Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: couchpotato on September 21, 2019, 08:32:39 AM

Title: Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
Post by: couchpotato on September 21, 2019, 08:32:39 AM
On Attract Mode verison 2.5.1 with MMAL enabled, is anyone else experiencing an issue where the video loops after 10 - 11 seconds of play back even if the video is longer that that?

In software mode the play back makes it to the end of the overall video ( e.g 30 seconds ) but it stutters at points with HUGE jumps.

I've rebuilt ffmpeg from source and rebuilt attract mode from source on my rpi3 but I'm just not sure why this is so poor.
Title: Re: Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
Post by: progets on September 21, 2019, 06:52:05 PM
Things to look at...
is it only some layouts/themes or all of them - some layout don't use a 1:1 ratio for videos/artwork
the resolution of your videos
the codecs used on your videos - if they don't use a mmal supported codec they will default back to software decoding
the fps (frames per second) of your videos

If you search this site you will find other possible causes and resolutions to your problem.
Title: Re: Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
Post by: couchpotato on September 22, 2019, 05:18:27 AM
How ridiculous of me not to think it might be the theme BUT it appears to be theme related!

I've been using the nevato theme for ages turns out its that theme as I switched to robo spin and it's working fine!

Gah, so stupid I didn't try switching previous just to check!


I'll now try to work out what's causing nevato to fail.
I have edited that theme but nothing to do with the videos though.
Title: Re: Video Playback RPi3 MMAL
Post by: couchpotato on September 22, 2019, 12:21:53 PM
Since switching over to Robospin instead of Nevato I've had zero problems with the videos I've got and I'd been having loads of problems with the video files!
I know nevato is based on Robospin but I think it's something to do with how it renders the video snap, could also possibly be scaling or something but I'm having no issues with videos only playing 10 seconds or the frontend locking up!

So, all I did was take the V4 version of robospin and add all the features I need from Nevato. No problems at all at this stage!

Thanks for the tip!

I'll leave this post here for anyone else who has weird problems.

If anyones interested in my hacked up version of robospin I'll post it