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Messages - Tungsten78

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Have you considered editing the input file metadata instead?

The magic string is pulling from the respective column in the romlist file.
This would be a fairly simple regex you could do in a text editor of your choosing.

I did actually use the strip from the Wiki, it took a bit of trial and error but in the end it worked, I had a couple of dodgy results such as SNK/SEGA so no spaces, that would still show, and then SNK (bootleg) would still show, but my code will strip everything out now but it will leave SNK Playmore etc.

@tsaylor. RE: Git

Curious how you have your repo setup relative to your attract installation?
* After forking the repo it looks like I'll need to clone at the attract root
* Doing so will constrain from maintaining a few layouts simultaneously
* Would you consider changing the root of your repo to your layout folder itself?
* You haven't changed the gtc-common or modules folders have you?  Might be best to have these as separate repos.  For simplicity, could go down the route of an aggregated repo with these as submodules.

I'd be happy to POC this if needed.

Themes / Re: At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab [Release] - Updated 20 February 2021
« on: January 07, 2022, 05:25:13 PM »
Thanks for the Quick Answer.
but, can't things be uploaded where others can?

Check out Flex Master layout, it's a fork and has a GitHub link you can use to get the layout.  Use scrapers or emuMovies to get the artwork yourself.

Nice, open to merge requests?

Themes / Re: At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab [Release] - Updated 20 February 2021
« on: January 02, 2022, 10:11:31 AM »

Indeed the music start crash is fixed in Flex Master.      Much thanks.

Themes / Re: At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab [Release] - Updated 20 February 2021
« on: December 30, 2021, 09:19:46 PM »
Let me know once you have it up there.
I'd be happy to contribute to it.  Or help get it up there on GitHub.

I'll check out your theme tomorrow.  Assuming it's mostly a recent fork of Yaron's it should be a drop in place migration?

Who is maintaining the Great Theme's Collection.  Would be a shame for all that hard work to come to an end. 

Themes / Re: At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab [Release] - Updated 20 February 2021
« on: December 30, 2021, 06:41:43 PM »
Do you guys have these in GitHub?     Do you recall what the fix is?   
* I'd be happy to port it and re-release
* I will take a look at the Flex version to see if it fixes things for me

One thing I started diving in the nut file for was to see what it would take to detect missing wheel artwork and replace with a text placeholder instead of the '?'.  A few other nice to haves I would be willing to extend the theme with:
* PlayedCounts
* DisplayName
* Filter name


Themes / Re: At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab [Release] - Updated 20 February 2021
« on: December 29, 2021, 10:15:45 AM »
Beautiful work on this theme.

After configuring to my heart's content I noticed attract.exe crashes on startup.
Root caused it to be triggered by the "Music" Ambience setting.
* Works if reverted and switched in Layout Options, until you restart
* Tried adjusting start delay, just causes the crash to be delayed

Nothing useful in the event log details associated with the crash.

Any ideas, love the music option and default selections.

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