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Messages - Sinistar

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Themes / Re: Top Arcade Stadium (HD) (WIP)
« on: March 11, 2021, 02:08:23 PM »
its a good concept. now seeing it in use,you may want to use a semi transparent data card on the right side over-laying the screen on the right instead of the lower thirds title card. that way it would lower the focus on the screen to the right(cause its in motion) and keep the focus on the main screen). you may consider that for the wheel on the left aswell this is to keep from overwhelming the viewer. Again cool concept! these are just suggestions. This is what the art director at my last job would pointed out after giving a demo. This is your show so take what i say with a grain of salt. hope it helps.

Themes / Re: Top Arcade Stadium (HD)
« on: March 11, 2021, 08:48:47 AM »
is this your mock up or is this what it looks like(arcade stadium)? It looks a mix between the mame candy overlays and the coinops layout. I didn't get to see in action up close with those but I liked that they had the wall of games and you could see all the titles at once and select from there it was like a wall wheel so to speak. keep up the idea!

side note suggestion you  may want to do the wheel vertical or horizontal on the bottom. that way its not too noisy with the rest of the screen. When in moving image crosses another busy looking image, it causes it to look like an optical illusion

Themes / Re: Boardwalk-NeoGeo A NeoGeo Themed Layout
« on: February 10, 2021, 09:54:19 PM »
Nice one !!! looks great.

General / A video on the homepage is dead
« on: January 02, 2021, 05:37:30 PM »
I didn't know if anyone knew (one of the demo videos youtube link dead). maybe replace with one of these new great themes! At rate I wanted to give a heads up it was dead

the home page not the forum home page incase anyone got confused.

Themes / Re: NESiCAxLive 2 theme
« on: December 28, 2020, 05:36:29 PM »
Sega All-Pras theme the original project is here

I updated it to the latest release of attract and added the game launch screen


Big ups to you Max7o . this is a beautiful baby! keep up that work. oh also is there any were to use a static image as the back ground the video slows down Raspberry pi 4.

Scripting / Re: LEDSpicer Emitter Plugin
« on: December 22, 2020, 08:24:12 PM »
Hey I hate to ask you to link me to the LED Spicer for PI 4 script as i know google is a thing but i want to make sure im using exactly what you're using (good job by the way) .

In the end of my first post, there's an "About LEDSpicer" area with a link to it.

Mahuti is this your software? great job by the way

Scripting / Re: LEDSpicer Emitter Plugin
« on: December 17, 2020, 05:15:17 PM »
This was built just for  LEDSpicer. It currently calls LEDspicer's Emitter's LoadProfileByEmulator command based on the rom, either by a command key, or automatically while browsing the romlist.

I am adding the ability to load a profile at game launch as well (which will be useful for also driving U360s and Servostiks, etc.) I should have that up in the next day or so.

It has been tested on Rpi3 and Rpi4. I use Raspberry Pi 4s and 3s on my cabs, so yep.

Hey I hate to ask you to link me to the LED Spicer for PI 4 script as i know google is a thing but i want to make sure im using exactly what you're using (good job by the way) .

Scripting / Re: LEDSpicer Emitter Plugin
« on: December 12, 2020, 09:20:54 AM »
For those that use LEDSpicer on Linux platforms, I've written a plugin to interact with it.

The Emitter plugin for AttractMode works with LEDSpicer to change your lighting configuration based on your currently selected ROM in AttractMode.

There are two modes. Manual and Automatic. In Automatic mode, lighting profiles will be changed based on the currently selected rom after an editable period of inactivity. In Manual mode, a button press will change the profile based on currently selected rom.

Please check github for other important information.

I use LEDSpicer to show the keys that will be used when playing a specific game.... trackballs, spinners, etc. LEDSPicer can even change the colors of the buttons/joysticks to the original button color. This plugin just calls the LEDSpicer emitter app to change the profiles dynamically... you need LEDSpicer to do the real work though.

I see you mentioned it working with linux does this work with Rasperry Pi 4 and Attract mode (led spicer that is). I know a ton of people would be all over this if so.

Themes / Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
« on: November 15, 2020, 01:30:00 PM »
Try the attached layout.nut in your' Hyperspin Theme Mode' and tell me if it made any change.

It didn't work took all the appropriate steps to make sure it mine wasnt cached. ill take a swing at it. I really appreciate you doing that. If you could think of anything else please lemme know. I'll holler if i figure it out.

Themes / Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
« on: November 14, 2020, 05:18:28 PM »
when I open your hyperspin themes on raspberry pi the animated text "press start" and "next game" including the joystick are upside down and backwards. Is there any fix to that? i looked at the file it is correct but when it comes up in attract mode on pi it is upsidedown and backwards.

Of course I have a fix: Turn your monitor upside down!  8)

Honestly I don't know - I think someone reported the same issue in the past but I don't have a PI so I can't test it. Sorry mate.
You can turn them off though from the layout options menu...

Is there a way in the layout nut to move or perhaps  use x and y in the layout nut to flip em'? Also i would have to flip my monitor upside down and put a mirror on it. haha I think discus of tron works that way

Themes / Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
« on: November 13, 2020, 03:36:49 PM »
Hey Yaron2019

when I open your hyperspin themes on raspberry pi the animated text "press start" and "next game" including the joystick are upside down and backwards. Is there any fix to that? i looked at the file it is correct but when it comes up in attract mode on pi it is upsidedown and backwards.

Themes / Re: NESiCAxLive 2 theme
« on: November 13, 2020, 03:21:36 PM »
No worries,

I can't wait to see if anyone comes up with anything usable.

Themes / Re: Nostalgic Bedroom By Pademonium
« on: November 02, 2020, 07:44:58 AM »

it's a reality, I can assure you, I no longer show the systems because the ideas are quickly taken up, and I want to arrive with some surprise anyway;) in the meantime here are the collections about my work on my custom theme Nostalgic Bedroom, the project continues to evolve but is currently on hiatus since I am focusing on my second cyber runner theme that I absolutely want to release for cyberpunk day one. Nostalgic bedroom has become quite crazy in terms of content, since in addition to the custom collections, I integrated a juke box with themes, an 80/90 movies section and a nostalgic japan part with the classic manga. The thing is like all the creative ideas come in all directions, and I created a lot of view for the system and it already takes a lot of time on the one hand to choose the right view, to animate and make the whole coherent. I prepare a small beta test build for the patrons with 4 or 5 finished systems and one or 2 custom collections in order to have feedback, it should be ready next month, I'll leave you with video ...;)

Any Chance there is an Update and Release for this? looks great bruh!

Themes / Re: Preview Theme Vewlix Extreme
« on: November 01, 2020, 07:43:23 PM »
Any updates on this them yet? cant wait to try this one out
One more update.  :)

Preview "Displays Menu".

Themes / Re: NESiCAxLive 2 theme
« on: October 31, 2020, 08:20:43 PM »
Those words never came out my mouth how did you come up with that....more than one person is trying to make this theme Come to life for us we are all working together in some sort of fashion.
I supplied the artwork and templates and they are using their awesome minds to bring it all together idk how to make themes so all help is welcomed the more help the better

Cool your jets I didn't say you said anything I was asking for clarification. I am just as interested in this happening as anyone else. I can't wait to see the outcome. thanks for putting getting people together on it.

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