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Topics - bionictoothpick

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Emulators / Visual Pinball Clean Escape (AutoIt)
« on: February 25, 2016, 02:48:05 AM »
Here is how to exit Visual Pinball with just the escape key (since by default it brings up the Visual Pinball menu, rather than a direct exit):
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "KillDaWabbit")
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "Terminate")

While 1

Func KillDaWabbit()

Func Terminate()
I found the solution here:

Just rename vpinball8.exe to the version you want to close.

Scripting / 2.0r "preserve_aspect_ratio" setting for entire layout
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:04:20 AM »
How do I add "preserve_aspect_ratio" setting for entire layout?

Emulators / Monitor/TV Orientation
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:42:48 PM »
I've been working on overlays for RetroArch geared to vertical mounted monitors. It seems most people have horizontal monitors and the overlays included with RetroArch don't transfer well to portrait mode. This is similar to the layouts in general for attractmode. While both work the same way, they aren't interchangeable.

General / XML Import Retroplayer Branch of Kodi
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:43:45 AM »
The Zach Morris xml files downloaded via the Retroplayer Branch of Kodi include a category <emu_comment>.  More information about the build is here:

I can build a romlist from the attached xml nearly instantly, but they don't include the <emu_comment>.

I would like to have access to that extra information in Attractmode.

Hopefully someone will point me in the right direction.

Thank you.

Scripting / If support...
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:44:55 AM »
What am I missing: [Emulator] is coming from the layout's selected rom list.

// Try to display graphic for system type.
if ( "[Emulator]" == "mame" )
fe.add_image( "mame.png", 0, 0);
else if ("[Emulator]" == "snes")
{fe.add_image( "snes.png", 0, 0);
else {
fe.add_image( "unknown.png",0,0);

if I use this: textsurface.add_text("[Emulator]",10,10,600,150);
the Emulator is I know the variable is there, I just don't think I am getting if to compare the variable.

Emulators / Retroarch Command Line (Ubuntu 15.10)
« on: December 26, 2015, 07:39:19 PM »
The following works from the command line, but not from within Attractmode:

/usr/bin/retroarch -L /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libretro/ "/home/toothpick/games/n64/test.z64"

I've copied and pasted the text from Attractmode terminal and it will run successfully as well.

Here is the msg: Error executing: retroarch -L /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libretro/ "/home/toothpick/games/n64test.z64"

If I copy and paste the above it will run the rom as intended.


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