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Messages - Wenzon

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General / Re: To developers (implementation)
« on: June 07, 2020, 03:45:20 AM »
I am very dumb! 

I tested several conversion methods, researched on several sites and I did not make such an obvious test.

Thank you so much.
I was abandoning the idea of ​​lowering the animations.

General / Re: To developers (implementation)
« on: June 06, 2020, 06:43:03 AM »

Thanks for your response. I am making available here my animation in the mov format developed for my theme. As I mentioned earlier, the mov file supports transparency, however, it is a large file. My goal is to make it smaller, that it supports transparency and that the AM can see it. So my theme could run on rpi4 smoothly. But as it is, it runs on a regular PC for good.

The transparent video animations that worked in AM ...

The WEBM format, supports transparency, however, I'm trying very hard to convert it with transparency. Even putting the option of yuva420p.
I think I must be doing something wrong. This format is perfect. The file is extremely small.

Well ... there's the animated gif, but I refuse to put it in this format because its quality is poor.

General / Re: To developers (implementation)
« on: June 06, 2020, 04:28:08 AM »
For me it is being a huge challenge to reduce the files in mov. So much research, I discovered the WEBM.

AM supports this form. My 8 mb mov file is 51 kb. It is an excellent compaction !!! The problem is that I'm running into transparency.
WEBM supports transparency, but I can't convert with this format. It always has a black background.

sickle, if you know any solution to decrease mov files transparently i would appreciate it, because i'm almost giving up.

General / To developers (implementation)
« on: June 02, 2020, 05:30:11 AM »
Would it be possible for AM to read APNG or WEBP files?

I have developed animations to use in my theme, but I notice that they get big. The quality is poor in GIF animations, especially when using shading effects. Converting to video (.MOV) the files get big and the theme gets heavy, especially when you have 3 or 4 animations.

For those who will use weak hardware, the use of these files is not viable. With APNG or WEBP files (Google), the animated images are very small, not to mention the agility when it comes to processing them. I also realized that AM supports FLV (Flash) files.

The files converted to this format have an excellent size, but I run into the problem of transparency. I don't know if FLV supports ALPHA (transparency) channels, but every time I convert to this format, I lose the transparency effect. The truth that the FLV file has been abandoned for some time, and I see few programs with advanced conversion options in this format.

So if you're not going to ask the developers a lot, you could implement these two formats in AM. Users working with Photoshop and After Effects will thank you very much !!! Note: If anyone knows a program that converts MOV files to FLV with "transparency", I would be very grateful.

I tried to make changes based on your information but unfortunately it didn't work.

I took a look at your code, the menu works fine but in my test it shows "behind" the usual UI of Attract Mode (the plain list with the snap background). I don't know why it happens, probably because your layout doesn't have any element besides that layout surface.

By the way if you change your case like this, adding just that single line:

Code: [Select]
case Transition.ShowOverlay:
overlaySurface.visible = true;
      if (var == Overlay.Favourite) overlayMenuTitle.msg = "CUSTOM MESSAGE"
if ( ttime < 255 )
overlaySurface.alpha = ttime;
return true;
overlaySurface.alpha = 255;

you can have the custom message when add favourite is shown

Thank you!!! It worked perfectly zpaolo11x:D
I thank you and progets for taking the time to try to solve this problem. In both cases, the code works perfectly.

Scripting / Re: Change the message when adding a game to Favorites.
« on: May 02, 2020, 08:38:54 AM »
This is the portion of transition callback you have to use in the Layout

Code: [Select]
fe.add_transition_callback( this, "on_transition" )

function on_transition( ttype, var0, ttime ) {

   if (ttype == Transition.ShowOverlay) {
      if (var0 == Overlay.Favourite) overlay_label.msg ="Your Message Here"


and overlay_label, overlay_listbox is a text object and a listbox object defined as custom control using:

Code: [Select]
fe.overlay.set_custom_controls( overlay_label, overlay_listbox )

I tried to make changes based on your information but unfortunately it didn't work.
I don't understand programming and I have a little difficulty in the English language, but I am hardworking.
If you can help me with the code I'm using, I would appreciate it.

See below.

Code: [Select]
// Overall Surface
local overlaySurface = fe.add_surface(1920,1080);
overlaySurface.visible = false;

// create extra surface for the menu
local overlayMenuSur = overlaySurface.add_surface(661,581);
overlayMenuSur.add_image("images/screen.png", 0, 40, 660, 541);

local overlay_lb = overlayMenuSur.add_listbox(1,150,661,380);
overlay_lb.rows = 9;
overlay_lb.charsize  = 40;
overlay_lb.set_rgb( 128, 128, 128 );
overlay_lb.font="Ledsitex St";
overlay_lb.set_sel_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
overlay_lb.set_selbg_rgb( 0, 0, 0 );
overlay_lb.selbg_alpha = 0;

local overlayMenuTitle = overlayMenuSur.add_text("",0,80,660,35);
overlayMenuTitle.font="Ledsitex St";

fe.add_transition_callback( "orbit_transition" );

function orbit_transition( ttype, var, ttime )

switch ( ttype )

  case Transition.ShowOverlay:
overlaySurface.visible = true;
if ( ttime < 255 )
overlaySurface.alpha = ttime;
return true;
overlaySurface.alpha = 255;

case Transition.HideOverlay:
if ( ttime < 255 )
overlaySurface.alpha = 255 - ttime;
return true;
local old_alpha;
old_alpha = overlaySurface.alpha;
overlaySurface.alpha = 0;

if ( old_alpha != 0 )
return true;
overlaySurface.visible = false;

return false;

// tell Attractmode we are using a custom overlay menu
fe.overlay.set_custom_controls( overlayMenuTitle, overlay_lb );

Scripting / Re: Change the message when adding a game to Favorites.
« on: May 01, 2020, 11:15:52 AM »
Edit /attract/language/en.msg and add this on line #5

Code: [Select]
Add '$1' to Favourites?;Add to Favourites?

FYI - This is the file for English. If you're using a different language modify it's corresponding file.

Excellent tip!

In your transition callback function check if Transition.ShowOvwrlay is triggered and if type is Overlay.Favourites you can change the text.msg field of your custom overlay controls. Of course this works if you are using custom overlay controls

Could you give an example using the method you mentioned?

I would like to change the message when adding a game to favorites. By default, it is displayed like this in AM ...

Add <game name> to Favourites?

I would like it to be displayed that way.

Add to Favourites?

Could someone help me with a script to solve this problem?

Themes / Re: New theme AMFlash, preview.
« on: January 12, 2020, 12:17:50 PM »
Topic updated.  :)

Themes / Re: New theme AMFlash, preview.
« on: November 12, 2019, 05:11:52 AM »
Thanks so much for your sincere opinions on iOtero but the options related to wheels exist. It was just a screenshot, when publishing the video the options will be displayed. On the system counter ... on the other screen that will display the games, the filter listing will appear along with the amount of games applied to the given filter. In order for the display not to be blank in the Display Menu, I set the system counter. It would be good also the suggestion that you gave in the coin counter but I abandoned this option because I could not find any program that performed this function in AM. In some forums it is discussed that there is a script that performs this function in advmenu, finally there is a topic here in the forum talking about it.

Returning to the subject, this theme is based on hyperflash from the "semcranio" to the hyperspin frontend. I added some options that did not exist in the original and renamed it to "AMFlash". I don't want to add too many options so as not to escape the essence of the old theme. This theme is for Widescreen (16: 9) monitors.

I should not make any more changes to the layout. As soon as I finish adding some scripts, I post a new video. ;D

Themes / Re: New theme AMFlash, preview.
« on: November 10, 2019, 11:44:39 AM »
Added new background to Flash theme. Soon a new updated video.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 5.8 [Release] Updated 31 October 2019
« on: November 03, 2019, 06:02:22 AM »
I have a problem with the Display Menu. Every time I set this option to enable in the general layout menu, the screen goes totally black. The system displays do not appear. I used attract-console and enjoyed this message.

Attract-Mode v2.6.0 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 + SWF + 7z + Curl)
avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: D: \ ARCADE \ $ \ attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'Atomiswave'
 - Loaded master romlist 'atomiswave' in 0 ms (14 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (28 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: D: \ ARCADE \ $ \ layouts / Arcadeflow / (layout.nut)
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (5 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: D: \ ARCADE \ $ \ layouts / Arcadeflow / (layout.nut)

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index '-1' does not exist]

* FUNCTION [tick ()] D: \ ARCADE \ $ \ layouts / Arcadeflow / layout.nut line [5540]

[tags] TABLE
[newfocusindex] 14
[offseTable] ARRAY
[snapzTable] ARRAY
[prf] TABLE
[disp] TABLE
[uifonts] TABLE
[displayselected] -1
[display_surface] INSTANCE
[themeT] TABLE
[attract] TABLE
[bgs] TABLE
[vidszTable] ARRAY
[attract_snap] INSTANCE
[snd] TABLE
[attract_text2] INSTANCE
[attract_text] INSTANCE
[flowT] TABLE
[squarizer] true
[count] TABLE
[spdT] TABLE
[fade] TABLE
[letterobj] INSTANCE
[lettersize] TABLE
[displayname] INSTANCE
[tiles] TABLE
[tilesTableZoom] ARRAY
[glomxTable] ARRAY
[noshader] INSTANCE
[bd_mxTable] ARRAY
[tilesTable] ARRAY
[widthpadded] 432
[selectorwidth] 648
[vidszTableFade] ARRAY
[vid2zTable] ARRAY
[dat] TABLE
[surfacePos] 0.5
[surfacePosOffset] 1512
[tilesTablePos] TABLE
[globalposnew] 0
[vidpos] ARRAY
[delayvid] 9940
[vidindex] ARRAY
[regsys] TABLE
[fadevid] 9920
[frg] TABLE
[pixelpic] INSTANCE
[frost] TABLE
[rotate90] true
[overmenu] INSTANCE
[overmenuwidth] 583.20001220703
[hist_screensurf] INSTANCE
[hist_glow_pic] INSTANCE
[scrollreset] true
[vertical] true
[hist_screenT] TABLE
[historypadding] 26.799999237061
[hist_direction] 0
[flh] 1080
[shadowsurf2] INSTANCE
[histglow] TABLE
[shadow] TABLE
[flw] 1920
[hist_text] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt_bot] INSTANCE
[hist_title] INSTANCE
[hist_titleT] TABLE
[hist_titletxt_bd] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt] INSTANCE
[hist_title_top] INSTANCE
[aflogo_surface] INSTANCE
[data_surface] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh] INSTANCE
[fg_surface] INSTANCE
[attract_surface] INSTANCE
[attract_black] INSTANCE
[layoutblacker] INSTANCE
[hist_textT] TABLE
[hist_screen] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf1] INSTANCE
[hist_text_surf] INSTANCE
[history_surface] INSTANCE
[tick_time] 890
[this] TABLE
Script Error in tick function: tick - the index '-1' does not exist
 ! Unexpectedly lost focus to: explorer.exe (8940)

General / File @<> for plugin UtilityMenu
« on: October 24, 2019, 10:41:27 AM »
I have a batch file that creates favorites list in AM for Windows PC, and would like to run this file within AM. Researching a bit, I found that the UtilityMenu plugin does that. but I don't know how to create a .nut file that loads this batch file. Could anyone help me?

Scripting / Re: Default filter on return of displays
« on: October 23, 2019, 01:46:45 PM »
A layout could be coded to overcome this, saving the current filter in the non volatile memory and recalling it when changing display. It would make a lot of sense when you have displays drawing from the same romlist (as in the Naomi example)

I have no idea how to implement this in my theme. Would you help me zpaolo11x?

Scripting / Re: Plugin Sequencer
« on: October 23, 2019, 01:35:12 PM »
I read the file and it is perfectly up and running but in my theme and robospin it behaves strangely. In the jedione video, the plugin makes Spinwheel spin for a long time and smoothly, while mine barely rotates.  :(

See how the plugin is behaving in the video below.

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