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Topics - playerzero

Pages: [1]
Scripting / hiscore.dat support
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:00:42 PM »
Hi guys long time no see.

I have been thinking about the cab setup, and I would love to show the current high score for each game on the frontend.

Is there a way for attract mode to parse / show the relevant info?

General / screenshot of exit confirmation
« on: October 23, 2016, 07:39:53 PM »
Hi guys here's a weird request:

I need a screenshot of attract-mode's exit confirmation dialog (the one that says 'exit attract-mode yes/no').

I'm at work and making up an instruction card for my cab. I have no way of generating one from here, and google searches yield nothing.

Can anyone help me out?

General / Multiple emulators in one list in AM
« on: August 19, 2015, 05:20:15 PM »
Is there a way to have a single list in Attract Mode, which shows (for example), MAME, Daphne, Nes, and Megadrive games?

Selecting a Daphne game would load Daphne, selecting a MAME game would load MAME, etc.

Scripting / Is there a way to avoid stretching preview videos?
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:20:29 PM »
Currently I have the preview snap as a full screen video in the background of AM, with a resolution of 640x480 for the frontend and the videos.

This works well for the most part, but looks horrible for vertical shooters, due to the vertical orientation of the games (I think most, if not all of the preview videos may be 320x480, but I can't remember exactly and can't check due to being at work). This results in the preview videos stretching, and not being a true representation of the game.

My question is:
Is there a scripting or settings way to centre the videos, without stretching them?
Black borders are OK.

I am willing to add borders to the relevant videos if that is the only way.

Scripting / Generating and using random numbers
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:57:31 AM »
Hi guys

I'm having trouble working with some random numbers I'm trying to use.
Here is my code:

function irand(max)
    local roll = (1.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX) * (max + 1)
    return roll.tointeger()

local finform = irand(4);
   if ( finform = 1 ) finalform.file_name = "1.png" ;
   if ( finform = 2 ) finalform.file_name = "2.png" ;
   if ( finform = 3 ) finalform.file_name = "3.png" ;
   if ( finform = 4 ) finalform.file_name = "4.png" ;
   fe.add_text ( finform, 10, 400, 320, 16 );

From what I can tell, it ALWAYS comes up with 4

Can anyone help me debug?

Also one other side point: The add_text at the end is just for debugging, but it doesn't place it at 10, 400, it places it at 0,0 for some reason (I suspect to do with the way the number is formatted).

Themes / Final Form
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:39:26 AM »
OK here's the FE i've been working on. It's currently in usable form, but I'd like to add random music selection at some point.

I'll post the .nut soon.

Pretty much as the title asks.

I've declared an artwork (wheel art, in this case), and the images are not all the same size, as per what the scraper has pulled.

I need a way to read the size of the images before I manipulate them.

I've tried something like zzzzz = wheelart.height, but it always returns zero

Scripting / How to detect scroll direction?
« on: May 23, 2015, 11:19:19 PM »
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to improve my layout design, using Liquid's (experimental) animate module, but I need to be able to detect the direction someone moves through the list (ie; up or down).
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Themes / Video background with scrolling marquees [finished]
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:39:14 PM »
Hi I just wanted to share what I'm currently working on for the cab I'm building.

I've actually cobbled together some script from the basic and cools layouts, and some code for scrolling marquees I found on this forum (thanks!).

Also, does anyone know if and how I can add hiscore.dat support?

It *shouldn't* be too hard to write some scripting to parse the file, it seems to be in plain text, with the rom name followed by the high score info, although some roms seem to use hex or sometimes their own type of code.


Ok I've done some work on the spacing between the marquees, and added some code to smoothly expand or shrink the marquee as necessary. Let we know what you think!

Here's a youtube video (which I feel better shows the scrolling effect) instead of a huge-ass jpeg!

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