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Topics - erevans

Pages: [1]
Sorry if this is a simple problem.  I'm very busy with kids and work and have very limited time to devote to solving this if it can be solved by some resident knowledge.

Running Attractmode. When I choose a rom, MAME opens. I can then launch rom from MAME.  I want it to be as seamless as possible.  Any pointers?

If it matters, I'm running Linux.

Thank you in advance.

Scripting / How do I Shutdown PC without using a keyboard?
« on: December 07, 2017, 04:52:02 PM »
I've searched but I cannot find the answer I'm looking for.
I am trying to make a keyboardless setup on a PC running Linux.  (if instructions exist for Windows, I should have enough understanding how to modify a .bat file to a .sh file)
I have MAME working fine.
I have Attractmode with Nevato theme working fine.
I have Attractmode set to launch upon boot.
I have Attractmode set to shutdown the PC on exit.

What I am looking for is to have a shutdown command (and perhaps an exit command) directly in a display via a wheel entry (like in the attached image from a youtube screengrab of a Cabrio-FE build) so I can run keyboardless.
Can anyone offer some pointers?  Do I need to write a plugin?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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