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Messages - progets

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 85
General / Re: Videos set up
« on: May 03, 2022, 05:00:40 PM »
Most layouts (themes) use "snap" artwork for videos. Put the path to your videos there and separate it from the path to your snaps with a semicolon ( ; ). When you do this the layout will show a video if you have it and it will show the snap if you don't.

Code: [Select]
artwork    snap            C:\path\to\videos;C:\path\to\snaps

General / Re: Filter Mame games per driver/source
« on: April 28, 2022, 01:37:34 AM »
There are several ways. If you want something very specific, you need to take the time to make it happen.

What would change in the mame romset? Certainly not the names. Certainly not the system.

You could write a script to create your tag files or romlists to be what you want. You can import romlists or create tag files from other frontend XML files.

BTW - The link I provided does show separate CPS1-2-3.

General / Re: Filter Mame games per driver/source
« on: April 28, 2022, 01:10:51 AM »
You can sort using the "Manufacturer" field.

If you want something more granular you can create tag files for any type of setup you want. Check out this post for examples of tag files for different arcade systems

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi4 - with RetroPie 4.8
« on: April 23, 2022, 11:51:28 PM »
Good to see you, Floob. Thanks for the image. I think you inspired many people with your Pi2/3 image.

General / Re: Adding game info for emulators that are not MAME
« on: April 18, 2022, 01:20:27 AM »
In an ideal world you have entire current mame sets (that contain most consoles too). You can use the "listxml" or "listsoftware" with the proper "System Identifier" and "Additional Import Files" to point to your catver.ini and players.ini files. &

If this isn't the case, you can import most xml files into romlists from the command line. If the xml contains the all the information, you get it in your romlists. If you are importing complete xml files but don't have all the roms, you can create a rule to only show the roms in the romlist that you actually have.

Lastly, you can use the standard builtin method that uses Set AM to use and make sure you set the "System Identifier" to match the name of the system exactly as names them.

Post the first 10 lines of your mame.txt romlist.

General / Re: Newbie installing AM, can you help?
« on: April 03, 2022, 01:12:28 PM »
I recently installed Attract Mode onto my win 10 pc (after binning coinops)
and it's working fine but I have a problem.

None of my mame roms are loading, I downloaded the latest version of mame (0.241)
and I'm wondering if you can tell me which romset I need to get?

I have two complete mame romsets and neither works.
(please bear in mind, I'm not asking where to download them, I know that's against the rules.  I just need to know which set I should get)

Thank you!

Scripting / Re: can you make a video play for each display.
« on: March 21, 2022, 03:42:23 PM »
Read this thread, I think it's what you want.

Since I migrated to AM (Attract Mode) from a different frontend, my setup isn't a typical Attract Mode setup. It's very complex and uses RocketLauncher which isn't required in AM.

If you want to know more read this thread

Key setup doesn't matter as long as you substitute your key verses my key when reading the thread.

I use "F" for the "Filter Menu" because my systems has been setup for a long time and I rarely add favorites.

General / Re: Windows 7 using Attrackmode to launch exe files
« on: March 20, 2022, 12:19:25 AM »
Artwork names need to exactly match the romnames, except for the file extension. Since your romlist names contain "- Shortcut" this is likely your issue. If there isn't an exact match (minus file extension) Attract Mode won't see/find the artwork.

Since you are new to Attract Mode you should read some of the tutorials:

If you read the whole thread you will see that every display you create can/will use the masterlist romlist. You will just create filters, favorites or tags to make each display show what you want. This way there is only one All Systems romlist used and everything is included. You would hide all your regular system displays and use the filters/tags/favorites to make each display show what you want.

I.E. NES display uses a global rule to only show the emulator for NES games.
I.E. NES favorites uses a global rule to only show the emulator for NES game and a second rule for favorites.
I.E. Your Pac Man display uses a global rule to only show Pac Man tagged games.
I.E. Your Mario display users a global rule to only show Mario tagged games.
I.E. Your all favorites display uses a global rule to show games from the All Systems romlist to show all of your favorites.

General / Re: Optimal formats?
« on: March 19, 2022, 11:44:11 PM »
The "basic" layout will use little resources. It's not very exciting though. There are a lot of layouts that look good and don't require many resources. Attract Mode is popular with Raspberry Pi users which don't have a ton of power. Any of the layouts that are built/used for the Pi would be good choices. There are also layouts that have a lot of configuration settings builtin so you can turn off some of the flashy features to reduce the resources you need.

Layouts are really a matter of preference. Are you looking for something that uses just text to display rom names? Are you looking for something that uses wheels? Do you want to see videos for the roms?

My advice would be to look at the layout gallery ( and find and try something you like and see how it preforms and if it contains settings to turn features on or off to help reduce the resources that are consumed. You can also view layouts in videos on youtube to find something you like. If you search youtube for Attract Mode videos for Raspberry Pi, they should require less power to run.

Themes / Re: ArcadeSD theme
« on: March 19, 2022, 09:41:22 PM »
In the "scripts" subdirectory of the layout.

General / Re: Windows 7 using Attrackmode to launch exe files
« on: March 19, 2022, 09:36:14 PM »
The layout uses "marquee", "snap" and "wheel" artwork names. You configuration didn't have any path listed for marquee or wheel. You can add the paths to your configuration or modify the layout to use the names you want.

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