Attract-Mode Support > Scripting

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retro fe ,,,,has it   

launch box has it...

apparently,  we have seen it in AM ,,,,  Oomek,s layout....that will never come to be..

would anyone like to give it a tackle....  i would love to try to help...

dont we deserve to on this level guys.... :D


Hmm I never implemented it in Arcadeflow because I don't want it to look too much like Oomek's work, but considering that I already have code to extract first letter, or decade in case the sorting is by year, or genre if the sorting is by genre, I can try and craft some simple layout using this. Some ideas from the keyboard search plugin might be useful for laying out the letters and highlighting them...

I'm not sure I'll have the time, but I'll see if I can come up with something.

So this is the quick and dirty solution I built, based on my "gameletter" routine. Consider that my routine works for different sortings, but this layout only works if the sorting is not by category, manufacturer or year. If you want to expand it to work with all this sortings you should change the key array accordingly

--- Code: ---function gameletter( offset ) {
   if (fe.filters.len() > 0){

      if (fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].sort_by == Info.Year){
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Year, offset )
         return s
      else if (fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].sort_by == Info.Manufacturer){
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Manufacturer, offset )
         return s.slice(0,1)
      else if (fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].sort_by == Info.Category){
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Category, offset )
         if (s == "") return "?"
         s = split( s, "/" )
         return strip(s[0])
      else {
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Title, offset )
         if (s.find("The ") == 0) s = s.slice(4,s.len())
         local s2 = s.slice(0,1)
         if ("1234567890".find (s2) != null ){
         return s2

local flw = fe.layout.width
local flh = fe.layout.height
local gamename = fe.add_text("[Title]",0,0,flw,flh/10)
gamename.charsize = gamename.height*0.5

local accent = fe.add_text ("[!gameletter]",0,flh*0.5,flw,flh*0.25)
accent.charsize = flh*0.25

local keys = null
keys = {}
local i = 0
local key_names = [ "#", "A", "B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]
foreach (key, val in key_names){
   local key_obj = fe.add_text(val, i*flw/key_names.len(),flh*0.5,flw/key_names.len(),50)
   key_obj.charsize = 50
   key_obj.alpha = 128
   keys[val] <- key_obj

keys [gameletter(0)].alpha = 255

fe.add_transition_callback( this, "on_transition" )

function on_transition( ttype, var, ttime ) {

if (ttype == Transition.ToNewSelection){
   local l1 = gameletter(0)
   local l2 = gameletter(var)

   if (l1 != l2){
      keys [l1].alpha = 128
      keys [l2].alpha = 255

--- End code ---

ill give it a try.....after work today ,,,thanks

so i added your code ....thanks to... shuffle module...

and this is what i got....

for loops so it gets off letter if that makes sence....

if i can get shuffle module to just go from a to z that would be good...

also the sig used is next when you do next game it is now off to..

almost like it could be fixed with a new module by kyle....hmmm

here is a quick demo just using "next letter"  then at end i screw it up to show you how it is now off.

here is the theme....code...

--- Code: ---local flx = fe.layout.width;
local fly = fe.layout.height;
local flw = fe.layout.width;
local flh = fe.layout.height;

function gameletter( offset ) {
   if (fe.filters.len() > 0){

      if (fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].sort_by == Info.Year){
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Year, offset )
         return s
      else if (fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].sort_by == Info.Manufacturer){
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Manufacturer, offset )
         return s.slice(0,1)
      else if (fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].sort_by == Info.Category){
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Category, offset )
         if (s == "") return "?"
         s = split( s, "/" )
         return strip(s[0])
      else {
         local s = fe.game_info( Info.Title, offset )
         if (s.find("The ") == 0) s = s.slice(4,s.len())
         local s2 = s.slice(0,1)
         if ("1234567890".find (s2) != null ){
         return s2

local gamename = fe.add_text("[Title]",600,400,800,50);
gamename.charsize = 50

local white = fe.add_image ("white.png",232,150,50,980);
white.set_rgb ( 0, 0, 0 );

local snap = fe.add_artwork ("snap",400,400,400,400);

//local accent = fe.add_text ("[!gameletter]",233,400,50,50);
//accent.charsize = flh*0.20

local x = flx*0.122
##        fly*
local w = flw*0.260
local h = flh*0.060

local x1 = flx*0.051
##        fly*
local w1 = flw*0.000
local h1 = flh*-0.02

## call module

## Extend the Shuffle class
class ShuffleList extends Shuffle {
function update() {

## Overwrite the select function
function select(slot) {
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 27; = Style.Bold;
//slot.set_rgb ( 255, 255, 0 );
//slot.alpha = 200;

## Overwrite the deselect function
function deselect(slot) {
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 27; = Style.Bold;
slot.set_rgb (240, 240, 240);
//slot.alpha = 200;

##Shuffle Gamelist
local list = [];
list.push(fe.add_text("A", x, fly*0.122, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("B", x, fly*0.177, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("C", x, fly*0.232, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("D", x, fly*0.287, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("E", x, fly*0.342, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("F", x, fly*0.397, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("G", x, fly*0.452, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("H", x, fly*0.507, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("I", x, fly*0.562, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("J", x, fly*0.617, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("K", x, fly*0.672, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("L", x, fly*0.727, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("M", x, fly*0.782, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("N", x, fly*0.837, w, h));
list.push(fe.add_text("O", x, fly*0.892, w, h));

## Shufffle Pow Extend the Shuffle class
class ShufflePow extends Shuffle {
function update() {

## Overwrite the select function
function select(slot) {
slot.visible = true;
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 27; = Style.Bold;
slot.set_rgb ( 0, 255, 0 );

## Overwrite the select function
function deselect(slot) {
slot.visible = false;

## extended image list
local pow = [];
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.122, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.177, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.232, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.287, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.342, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.397, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.452, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.507, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.562, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.617, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.672, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.727, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.782, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.837, w, h));
pow.push(fe.add_text("[!gameletter]", x, fly*0.892, w, h));

## Create an instance of the extended class

local list = ShuffleList(list, "text");
local pow = ShufflePow(pow, "text");

--- End code ---

 of coarse it need shuffle module


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