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Messages - huxman

Pages: [1]
Themes / Re: [download] NEVATO theme
« on: May 23, 2019, 10:09:04 AM »
It shouldn't be that hard. It's just a matter of changing position of all elements.
So you don't have to change the code - except the position/skew/pinch/size

I've made a mockup how it could look.
Check it HERE

Yes! That mockup is exactly what I was picturing in my head. My only suggestion is that I would not be opposed to the game name wheel extending lower on the right side, where the game logos would occasionally overlap the edge of the onscreen arcade cabinet's control panel. Thank you for considering this.

Themes / Re: [download] NEVATO theme
« on: May 21, 2019, 11:01:03 AM »
Love this theme! Big thank you to the creator.

How difficult would it be to add vertical screen orientations to this theme? I am hoping to have this run on a vertically oriented 1920x1080 monitor. I have tried playing around with the layout.nut and comparing nevato's to some of the vertical AM themes, but I don't really know what I am doing. Any tips or suggested edits would be greatly appreciated.

General / Re: Screen not returning to Attract-Mode when exiting MAME
« on: July 26, 2018, 10:14:23 AM »
Thank you keilmillerjr!!!

For anyone experiencing something similar to what I was, disabling everything in the Windows Settings->System->Focus Assist seems to have fixed it.


General / Re: Screen not returning to Attract-Mode when exiting MAME
« on: July 25, 2018, 08:19:53 AM »
Informix, I checked mine against what you posted and I don't see anything different in our config files. Thank you though.

So everyone knows, I moved my MAME folder to be completely outside the AM folder and used hard paths instead of relative paths, and unfortunately that did not fix anything. I tried the new MAME .200 from this morning and AM's daily build from yesterday that didn't make any difference.

I mentioned in my original post but want to say it again, that the screen freezing exiting a MAME game until I left-click my mouse does not occur if I use another front-end. It does not happen in retrofe, hyperspin, or gameex. But I like Attract Mode best and I don't want to use any of the other front ends.

Also, this does not happen if AM general settings have Window Mode set to "window", only when AM is set to "Fill Screen", "Fullscreen", or "Window (no border)" am I dealing with having to left-click my mouse for AM to return to the screen.   

General / Re: Screen not returning to Attract-Mode when exiting MAME
« on: July 24, 2018, 10:17:22 PM »
Keilmillerjr, I try to keep everything updated to the latest versions. I am running Windows 10 home (64-bit, build 1803), MAME .199, and AM 2.4.0 (64-bit). You mentioned later revisions of Windows 10 changing stuff related to AM? Maybe that is my problem?

Informix, thank you for sharing your config files. I will check mine against yours tomorrow when I have an opportunity, I am curious to see if any setting differences have any bearing on this. One thing that appears to be different is that I have all of my MAME files inside the “emulators” subfolder within the AttractMode folder rather than being outside of AM completely. I believe in the settings I have all of my paths being relative to the main AM folder.

General / Re: Screen not returning to Attract-Mode when exiting MAME
« on: July 24, 2018, 01:19:21 PM »
Maybe this is a Windows 10 relationship problem with AM. In the forums I have now found a couple similar posts but no good solutions:

I just tried making the Quit function in AM not be the "ESC" to see if that helped (as was suggested as the solution in and it did not fix it for me.

General / Re: Screen not returning to Attract-Mode when exiting MAME
« on: July 24, 2018, 12:51:35 PM »
Informix, I am glad to know that I am not the only one this has happened to. I hope that I will get lucky and it will go away like it did for you, or that someone will see this post and know exactly what the trouble is.

Over the last many weeks I have tried everything I can think of. I am finishing up with a cabinet build, and this game exit problem is what is holding me back. I love the nevato layout for AM and I love AM's romlist filters, and that is why I keep coming back to try to make AM work for me the way it should.

I do have a Tankstick, but this is happening when I am using my regular notebook keyboard and built-in monitor. I am not seeing any difference from running AM on my "stock laptop" as to when I plug in the tankstick and run HDMI out to a TV. I still get the same freeze on exit. I am not using a multi-monitor setup.

I did a fresh reinstall of AM 2.4. I have updated all my video and audio drivers. I have tried using the 32-bit AM instead of 64-bit AM to see if that changed things, and it did not. There is something happening here where Windows is not giving priority back to AM or that AM isn't taking control when MAME exits.

General / Re: Screen not returning to Attract-Mode when exiting MAME
« on: July 24, 2018, 06:52:18 AM »
Thank you for that idea informix, but that didn't fix the problem. I am still having this issue whether Multi Monitor is ON or OFF. Hopefully you or someone else has another idea.

A little more information about my setup I should have included in the 1st post:
Computer is an Acer laptop, Intel I5 (2.3ghz) processor, GPU is Intel HD 520.

Also, this problem with AM not returning to my screen when exiting a game happens regardless of what version of MAME I use. Yesterday I tried old version .139 I had archived, as well as ARCADE .199 (the new name for mameuifx), and it was still happenng. In all of these versions, AM starts the games with no problems, I can play them for as long as I want, and then when I press ESC to exit the game -- the game stops but AM does not return to my screen until I click the left mouse button.

All suggestions are welcome. 

Hello everybody! I am hoping one of you will know exactly how to fix my problem. Attract-Mode launches a game through MAME with no trouble, but when I exit that game, my screen does not automatically return to Attract-Mode unless I click the left mouse button or Alt-Tab.

When exiting the MAME game, my screen seems to freeze on the latest image of the game that was running (almost like I pressed to pause instead of exit) until I click the mouse and then AM comes back to my screen immediately. If I just wait, AM never comes back on my screen, I must click the mouse or Alt-Tab for AM to show again. To be clear, I am not mouse-clicking anything specific, it is like Windows isn't returning the focus back to AM.

I am running Windows 10 home (64-bit, build 1803) and the newest version 2.4.0 (64-bit) of AM.

I have been using AM for a couple years without this problem. I don't recall anything specific I updated or changed when I first noticed this problem, but it began several weeks ago when I was using version 2.3. At the time, I didn't see anyone else on the forums mention my problem and I thought that it would be something I could either solve on my own or it might be fixed in the next update of AM. I am posting this today because I just updated to 2.4 and it is still happening to me.

It doesn't seem like this problem is related to any specific layout.

The only AM setting I have found which makes any difference is when window mode is set to "window". When AM is in "window", MAME ends and my screen returns immediately to AM like it is supposed to. When AM is in any other window mode (Fill Screen, Fullscreen, or Window (no border)), and I exit MAME, then I have to left-click the mouse for focus to return to AM.

It doesn't seem like this is a MAME issue, this problem does not happen if I use a different frontend like hyperspin or retrofe.

I am hoping someone has good ideas. AM is my favorite MAME frontend, and I would much rather be able to run AM in "Fill Screen" than it having to always be windowed. I have tried everything I can think of to fix it and am having no luck. Thank you for giving me a minute!

!!! SOLVED !!!
Disabling everything in the Windows Settings->System->Focus Assist seems to have fixed it.

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