Attract-Mode Support > General

Adding game info for emulators that are not MAME

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--- Quote from: ruthlessrabbid on June 25, 2022, 09:15:30 PM ---Hi Progets; if I'm in a Windows environment, is it possible to use command line to import an XML file and build the romlist? I know Windows is DOS based so the commands might be different but I'm not sure if I'm going to be unable to import the lists entirely.

--- End quote ---

Yes, you can import an XML file on the command line. More information on which system, where the XML file is from, file names and locations would help to give you better details.

An import would look like this. Your locations/paths to the files and names will likely be different.

--- Code: ---cd C:\AttractMode
attract-console.exe -i "C:\AttractMode\romlists\Nintendo Entertainment System.xml" -o "Nintendo Entertainment System"

--- End code ---

attract-console.exe is the command
-i is the file you want to import
-o is the AttractMode romlist name you want

If there are any spaces in the path or file names you'll need to use quotes like I show above.

Progets, you are the best - I didn't think to try using the attract console from CMD, just the regular attract.exe. I was able to get a romlist built out and into Attract Mode!

I'm messing around with filtering only roms that exist on the machine. I checked out the filter list from the wiki and it didn't mention the "FileIsAvailable" filter. So what I ended up doing was:

--- Quote ---attract-console.exe -i "C:\Attract Mode\Sega Naomi.xml" -o "Sega Naomi"
--- End quote ---

I then went into the attract.cfg and added:

--- Quote ---   filter             Available
      rule              FileIsAvailable equals 1
--- End quote ---

To my Sega Naomi display. I loaded up Attract Mode and it works now - thanks again for your help!


There is a BAT script to generat the romlist easly!

Hi Tom,

Thank you for providing that, adding it to my directory now! Cheers


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