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Messages - katarak

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Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 10.4 [Release] Updated 1 June 2021
« on: June 05, 2021, 02:48:52 PM »
Hey zpaolo11x,

I just downloaded 10.4 and am trying to scrape my 3D0 list and it does not seem to work at all.  :(

I set my SS account and Password, and configured so all roms are scraped, only missing media is downloaded, and even disabled the CRC check (so only names matter)
I also tried it the 7800 with CRC checks and full overwrite and the result is the same.

It clears the romlist and puts a status page to say: 3DO 0/0
So I'm not sure if there's a setting somewhere that's wrong, maybe?
Also, is there a way to configure what to download? for example I use Box2Dfront, manual, screenshot, wheel for all my consoles.

Is it maybe because I don't keep my roms in the usual spot? (I don't remember if AM has a default rom folder), but all my emulators are configured with their paths, but it's outside the usual place, if any. I keep the all the scrape data in a folder next to all the rom files.

Hope we can debug this :)


Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 9.6 [Release] Updated 24 December 2020
« on: January 09, 2021, 04:34:51 AM »
I can see why people don't appreciate the MAME categories now that I've looked into it a little bit.

It we take Beat'em Ups they show up in the "Fighter" Category.
Kungfu in Fighter / 2D
Final Fight in Fighter / 2.5D
and Art of Fighting in Fighter / Versus.

I think the console market came out with different terms for the genres than the arcade world and that's probably creating a lot of confusion.
For example I've always seen it this way

Final Fight -> Beat'em Up
Art of Fighting -> Fighter
Super Smash Bros -> Brawler

I'll have to keep thinking about the best way to do this.

Mame also does Role-Playing instead of RPG (your icons also don't respond to RPG I had to rename them :P)

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 9.6 [Release] Updated 24 December 2020
« on: January 08, 2021, 05:33:12 PM »
Yeah, That's exactly right... they add so many different tags.

I did notice the Genre id as well but I don't know what they are attributed to. Did you try asking in the screenscraper forums or discord? I haven't asked, but it's an idea.

I will probably take, either the first or last tag only from the absurd genre tags and go with that.
Last time you mentioned you created images for all the mame categories. Is there a list somewhere on the web of what those are? I'd base myself on that so make sure I use a tag which is recognised from that list.
(I have such a hard time understanding all the associated files for Mame. I'll be setting up that emulator last :P)

I also want to build in to my tool to merge 2 EmulationStation Gamelist into 1 AM list. For NGPC as an example. I'll try to add that this weekend

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 9.6 [Release] Updated 24 December 2020
« on: December 29, 2020, 02:00:55 PM »
Hey zpaolo11x,

I haven't been on here for almost a year, and just saw your progress and WOW, Bravo.
AF remains my favourite theme and I don't think I'll ever try another one.

I'm writing a tool to convert Emulation Station Gamelist XML into the ones from Attract Mode, plus the overview files at the same time.
I'm running into some issues with the Genres/Categories.

I get the metadata when I scrape using Skraper UI, but what they put in that field can be very convoluted, and sometimes have multiple caterogies. such as: Role playing games-Action-Action / Adventure
I was going to build a conversion table for my tool, but I wanted to know where can I get the data that Arcade Flow uses to show the icons?

I looked through layout.nut and found some stuff around Line 3840, I even made a few changes and that didn't seem to affect anything. I was able to change Role Playing to RPG just by changeing the name if of the icons seen is AF/category_images and AF/category_images_10 (Not sure why 2 folders for those icons though)

Where is the best place to find the correct naming for the genres of the games?

Also, if you're looking for a feature request.... Plug in Manuals :)

I hope you had a good Xmas and have been staying safe. Happy New Year.

General / Re: Scraping from not working
« on: December 28, 2020, 02:23:49 PM »
I have never managed to get TGDB to work. I quickly gave up after a few tries.

I use Skraper UI (
It connects to Screen Scraper which has been reliable and with a fair amount of data.
The ui is pretty configurable and it downloads everything and also creates a gameslist for you.
It doesn't have settings for attract mode (it has them for launchbox and retropie and some other).
Still I have found it to work easily after some quick configuration.

There's also, but I've never used it.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 6.9 [Release] Updated 12 March 2020
« on: March 18, 2020, 05:59:42 PM »
This is all out on context, but Stay Safe zpaolo11x

and that goes for everyone.

Thanks for all the hard work you've been putting into AF. It's my fav theme, and I use no other at this point.

Themes / Re: Translators needed for Arcadeflow layout
« on: February 23, 2020, 07:20:17 PM »
ok here it is.

Somethings might not be fully exact. Some of the context is a little hard to grasp sometimes, hopefully it'll help other people if they want to correct them later.
If you have any questions, let me know.

Themes / Re: Translators needed for Arcadeflow layout
« on: February 23, 2020, 02:51:38 PM »
I'm not the best French speaker (especially not written) but I'll try a get something out by the end of the evening.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 6.2 [Release] Updated 13 January 2020
« on: January 18, 2020, 10:09:20 AM »
Awesome Additions! I wouldn't mind a wheel with the fake box art though :P

Also I found a bug in your systems listing.
you have wAnderswan, but it's wOnderswan.

I edited it on my side and the logo comes out well

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 6.1 [Release] Updated 24 December 2019
« on: January 05, 2020, 02:47:42 PM »
Worked flawlessly,

Thank you for your help. It's looking good now :)

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 6.1 [Release] Updated 24 December 2019
« on: January 02, 2020, 05:30:37 PM »
Hi zpaolo11x,

Arcade flow is the best looking layout I've seen so far, and I'm really enjoying using it.

I tend to use Box-Art Tiles instead of the default Snap Tiles, and I've noticed 2 inconsistencies which I would fix (even if just on my end) if possible. I just wouldn't know where to start and where to look.
When using Snap Tiles, the game title is ritten if a Wheel image is not found. However in Box-Art Mode. the game title isn't written if a box-art isn't available (making it hard to cycle through the games). Further more Wheel images are never used. I understand that normally box art would have the game name in giant text, but I donno, I figured it might look good and I wanted to try :P

I really like how the system names come out as logos, but I haven't figured out the necessary naming for the systems to ensure they always come out with the logo. Is there a list somewhere we can use to ensure your system names are always correct?

Thank you for this amazing layout.

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