Attract-Mode Support > Themes

Unified Theme - theme conversion of Big Box Unified

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Hey group,

I converted the Big Box theme called “Unified” (which is itself a port of the prior Hyperspin themes) into an Attract Mode layout. I also added in many more Collections PNGs to the layout.

There are two.

unified_menu       use for the displays menu (and sub-menus if using a nested menu mode)
unified_systems       use for all system/collections displays

EDIT: New theme with overview game descriptions

unified_systems_overview     use for all system/collections displays

It uses the system snaps (/menu-art/snap) full screen so make sure you are using high enough quality MP4 files so they don’t look all pixelated.

I use the 16x9 HD unified snaps from EmuMovies for my systems. 

The layouts are pretty simple, not much to them since they use MP4’s full screen, but it does look nice on my Windows PC machine’s Attract Mode setup.

I added the game's boxart/cartart images like the Big Box theme has (check your AM emulator config files to add the boxart and cartart file paths if needed).  They can be static or have animation via the layout options.

It does follow the Hyperspin/EmuMovies naming convention for system display names ... so you may have to adjust either your display's name or the filenames of the various PNG's to match.

I'm sure the layout.nut files could be enhanced, but it seemed to work pretty well for me.  So if you tweak it, please upload your changes!

Here’s the download link:

--9-28-2018 edit--

Download from Github (click on the Green button and select download as ZIP).

main menu theme/layout

systems menu theme/layout

systems menu theme/layout with overview game descriptions

Overview files to show game descriptions...

These files should be placed in a sub-folder within Attract Mode with the following folder structure.

Attract Mode/scraper/(system)/overview

A special scraper/system folder (@) includes overview files to show a synopsis of various systems.

Here's a Github repo with a large amount of Overview files for various systems.

Click on the green Clone/Download button
Download the ZIP file
Copy the scraper folder's contents to the Attract Mode scraper folder.

Youtube Demos:

Long play demo:

Nicely done! Thank you for sharing this  :D

looking great! Going to give it a try :)

Good stuff! :)

Noticed one thing you can improve if you want. The box and cart art animations could have a transition setting so that the animation and display of the art only starts on transition.EndNavigation. This would improve navigation speed a lot and look cleaner imho.

// Box art to display, uses the emulator.cfg path for boxart image location

if ( my_config["enable_gboxart"] == "Yes" )
::OBJECTS <- {
 boxart = fe.add_artwork("boxart", flx*0.5, fly*-2, flw*0.325, flh*0.6 ),

OBJECTS.boxart.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
OBJECTS.boxart.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
if ( my_config["enable_gboxart"] == "Yes" )
//Animation for Global & Expert Mode
local move_transition1 = {
  when = Transition.EndNavigation ,property = "y", start = fly*-2, end = fly*0.275, time = 750, tween = Tween.Back

animation.add( PropertyAnimation( OBJECTS.boxart, move_transition1 ) );

if ( my_config["enable_gcartart"] == "Yes" )
::OBJECTS <- {
 cartart = fe.add_artwork("cartart", flx*2, fly*0.625, flw*0.25, flh*0.255 ),

OBJECTS.cartart.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
OBJECTS.cartart.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
if ( my_config["enable_gcartart"] == "Yes" )
//Animation for Global & Expert Mode
local move_transition1 = {
  when = Transition.EndNavigation ,property = "x", start = flx*2, end = flx*0.625, time = 750, tween = Tween.Back
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( OBJECTS.cartart, move_transition1 ) );

Bumped the release to version 3.0 now.

Fixed a few small things as well as added a couple of extra options.

The unified_systems can now have a straight vertical wheel or a curved vertical wheel.

I've got a few more ideas to implement ... just gotta find time to do it.


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