« on: July 21, 2018, 09:47:41 PM »
Hello everybody! I am hoping one of you will know exactly how to fix my problem. Attract-Mode launches a game through MAME with no trouble, but when I exit that game, my screen does not automatically return to Attract-Mode unless I click the left mouse button or Alt-Tab.
When exiting the MAME game, my screen seems to freeze on the latest image of the game that was running (almost like I pressed to pause instead of exit) until I click the mouse and then AM comes back to my screen immediately. If I just wait, AM never comes back on my screen, I must click the mouse or Alt-Tab for AM to show again. To be clear, I am not mouse-clicking anything specific, it is like Windows isn't returning the focus back to AM.
I am running Windows 10 home (64-bit, build 1803) and the newest version 2.4.0 (64-bit) of AM.
I have been using AM for a couple years without this problem. I don't recall anything specific I updated or changed when I first noticed this problem, but it began several weeks ago when I was using version 2.3. At the time, I didn't see anyone else on the forums mention my problem and I thought that it would be something I could either solve on my own or it might be fixed in the next update of AM. I am posting this today because I just updated to 2.4 and it is still happening to me.
It doesn't seem like this problem is related to any specific layout.
The only AM setting I have found which makes any difference is when window mode is set to "window". When AM is in "window", MAME ends and my screen returns immediately to AM like it is supposed to. When AM is in any other window mode (Fill Screen, Fullscreen, or Window (no border)), and I exit MAME, then I have to left-click the mouse for focus to return to AM.
It doesn't seem like this is a MAME issue, this problem does not happen if I use a different frontend like hyperspin or retrofe.
I am hoping someone has good ideas. AM is my favorite MAME frontend, and I would much rather be able to run AM in "Fill Screen" than it having to always be windowed. I have tried everything I can think of to fix it and am having no luck. Thank you for giving me a minute!
!!! SOLVED !!!
Disabling everything in the Windows Settings->System->Focus Assist seems to have fixed it.