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Messages - Mark Norville

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Themes / Re: Default Grid Theme
« on: April 11, 2022, 12:04:49 AM »
In the video demo it shows 12 on screen at one time. Once you have come to the end of the screen then it displays more results if you scroll right.

Your question does not make sense really as there are 12 on screen at all time, even when it is scrolling.

If you only want the same 12 items on page at all times so Rocky Movies 1 to 12 then you only need to have a list that only contains 12 items.

If it contains 13 movies as an example, then it will scroll to display the 13th.



All in a days work,

Just talk enough crap and the smart people will sort their own problems out.

I need to sort out my rlauncher account out as not used that for years, I am not even sure what email account it uses nowadays.

However, glad you are all up and running now, happy gaming, however just to make you think, if you ever run out of room in the future.

What would you delete first? The games or the media? So you might like this HyperPause for now, but in the future when you run out of space, you might decide to start cutting that out so you save a few gigs for storage on things that you do actually need like wheels, snaps etc.



I will try and help as much as I can but as I do not use RL to load anything nowadays especially for something such as this, you do have pause and stuff like that in RA

However, looking at your files I will point to potentially your dodgy areas

Sega Dreamcast.cfg

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.2
executable           C:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe
args                 -s "[emulator]" -r "[name]" -p AttractMode -f "C:\AttractMode\attract.exe"
rompath              C:\Attract Mode\emulators\Flycast\roms\
romext               .chd
system               Sega Dreamcast
artwork    flyer           $HOME/Sega Dreamcast/boxart
artwork    marquee         
artwork    snap            $HOME/Sega Dreamcast/videos;$HOME/Sega Dreamcast/snap
artwork    wheel           

I put the info source in red as I would use additional info source which would be xml file from hyperlist and I would not use listsoftware or gamesdb.

I Just checked the + is part of AM, but I would be tempted just to use one or the other and not both at once

This also seems very odd args                 -s "[emulator]" -r "[name]" -p AttractMode -f "C:\AttractMode\attract.exe"

You have a lot going on in your args

I will have a look at your other files




Welcome to the forum. You are doing a hell of a lot just to get one simple emulator to load.

It is obviously up to you, but a two minute set up flycast core on RA and bang you are playing games, going through all of this to load a basic emulator that pretty much you can run on a calculator is a bit over kill really.

I mean unless you want something special out of rocket launcher such as the loading screen, too myself personally it is a waste of time, why go through all the extra hassle when something is a two minute job.




You would need to specify in the display settings

controls equals track ball, or whatever it is called in controls.ini file.

However, if you have your master rom list set up as All Systems

You can just use tags and then make a trackball, light gun tag and then create a display around that using the tags.

I would go the tag route simply because people done MAME and then stopped they only done basic tagging for other systems, so for The N system that you had the light gun, the xml file for that system will have Duck Hunt Genre Shooter and that is it

I might even use tags actually than editing the xml files in the future, as far too many games to go through for editing.

You would need an All Filter, control equals trackball

So display = Trackball Games (example)
Filter = All Filter
control equals = trackball



General / Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« on: April 05, 2022, 11:38:18 PM »
I just had a look at the video and it is far too slow a way to get favourites working

If you done this for countless of systems will take ages to do.

You just need to get used to making a master rom list (so you generate all roms) ALL SYSTEMS

When you set up systems then you need to make filters, so when you set up emulators you need to name them so they are more searchable so Sega Dreamcast USA

All what you need to do then is set up a favourites where ever you want, and then click on F for what ever system you want, it is instant.

If you follow this video, you have to keep generating a rom list, which takes ages over ten seconds for about seven games, so the more you add the longer it is going to take you.

However, if you wish to do it like this, then up to you, but trust me this is going to take you a very long time to do, compared to the official way, once you know how to do that.



Themes / Some more free AM Themes
« on: April 02, 2022, 12:15:23 PM »
I just came across this website

He does have a Youtube channel, but I only just came across his website by accident.

The themes are free to download, they also contain a preview video as well.

Hope this helps someone out that wants more themes to play with.



General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 10:59:36 PM »
I would not quit just yet

I would make a display list text file, I think you have set up the shelling far too early, you really need that display.txt file otherwise it does not know what to display hence it defaulting to config.

Just make that text file, replace all with MAME or whatever you called your emulator and give that a try,


Type in or copy and paste

filter               All
filter               Favourites
rule                Favourite equals 1

SAVE AS DEFAULT-DISPLAY.CFG All lower case, if All does not work for you change it to MAME or whatever emulator you have set up.

Example : C:\Attract Mode\default-display.cfg

Only quitters quit, don't be a quitter.



General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 11:46:19 AM »
I shall reply to myself here rather than editing the post, just so that you can see this as you have just come back on

In the main attract mode directory

You will have a file called last_run.txt I will put my settings at the bottom of this

Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +SWF +7z +Curl)
avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'MAME (Arcade)'
 - Loaded master romlist 'MAME (Arcade)' in 448 ms (13397 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 1 ms (26794 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/coinops/ (layout.nut)
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (59 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/Basic/ (layout.nut)
Writing emulator config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\emulators/PS1 Europe.cfg
Writing emulator config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\emulators/PS1 Europe.cfg
Writing emulator config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\emulators/PS1 Europe.cfg
Writing emulator config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\emulators/PS1 Europe.cfg
*** Generating Collection/Rom List: PS1 Europe
 - Found 1469 files.
 - Removing any duplicate entries...
 + Writing 1469 entries to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\romlists/PS1 Europe.txt
Writing emulator config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\emulators/PS1 Europe.cfg
Writing config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'MAME (Arcade)'
 - Loaded master romlist 'MAME (Arcade)' in 397 ms (13397 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 1 ms (26794 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/coinops/ (layout.nut)
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (60 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/Basic/ (layout.nut)

*** Initializing display: 'PS1 Europe'
 - Loaded master romlist 'PS1 Europe' in 64 ms (1469 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (2938 comparisons)
Writing emulator config to: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\emulators/PS1 Europe.cfg
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (60 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/Basic/ (layout.nut)

*** Initializing display: 'PS1 Europe'
 - Loaded master romlist 'PS1 Europe' in 44 ms (1469 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (2938 comparisons)
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (60 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/Basic/ (layout.nut)
 ! Unexpectedly lost focus to: explorer.exe (3304)

*** Initializing display: 'PS1 Europe'
 - Loaded master romlist 'PS1 Europe' in 64 ms (1469 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (2938 comparisons)
 - Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (60 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: C:\Attract Mode Test Modes\Sega\layouts/Basic/ (layout.nut)

You also have a file called default-display.cfg

filter               All
filter               Favourites
rule                 Favourite equals 1

If the exit to desktop did not work, then check your files and then compare them to mine.



General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 11:18:12 AM »
If you try the following

Set up a quick exit key



Scroll down to

Exit to desktop

I have mine set as D for this, but up to you what key you use

Load AM and then go to your MAME roms, press your exit to desktop key, which let's say D

Reboot and then see if the same thing happens again.

I think that there is a setting somewhere in a cfg file that you can change, I shall look and see if I can find it



Themes / Re: NEC Layout
« on: April 01, 2022, 07:27:37 AM »
Your second post, and both personal attacks. So you are a great addition to the forum.

However, I don't need to bother to insult you, as two posts in and straight away you are just a useless troll.

So it might be a wise move to start making useful posts or asking for help if you need to.

If you want to launch personal attacks, then private message me. Keep your rubbish off the forum.

bear80 has been online this afternoon, and not replied to the post. No pictures, no video etc etc, we are not mind readers and first post saying that he has taken something, made it better in his eyes and then not posted any more information is not a good first post.



General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 05:41:25 AM »
Firstly, you need to have a rom list

Secondly go to settings PRESS TAB
Scroll down to  GENERAL
1) Show displays menu
2) Launch last game
3) Show last selection (Default)

You want 1) or if you do not want the menu system then 3) but your last selection needs to be your roms list. So MAME as an example, your last selection was potentially the config screen before shutting down.



General / Re: Newbie installing AM, can you help?
« on: April 01, 2022, 01:06:23 AM »
I recently installed Attract Mode onto my win 10 pc (after binning coinops)

Welcome to the forum, such a nice and polite way that you introduced yourself and asked for help. I hope two other newbies see this.

However, glad to see that you binned coinops I done the same and never looked back. I am sick of new build after new build, you get one system up and running and then he releases something else. You spend more time wondering if it is worth carrying on with things, especially when Retro Arcade 2 was supposed to be an all singing and dancing build only to find out that it is not powerful enough for full collections.

Some newbie tips for you

1) Make two different AM (Attract Mode) directories, one for your main build and then one for learning. Use the learning one and make mistakes on that, but when you get things correct then copy those settings into your main build.
2) Always check for spelling mistakes, missing .exe for something that should have emulator.exe. Spelling mistakes have been the majority of my problems in the past, present and hopefully not future
3) When you have put things together in the emulator section you generate roms for the whole lot, call this All Systems this means that you can add favourites etc to your builds, you can filter the rom set based on emulator or system name. I was doing PS1 Europe etc, using that rom list, trying to add games to my favourites but they would not add. Sadly this is a constraint on the system annoying but easy enough to work around.
4) Sadly another bad thing about AM is that sometimes you need to downgrade the videos, E.G it is not very good at handling MP4 so when you download from YT as an example and you download 720p,1080p or 4K if you have too many of them it can cause the program to slow down and a lot of stuttering videos. I use the free built in Windows 10 video editor just to downsize the videos.
5) Start off slowly, try five roms first, get things working before trying to import a thousand of so files, make sure you like how things are, can you make changes to improve, a lot easier changing things with only five files, than it is a thousand or so.
6) Use the back end to start with, but keep an eye on romslists and also attract.cfg file learn how they work, especially the attract.cfg and in the end it is a lot faster to make changes and add things to the attract.cfg file than it is to use the backend. You still need the back end to set up emulators, but apart from that new collections are far easier just editing the config file.

AM is a diamond in the rough piece of software, which means that yeah it is not perfect, but once you realise what it can actually do better than other software then you think WOW this is actually pretty good. It just takes a slight learning curve to get the best out of it. I swapped from CO about four months ago now, I have not looked back since. I was looking at HS once again or lunchbox but I hate lunchbox, and HS I really did not want to go back to.

The main feature of AM is that you can have one build but hundreds, thousands of different themes if you wanted to. E.G I can have theme A as my main display, I go to the Sega Master System, I can have Theme B display, I go to Sega Mega Drive, I can have Theme C display and so forth. One program different layouts, where on other front ends, you are stuck with one theme or layout for the rest of your life.



Themes / Re: NEC Layout
« on: March 31, 2022, 11:43:50 PM »
Zenith, it is far from snarky or obnoxious to wonder what the person is going on about. A cryptic first message is always a bad start on joining a forum. So is calling someone obnoxious when if you are nice and polite especially on your first post, then you are greeted with a welcome to the forum.

However, I think you have kind of blown that one. Also I have already said for him to post pictures or something, there was no need to repeat the same thing that I have already said.

Oh and just to add, his first post is that I have taken someone else's work which was pretty crap, and I have made it better in my point of view. So his first message was not a very good one either, especially when it is just cryptic.

A good start on joining a forum is as follows

Hi Guys,

New to the forum, but I love the program so far. I have a few issues, so I was wondering if someone could help please.

A bad start on joining a forum is as follows

Downloaded this, it's shit, I cannot get this working, right ok (biting lip), what are you trying to do? I am trying to get these roms up and running.

Well ok, post this, that and the other, oh we see what you have done wrong, it is a spelling error and nothing to do with the program.

Dam stupid program anyway, it should have a spell checker built in, or it should be intelligent enough to know what I meant.

Yep sighs.

It is called forum etiquette, when you start with a bad message, then it does not make people think, well that was a nice post, a bad first message straight away puts people's back's up.

Trust me, I can be a lot more snarky and obnoxious, however my replies are very polite, which is why people always get a regards Mark, if you don't get a regards Mark then that is when you have annoyed the hell out of me. So trust me, as I am trying to give up smoking, I am very calm and friendly despite having the DT's I have not even had a beer for two days either, so trust me I am still very polite for going through detox. 



Scripting / Re: Change the background when changing systems
« on: March 31, 2022, 01:22:50 AM »
Yeah sorry, I did not post the full thing needed to get it up and running, it was just a snippet of what you need, and also just to make sure that your background or whatever images you have are named the same as your emulator or display.

The icons moving as just gif files I would believe.

Background music I believe that Kent's theme has BGM so take a look at his nutfile on how to add BGM. I personally do not use it as I have the sound of videos being played, so it is something that I have not even considered.



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