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Topics - OtakuD

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Themes / Favourite themes?
« on: February 13, 2020, 01:42:26 AM »
Hi Peeps!
First things first, thanks for everyone's hard work here, I Attract Mode is my favourite front end so far and I think it's certainly the most user friendly to setup though it could use a few more guides on more advanced features.

Anyways I feel that a lot of the really good themes are somewhat lost here, I almost gave up on the front end in the beginning because I couldn't find one that appealed to me i.e. looked a bit flashy while not being too minimalist and showing off 3D box art/carts.

That all changed when I found the HyperPie theme which is my current fav so I was wondering what else I might have missed and what you guys all use?  ;D

Just as a note, I think the best scraper for this is Skraper which allows you to get custom image types for all your games (like 3D box art instead of flat) in a nice easy fashion with UI. You will need an account on though but that's fine with me. Thanks again, and I can't wait to keep improving my build!

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