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General / Re: Installing on Ubuntu - Frustrated
« Last post by pdumais on Today at 02:53:35 PM »
Not a solution but I'm getting the same error on a system on which I already successfully compiled it. Difference is I was trying to recompile with curl installed this time. I get the same error if I attempt after uninstalling curl.
Themes / Re: Nostalgic Build, theme per system AM+
« Last post by jakabasej8 on Today at 01:03:53 AM »
Xbox 360 Theme add on:

This might just be the best theme yet, Microsoft Xbox 360 theme, built in photoshop and brought to life with Attract Mode +

This one's using a new Attract Mode + module by Chadnaut called Sequence, this is an advanced preview copy, but it's looking incredible from my perspective.  Big thank you to Chadnaut, who basically wrote the majority of the animations in this theme using it.  I've now got my head around it, so will be using it for themes going forward.   The big bonus on sequence is stackable animations, so you can do lots of cool sequences very easily with it.

Interactable features:

-Toggable menu reflections (massive thanks to Tankman3737, I couldn't get this to work, but he very kindly spent the time getting it working and looking great!)
-Animated ripples on menu floor   
-Disc tray opens and closes
-Disc pops into tray and closes with tray
-Power button follows original Xbox 360 load sequence
-Tray eject button presses and depressed with tray animations
-Custom menu following Xbox 360 NXE theme, but with my own twist on it.
-Custom meta screen, meta disc animation.
-Toggle full screen on / off

Big shout out to Chadnaut and Tankman3737, you guys are awesome!

looks awesome!
Scripting / Re: Ultimarc Servo-Stik plugin for Linux
« Last post by Krondorf on Yesterday at 03:22:41 AM »
In case anyone is interested, there is also an app called LEDSpicer that handles mode switching for ServoStiks, U360s, GGG Rotary and GGG 49-ways based on rom choice or via manual control (it handles LED stuff too). It's not my app, but I work with the author of it from time to time on documentation and testing. I did some work on the documentation for RGBCommander as well and have used both extensively.

There are some interesting features like the ability to design interactive LED lighting based on inputs. Like.... coin light flashes until a coin is inserted, and then player 1 flashes until pressed. It has support for MAME's output system too, which works great with stuff like blinking LEDs in DigDug and Galaga, or the knocker feature from Qbert. Just know, to use that feature you'd need to be using MAME versions over 188 or so. 188 manages to run old roms like DigDug and Galaga at fullspeed on my Rpi3b+ (as long as I'm not running a monitor in high resolution).

Anyway, sorry for the old topic bump, but I was searching for something and figured it'd be useful to have this info here.
I can't get either of these to work...
I can activate the servos manually with SETSERVOSTIK from command line... but i can't get anything to happen while in attract mode (groovyarcade/arch)
I've generated the romlist and called it arcade.txt as well as mame.txt and put them in the romlists folder (is this the correct filename? does the script look at this filename?)

Ended up getting LEDSpicer working after an issue was fixed through github
Would be good to know what the issue is with RGBc though...
General / Groovyarcade Catver.ini location
« Last post by Beaps on January 21, 2025, 03:14:09 PM »
Hello all

I’m trying to setup category’s in GA using Attract Mode using Displays.

Does anyone have a guide please.

Ideally I want CPS2 and one saying Driver etc

Themes / Arcade1UP - Class of 81
« Last post by rgavril on January 21, 2025, 11:44:33 AM »
I made an attracmode layout to use on my modded arcade1up cabinet. It's a personal / hobby project but maybe somebody finds it useful.

Scripting / Re: LEDSpicer Emitter Plugin & LEDSpicer Tutorial
« Last post by Krondorf on January 20, 2025, 09:10:15 PM »
Having trouble getting my ServoStiks to work..

I have compiled and installed and it shows it is running when you type:
"ledspicerd -v"

I have also copied ledspicerd.service to /etc/systemd/system and the service starts up fine on each boot.

"21-ledspicer.rules" file has been copied to /etc/udev/rules.d/

"ledspicer.conf" file has been copied to /usr/local/etc where the program looks for the config file by default.

The LEDSpicer plugin has been put into Attract Plus plugins folder and has been picked up by Attract Plus fine.

But still can't get it to work. I've put the below into the ledspicer.conf file for the ServoStiks. the guide recommends to put in the following:

    <!-- ServoStik -->
       <!-- Player 1 with ServoStik -->
       <restrictor name="ServoStik" boardId="1" player="1" joystick="1" />

tried to trigger them manually with rotator 1 1 4 rotator 1 1 8 and rotator reset --4 etc but nothing happens...

Any ideas please ?? :)

Edit: Sorted through github
General / maybe a fresh set of eyes - booting Retroarch cores in AM+
« Last post by glimmertwins on January 20, 2025, 02:51:45 PM »
I'm going crazy trying to get retroarch set up with AM+.  I feel like I am super close but there is something that eludes me and I've been looking at this long enough that I think it might be useful to have another set of eyes to tell me where I'm being stupid.

Current situation - I have AM+ working well for MAME and NES games on my Mac.  I added retroarch to try to use it's snes9x core for SNES games(after spending a week trying to get snes9x for mac running from the command line and realizing it doesnt support that on Mac......). 

So far so good - I was able to run SNES games from the Retroarch UI without incident.  Then I started to have problems with running it via the emulator settings in AM.  I went back to basics and made sure I could construct an appropriate command in Terminal and after a little playing around I was successfully able to boot games through retroarch from the command line.  Once I navigated to the executable directory in terminal ($HOME/Desktop/emulators/, this is what worked:

Code: [Select]
./Retroarch -v -L $HOME/Library/"Application Support"/RetroArch/cores/snes9x_libretro.dylib "$HOME/Desktop/ROMcollections/TOP100SNESGAMES/Alien 3 (USA).sfc"
I'm feeling pretty good at this point because I know the emulator config files in AM are just using this as a template to build the same command.  I then pop this into my SNES.cfg file:

Code: [Select]
executable           $HOME/Desktop/emulators/
args                    -v -L $HOME/Library/"Application Support"/RetroArch/cores/snes9x_libretro.dylib "[RomFileName]"
rompath              $HOME/Desktop/ROMcollections/TOP100SNESGAMES
romext               .sfc;.smc;.fig;.zip;.rar;.7z
system               Super Nintendo (SNES)

At this point I'm having no success - something starts to launch and immediately closes out - can't tell if it's retroarch or terminal but something is opening & closing very quickly.  Other things I have tried - I see a romlist that has been generated for SNES and I've also been able to favorite some of the SNES roms in the menu so I have both an SNES.txt and SNES.tag file in the hidden location $HOME/.attract/romlists/.  Is there a way to capture via logs what is happening here through AM+?  I think maybe its trying to run retroarch and some setting is causing it to close but it's odd that AM is just building a command through a known working command. 

Any ideas to help me troubleshoot?  Thank you for your support!!!
Themes / Re: Nostalgic Build, theme per system AM+
« Last post by zestful on January 20, 2025, 03:54:57 AM »
SNK Neo Geo theme for Attract Mode +

I've went for a Rachid Loft style with this one, he's one of my favourite retro artists.  I think it's turned out very nice.

Themes / Re: Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 update 25
« Last post by kent79 on January 19, 2025, 09:52:30 PM »
Update to v2 update 25

- minor UI update
Themes / Re: Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 update 24
« Last post by kent79 on January 17, 2025, 02:43:09 PM »
Update to v2 update 24

-add numeric keypad input popup message while on theme startup
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