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Messages - FinalFightMan

Pages: [1]
Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:55:52 PM »
The snap video screen is not aligned on this one am I doing something wrong?

Cosmo i just love your themes! They are really well designed. Keep up the good work! (.....and also please create some themes for C64 and Amiga sometime in the future :D )

Thanks! i'll do it.  :)

I hope to release almost all my work by this week.

GameBoy Color!I5wQFTRK!t3ruFhypOZ-qkF_Nfm_GM4fIqoGUu_y_bV7LfKL9mQE

GameBoy Advance!Q1QByZBC!IiL7mkgc__NVcXuvmg4xkSU1Fed6anvGHXkw_gm-v-k

Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:35:29 PM »

Can't wait! Cosmo anyway I can fix stretched box art in Sega CD layout?

Working on the main menu, Sega consoles are done... So far, so good.

Works fine on the pc, it's a bit sluggish on the Raspberry, the full hd backgrounds are too much for my poor pi3...

Themes / Re: motion blue version 3
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:53:12 PM »
The best place is to get it from David Marti. He has a link on his youtube channel.

do anyone know where i can find the motion blue version 3 theme only

Themes / Re: How can I update an older version of attract mode?
« on: March 19, 2017, 07:58:17 PM »
Perfect!! Thanks!!

I copied this method from another site and it worked for me.


Well first I would update retroarch files. You can do this from the RetroPie-Setup menu. After that is complete, reboot, then either drop to the command line (F4), or, if you do not have a keyboard connected, quit emulationstation from the menu, then ssh into the pi from a pc or laptop. I use putty as I'm on windows, but any ssh capable app will do.

At the command do the following in order, pressing ENTER after each line and waiting until the prompt appears again before entering the next line.(Note: commands are case sensitive in Linux)

    cd ~
    rm -r -f develop
    mkdir develop
    cd develop
    git clone --depth 1 attract
    cd attract
    make USE_GLES=1 -j4
    sudo make install
    cd ~
    rm -r -f develop
    sudo shutdown -r now

The last line will reboot your system and boot back into emulationstation, or a prompt, depending on your previous image. Either way, you have to get back to the prompt and type: attract

This will get you into your now updated AM.

Hope this helps.


Themes / How can I update an older version of attract mode?
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:57:59 AM »
Can someone educate me the commands to update an older revision of attract mode please?

Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 15, 2017, 04:17:04 PM »
Unfortunately i don't have facebook. But everyone is free to use my works as they please. ;D

Well, i've been working a bit on the main menu looks...

Not sure what would look better....

The first one uses simple png logos in a black background (i could make it a bit transparent), the other one uses the motion blue logos. Not sure about the pointer. Any suggestions?

upps.. Another thing. Would you prefer that blue and black background or diferent backgrounds per console?

I personally like different backgrounds and the motion blue wheels. Thanks for you hard work!

Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 15, 2017, 04:15:21 PM »
Thanks so much BadFurDay! Now it works great! can you please share cut and paste the edits to the nut file to get it to display correctly? and also the flyer add on?

I didn't do any changes to the nut to get the cabinet to display correctly, I just downscaled the images as they were over the normal HD resolution so would only work on a PC not through a HD TV. For the flyer I simply copied the Brick background:

local b_art = fe.add_image("bg1.png", 0, 0, flw, flh );

And pasted it at the start of the flyer background option, quite basic stuff really just putting the two into one.

I get my MAME marquees and flyers from here:

Thanks! I understand now

Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 14, 2017, 05:41:02 PM »
Thanks so much BadFurDay! Now it works great! can you please share cut and paste the edits to the nut file to get it to display correctly? and also the flyer add on?

Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:03:24 AM »
Mothra, I tried your Robospin HD layout, but the cabinet is not showing. what am I doing wrong?

Themes / Re: some robospin-like themes
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:00:20 AM »
Cosmo, your displays/layouts are top notch!!!!! And integrate very easily in the motion blue image. If you could make a Dreamcast one with the orange swirl I would greatly appreciate it.  I'm eagerly checking everyday for new stuff. Thanks so much!!

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