor] : 1.9
 - Loaded layout: /Volumes/MediaBackup/Games/emu/Attract/layouts/Sega Genesis/ (layout.nut)
Warning: could not locate rom.  Best guess: /emulators/Sega Genesis/roms/Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (J).zip
 - Working directory: /emulators/Sega Genesis/
*** Running: /emulators/Sega Genesis/Fusion.exe "/emulators/Sega Genesis/roms/Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (J).zip" -gen -fullscreen
Warning, chdir(/emulators/Sega Genesis/) failed.
Error executing: /emulators/Sega Genesis/Fusion.exe "/emulators/Sega Genesis/roms/Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (J).zip" -gen -fullscreen
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (12 comparisons)

Here is my "Sega Genesis.cfg" emulator config file.

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable           $PROGDIR/emulators/Sega Genesis/Fusion.exe
args                 "[romfilename]" -gen -fullscreen
workdir              $PROGDIR/emulators/Sega Genesis/
rompath              $PROGDIR/emulators/Sega Genesis/roms/
romext               .zip
system               Sega Genesis
exit_hotkey          Joy0 Button9
pause_hotkey         P+RAlt
artwork    boxart          $PROGDIR/menu-art/Sega Genesis/boxart/
artwork    flyer           $PROGDIR/menu-art/Sega Genesis/flyer/
artwork    marquee         $PROGDIR/menu-art/Sega Genesis/marquee/
artwork    snap            $PROGDIR/menu-art/Sega Genesis/snap/
artwork    video           $PROGDIR/menu-art/Sega Genesis/video/
artwork    wheel           $PROGDIR/menu-art/Sega Genesis/wheel/

My question is, does the $PROGDIR variable work on AM for MacOS?


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