Attract-Mode Support > Scripting

Squirrel development environment


I just wondering what kind of development environment you guys using for squirrel?
Ide or some debugging tricks would be nice.

I just use Visual Studio Code with Squirrel Language Highlight extension by Richard Bowker, and Shader languages support by slevesque. I always run attract from the console and mostly use "print" commands for basic debug. Not the best but it works.

I am currently using the code editor. It’s multi platform. Use terminal on Mac, cd to the bin folder within the app package, and execute the bin or launch script directly. It eliminates some errors that have happened on Mac platform. Check out debug plugin. Comes in handy.

Notepad++ with squirrel highlighter plugin...

Thanks for suggestions guys.
I found a Itellij Idea squirrel plugin - its functionality is limited though.
So I guess using AM as a shell and AM console as a output is a way to go!


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