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Messages - Stormyblade

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I know it's close. I got it working for Trackball games, and I had it working for Dial/Spinner games too, but I've run into a couple bugs and have found myself going down the rabbit hole. Just trying to find a theme that shows me what I want to see, specifically the display name that I chose for the category, such as Namco games, Nintendo games, Fighter games, and, for me, Trackball games -- a wheel-based theme is okay but I want to see the display name too.

I'll have to post a screenshot of the rules that I created to make it work.

Thanks Mark,

I'll give this a try and see if it works. So far, it's not. I'm not sure why but I'll keep editing and tinkering. This really shouldn't be this hard -- I mean, it was easy enough to create an 'adults only' display list, and display lists such a fighter, vertical scroller, etc, so I can't see why this one is so tough.

I'm running AM on a Windows 10 PC with MAME and Daphne as my emulators -- and I've seen videos on how to create specific displays so you can pick, say, fighting games, or vertical scrollers, etc. Now, you should be able to do the same thing to create a display list of games that run off of, for instance, dials/spinners, or games that use the trackball plus buttons. I've tried several options and none of them are working - am I missing something obvious?

And, yes, I have the controls.ini file saved in my MAME directory, so AM should be able to tape into that...or is that part of my problem?

Thanks in advance!

General / Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« on: April 05, 2022, 10:37:16 PM »
I followed the directions from a guy on YT that worked perfectly - it even has the script file to create the games list in the description:

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