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Topics - kairowan

Pages: [1]
Is there any way to install Attract Mode on Pop_OS? it's my main OS, and I'd rather not have to reboot into a separate OS when I want to load Attract Mode. The version of Pop_OS I'm running is based off Ubuntu 20.04. I've downloaded the .deb file, and, of course, I am missing dependencies, but when I try to install those dependencies, *they* are missing dependencies. It becomes an ever growing rabbit hole of missing dependencies.

I tried the easier way first, adding the PPA to my sources, but I got an error saying the Launchpad has no Release file.

Any ideas? I've only recently came back to Linux after several years of Windows being my main system, and I'll be honest, I've never been good at compiling software, so I've avoided that option for now. LOL. I can use the terminal some, but that's it.

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