Attract-Mode Support > General

Raspberry Pi Image for Pi2, Pi3 and Pi4 - with RetroPie

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@ floobs I also witnesses this issue with mame some fba comming up as ds logo

Can you provide a screenshot? If its coming up with a DS logo, presumably thats because there is one in the artwork?

@Floobs little to late I wiped my card out due to me having issues as mention in another thread. Sound and controller issue with wireless xbox360 in attract mode.

what it was the marquee and the wheel art that was blank came up with 3ds logo.

I mean I can re upload the roms folders and it should replicate the issue I believe give me 1 hr and I will take some screen shots

using rpi3 and robo betanew skin


I think when you made changes to your /boot/config.txt something got hosed. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Hopefully, your new install solves it. 

Here's a little tip if you guys want to use alternate rom and media paths using floob's image.

As you know, when you launch emulationstation it scans for system roms in this location /home/pi/RetroPie/roms etc... 

But, if you have a lot roms and media there's a good chance your sd card will not have enough space on it. So, adding something like a portable usb drive could be crucial.

To use a usb drive we need to edit a file in emulationstation and change the paths for attract emulator configs.

So, here's what we do. Edit the /etc/emulationstation/es_systems file and change the system paths that you want to use a usb drive. Example, for the mame system, change this line.

Now, when you boot into emulationstation to configure your emulators it should scan the new rom path on the usb drive.

You also want to change the paths for your attract emulator configs as well.   


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