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Messages - couchpotato

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
« on: September 22, 2019, 12:21:53 PM »
Since switching over to Robospin instead of Nevato I've had zero problems with the videos I've got and I'd been having loads of problems with the video files!
I know nevato is based on Robospin but I think it's something to do with how it renders the video snap, could also possibly be scaling or something but I'm having no issues with videos only playing 10 seconds or the frontend locking up!

So, all I did was take the V4 version of robospin and add all the features I need from Nevato. No problems at all at this stage!

Thanks for the tip!

I'll leave this post here for anyone else who has weird problems.

If anyones interested in my hacked up version of robospin I'll post it

General / Re: Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
« on: September 22, 2019, 05:18:27 AM »
How ridiculous of me not to think it might be the theme BUT it appears to be theme related!

I've been using the nevato theme for ages turns out its that theme as I switched to robo spin and it's working fine!

Gah, so stupid I didn't try switching previous just to check!


I'll now try to work out what's causing nevato to fail.
I have edited that theme but nothing to do with the videos though.

General / Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
« on: September 21, 2019, 08:32:39 AM »
On Attract Mode verison 2.5.1 with MMAL enabled, is anyone else experiencing an issue where the video loops after 10 - 11 seconds of play back even if the video is longer that that?

In software mode the play back makes it to the end of the overall video ( e.g 30 seconds ) but it stutters at points with HUGE jumps.

I've rebuilt ffmpeg from source and rebuilt attract mode from source on my rpi3 but I'm just not sure why this is so poor.


General / Re: Saving current filter
« on: September 05, 2019, 11:45:25 AM »
I Found a way to do this that's super dirty and involves hacking the code.

I only cared about the GLOBAL filter as that's the one I have set up to filter out all the clones and other nonsense that cant play on my cab.

I edited the FeRomList::load_romlist method

after the line

Code: [Select]
FeLog() << " - Loaded master romlist '" << m_romlist_name
<< "' in " << load_timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds()
<< " ms (" << m_list.size() << " entries kept, " << m_global_filtered_out_count
<< " discarded)" << std::endl;

add the following:

Code: [Select]

FeLog() << " - Global Filter list start" << std::endl
for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator it=m_list.begin(); it!=m_list.end(); it++)
const std::string &sname = (*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
const std::string &stitle = (*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Title );
FeLog() << sname << "," << stitle << std::endl;
FeLog() << " - Global Filter list end" << std::endl

Now when you run the code the filtered list will appear in the last_run.log. It'll contain the romname and title in a list that you can copy out of the log.
I've copied mine into an excel file so people stop asking me "what's on the arcade cabinet" (mines in our break out room at work ).

I can take the rom list component of the list and now run it through my batch file to identify missing art/video/flyer/marquee and decide whether I want to exclude those from the master rom list OR go hunting for the missing assets.

This MIGHT be a good feature to build into attract mode directly:

The ability to filter out roms if one or more of the assets are missing , so if the video and/or wheel are is missing you might choose to exclude the game from the list. However if just the marquee  or flyer is missing you might want to let that game be displayed and use the default art. However you could also choose to be strict and say all assets have to be present for the rom to appear on the front end.

Just a thought

General / Saving current filter
« on: September 03, 2019, 04:25:09 PM »

I've had a bit of a look around but I've not been able to find any solid information on this.

is there a way to save ALL the roms in the active filter?

I have about 5800+ games over all and they are filtered out by control type, working type , clone etc and the overall list is down to 2300+

I have a script i've written to identify which games are missing assets based on a rom list HOWEVER, I need to a starting list to work from as a lot of the clones etc dont have art so I get a lot of false positives.

So, as I said, is there anyway to save all the roms in the active filter , to a text file. I've not found a plugin for this and I've not found a default button. I don't want to be pressing the add to favourite button 2000+ times

General / running twice
« on: June 29, 2017, 02:55:22 PM »
I use Attract Mode on RetroPi image with emustation disabled on boot in favour of Attract Mode.
I have set up in attract mode to launch adv-mame. Everything works and the game launches and you can play through my cabinet.
However, whilst doing some tweaks to get rgbcommander to work I noticed that i had two instances of invoked, both with the same command line structure. However, I do only end up with one instance of mame running.
is this correct and is it some fork/exec thing that run command is doing or do i have an issue here?

General / Re: Video snaps play for a few seconds then stop. RPI2
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:06:54 AM »
For anyone interested here's a super quick bash script that I'm using on my RPI3 to convert videos so they work with attract mode on that platform with the MMAL mode turned on. Under software mode my videos would play 1-2 seconds and stop and the same videos under MMAL would just be a green screen with sound. I converted one using FFMPEG, compiled on the RPI3 to run in hardware mode, and the result was a working video under both software and hardware playback.

This really simple script just iterates through the videos directory converting the video and placing it in the videos2 directory. If FFMPEG is successful it deletes the original file for space reasons. Obviously you can hack this up anyway you feel fit I'm just presenting what worked for me.  Once it's converted what it can you can copy the files from videos2 back to videos and , as long as your paths are ok, everything should work.

Code: [Select]


for file in ./video/*.mp4
        filename=$(basename "$file")
        ffmpeg -i $file -s 640x480 ./video2/$filename
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]
                echo "Video converted!"
                rm $file
                echo "Failed to convert Video!"
echo "Script completed"

A quick calculation for me was the 500 plus videos I have for my cut down romset of "common" games was about a 4hr conversion time on the RPI3 , you could test this on better hardware obviously.

General / Re: Video snaps play for a few seconds then stop. RPI2
« on: December 30, 2016, 04:51:53 AM »
I just built the latest attract mode and ffmeg from source as per the tutorial for an RPI3. I too am experiencing this issue with a number of the snap videos. I switched over to mmal for testing and, although the intro played fine, now many of the videos that worked just show a corrupted black/grey screen BUT the videos that locked up, at least one of them now plays fine.

Not sure if i'm now missing another switch or option or need to recompile ffmpeg to make this all better :/ any thoughts anyone?

General / Re: [HOW TO] Compile Attract-Mode on your Odroid XU3/XU4
« on: December 29, 2016, 12:58:21 PM »
I know the thread says ODroid XU3/XU4 but has anyone managed to compile the source for the C2.

For me I can get as far as linking attract but it complains about the *OES methods not resolvable by the SFML library and, from what I can tell the OpenGLES library for the C2 doesn't support these methods..

anyone managed to get it to work?

The reason I ask is that although the PPA package works on the platform as soon as you introduce videos the application grinds to a halt so I figured the issue would be due to the Video Decoder options and I've been trying to recompile it to see if it'll make any difference.

if I uses ffplay to play back the intro file it's smooth as butter.
if attract mode plays it back it looks like I'm watching it on a 1992 14k modem connection :/

Any advice here would be awesome.

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