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Messages - treme

Pages: [1]
Emulators / Re: MSU MD
« on: August 27, 2023, 09:42:29 AM »
Well, searching the forum in the Various emulator settings section, I have seen the arg of the snes MSU1 running under the bsnes core in retroarch, and I have tried to use the same arg that it uses in the snes one in the MSU of megadrive, and it works perfectly

Emulators / MSU MD
« on: August 27, 2023, 03:15:14 AM »
Hello, I'm trying to integrate the MSU of Megadrive through retroarch in Attract Mode, but I can't get it to start. The games are each in their folder, I have configured it as follows:

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.7.0
executable           G:\AM\emuladores\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
args                 -f -L G:\AM\emuladores\RetroArch\cores\genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath              G:\AM\emuladores\RetroArch\roms\msu md\
romext               <DIR>;.md
system               Sega MSU MD
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    boxart          G:\AM\medias\msu md\boxart
artwork    cartart         G:\AM\medias\msu md\cartart
artwork    snap            G:\AM\medias\msu md\video

It doesn't work that way. Now, if I remove the 3 files from the folder, the BIN+cue+md does work, but of course, there are some games that use Track instead of using the BIN, and if I put them all outside the folders will start to be overwritten. Outside of Attract Mode, using only retroarch, it works perfect

Scripting / Re: Change the background when changing systems
« on: March 31, 2022, 02:42:09 AM »
Thank you very much, the music thing in the main menu is more than anything because I have put images and there is only one image left, for the systems I usually use the sound of the video snaps.

I'll take a look at the link and Kent's theme.


Scripting / Re: Change the background when changing systems
« on: March 30, 2022, 11:21:04 PM »
Thank you very much, I tried what you explained to me, but either I didn't place it where I should or it didn't work for me.
In the end I got it without placing the command you gave me, more or less I had it right, I just had to change something and it worked.

Now I will continue investigating how to put background music and place icons that move


Scripting / Change the background when changing systems
« on: March 30, 2022, 07:08:24 AM »
Hello, first I apologize for any spelling mistakes, I don't speak English very well and I'm using a translator.

After knowing how Attract mode works as well as I could, I wanted to go on to make a Theme to learn a little more.

I have made some to see how the nut file works and all that and I have managed to make some, simple but functional
Now I was trying to do something, which I can't make it work, because from the menu an image appears in the background of the system that is selected, the problem is that if I change the system, the background image doesn't change and What I want is for it to change, if I'm in the megadrive system, a megadrive comes out in the background, but if I change to the nintendo system, a nintendo comes out in the background

If someone can tell me how this can be done, I would appreciate it, if you need anything, whether it is the layout.nut or how I have the files placed, please tell me and I will put it

Thank you very much

Hi, I hope the project continues.
Wouldn't it be possible for you to upload it to test it so that we can test it to see that everything works well? In this way, if we find errors, they can be corrected

Themes / Re: Elegante theme showcase [example video and screenshots] [WIP]
« on: September 04, 2021, 06:55:30 PM »
Muy buen trabajo, te ha quedado todo muy bien, con muchas opciones y tirando por lo funcional mas que por lo visual(en tema de no poner videos y cosas asi).

Esto se puede descargar de algún lado para echarle un ojo?


Emulators / Re: Amiga CD32
« on: August 31, 2021, 07:37:19 AM »
Hello, thanks for answering, I have seen your setting and I have tried it ... but it has gotten worse, yes, start the game Alien Breed Tower Assault, the screen to choose the tower assault or breed 2 appears, I choose one and the screen remains black, then I have tried some other game more than if they worked for me before and now they do not work, so what I have done is delete the emulator and put it back in, I have put the ARG back as I had it I put it at the beginning, I have tried the games and they work, so I have tried Tower Assault again and now it starts everything. I must have touched something in the emulator that made this game not start. So now after putting it in the emulator again everything works correctly with my ARG

Emulators / Amiga CD32
« on: August 28, 2021, 04:05:52 PM »
Hi, I just integrated this system to AM with the FS UAE emulator, I have gone crazy until I finally managed to make it work, since I had never used it.

To configure it I have done it as follows:

Code: [Select]
executable D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ System \ FS-UAE \ Windows \ x86-64 \ fs-uae.exe
args --amiga-model = CD32 --kickstart_ext_file = "D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ kickstarts \ CD32 Extended-ROM rev 40.60 (1993) (Commodore) (CD32) .rom" --kickstart_file = "D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ kickstarts \ Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.60 (1993) (Commodore) (CD32) .rom "--fullscreen --cdrom_drive_0 =" [romfilename] "
rompath D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ roms
romext .zip
system Amiga CD 32
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork boxart D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ boxart
artwork cartart D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ cartart
artwork snap D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ videos
artwork wheel D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ wheels

The games games start perfectly and without problems, only there is one, for the moment that I have tried, that fails, the alien breed tower assault.

It starts up, the system logo comes out, I wait for it to load and the logo comes out again, and so on until I get bored and quit because the game doesn't even start.

Looking for the problem, I have read something that the insertion of the CD ROM needs to be delayed.

The emulator that I downloaded turns out that it has several executables, I use the one that does not use GUI, but if I look at the executable that uses GUI, there is an option called delay when inserting the cd rom.

The question is how I can activate that option from the argument if it can or should be done there, or if it has to be activated from another site


Hello, first thanks for the contribution.

I am trying to download the mega Fanart file, but it is down, is there any possibility to upload it again?

General / Re: Attract mode does not start
« on: January 26, 2021, 10:04:57 AM »
As I said when downloading the 32-bit version of AM if it works, which the 64-bit version did not work, well once you have started the 32-bit AM, I don't know why or ask me, but you take it, you close the AM 32 and then you start the 64-bit AM, everything works perfect, even then, if you have deleted the 32-bit AM folder, everything works correctly again

General / Re: Attract mode does not start
« on: January 26, 2021, 09:14:22 AM »
Another test that I have done, instead of downloading the 64-bit version of AM, I have downloaded the 32-bit version ... and with this, from my pc, W10 and the latest version of the Nvidia drivers, if it works, have if the problem is with the 64 bits version of AM

General / Re: Attract mode does not start
« on: January 26, 2021, 08:46:27 AM »
Well, in the end it seems to me that I already know where the shots are going.

Thanks to a person who has the same (and that is why I have found out that it did not work for me), he contacted me through my YouTube channel in case I knew the solution.

When I saw that the same thing happened to me, it was when I got involved to look at why. A little while ago, this same person told me that the problem is due to the Nvidia drivers, if you update to the latest AM version it does not start.

I have taken my son's pc and it turns out that he has a gt750, but the guy had not put drivers or anything, so before doing anything, I have lowered AM on his pc, and it started without problems. Then I lowered the drivers from Nvidia and I have installed them leaving the drivers to the latest version the same as I have on my pc, but the surprise has been that when executing it it has started, the only difference from his pc to mine is the OS, I use W10 and he uses W7.

So logically, the problem must come from the Nvidia drivers running under W10, because in W7 it works perfectly

General / Attract mode does not start
« on: January 25, 2021, 01:05:59 PM »
Hello, I haven't used Attract mode for days and it turns out that today, when I run it, it doesn't do anything, it doesn't start attract mode. I have two, one with version 2.6.0 and the other with 2.6.1, in neither of the two When I double-click the icon it starts up, I have tried to give it compatibility with windows 7 and 8, that it runs as administrator and nothing.
Thinking that it would be something I have configured, I downloaded a new Attract mode, unzipped it, executed it, but it didn't start either.

I would appreciate any solution, I use Windows 10

Thanks and regards

General / Attract Mode on TV CRT
« on: March 02, 2019, 06:04:56 AM »
Hello, firstly, sorry for my English, I do not speak it and for this I am using a translator, I hope you can understand me well.

I have a PC which I am configuring to connect it to a tv crt, the graphic I use is an ATI RADEON HD 6870, which I have installed the calamity drivers so that it emits 15khz

Next I installed the Attract Mode and I configured a couple of systems (Mame and Daphne) to check that everything works properly from an LCD, then I connected the tv crt, I extended the screens and then I placed the second monitor (tv crt ) as the main screen, I execute Attract mode and can be seen running on the tv crt perfectly at a resolution of 640x480.

The problem comes when in the frame resolution options that are all in the second monitor (tv crt) to be able to disconnect the lcd and be able to use only the crt, I execute Attract mode and loses the synchronic seeing nothing but streaks in the crt .

In the compatibility mode I have also marked it to run at 640x480, but nothing, still nothing.

Is that Attract Mode can not be seen at 640x480?any idea where the problem might be?

Thank you

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