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Messages - tigers

Pages: [1]
Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 5.6 [Release] Updated 20 September 2019
« on: September 21, 2019, 09:09:46 AM »
Even after activating the low-end machine option it's quite slow and unresponsive, and the screenshots take ages to load (I have to wait even 30 seconds just to see the game I currently selected, I think I never saw the non selected ones with screenshots...).

I'm sorry AF runs so slow on your machine, from what I can see, it seems that the "culprit" here is the graphics card. I run my test rig on an Intel Iris 5100 that has a gpumark of around 700, Arcadeflow runs at about 25 to 30 fps there, so not at the top speed, and your card seems to have a gpumark around 300, which is even lower.

Sadly even in low-spec mode Arcadeflow uses a lot of GLSL shaders, the only thing you can try is setting in arcadeflow options a custom resolution that's lower than your screen resolution, like 640x360 (for 16:9 screens) or similar, this should improve a bit.
I modified the resolution and it helped, much smoother now. Still didn't fix my main problem: I can see only one screenshot at a time, from the currently selected game. As soon as I select another one it slowly fades and I see only the one selected. Is this expected behaviour?

EDIT: my bad, I had somehow selected Box-art mode (and I don't have any boxart)

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 5.6 [Release] Updated 20 September 2019
« on: September 21, 2019, 12:53:22 AM »
Hi, attract mode looks great to me, but I'm having problems only with this theme, that otherwise I like very much.
Even after activating the low-end machine option it's quite slow and unresponsive, and the screenshots take ages to load (I have to wait even 30 seconds just to see the game I currently selected, I think I never saw the non selected ones with screenshots...).
The PC is not very fast but it's a AMD E6750 dual core with a ATI 2600 HD, and every Attract Mode Theme is very fast and works perfectly apart from this one.
Is there something I have to setup?

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 5.3 [Release] Updated 28 August 2019
« on: September 21, 2019, 12:49:42 AM »

Ciao. Ho fatto qualche prova. Ti posto le immagini. Per lo sfondo del main screen come mi hai detto, va benissimo. L'unico intoppo e' la schermata history. Se riuscissi nelle prossime versione a differenziare gli screen di sfondo te ne sarei molto grato.

p.s. lavoro discretamente con Photoshop, se ti piace lo sfondo con bezel o hai altre richieste (es. pulsanti o alto), fammi sapere. Ciao e Grazie

La visualizzazione dei comandi dovrebbe essere di serie, le scorciatoie sono comode ma difficili da ricordare e non sempre l'emulatore lo uso io che magari le posso ricordare.
Puoi condividere la tua immagine coi comandi?

Commands layout should be there by default, the shortcuts are hard to remember and I'm not always the one using the emulator.
Could you share your backgrond?

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