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Topics - justintime

Pages: [1]
Themes / PopupInfo plug-in
« on: January 06, 2025, 10:48:56 AM »
Here is a plug-in that will take a keypress and display game info ('overview' files needed), as well as Flyer artwork, marquee artwork (with flicker animation) etc.

-You must define your artwork paths for your emulator within AM. (flyer, marquee, etc.)
-You must use AM to scrape for [overview] files to be created inside your 'scraper/[emulator]/overview/' folder.

Themes / Announcing HyperNut theme
« on: October 14, 2024, 03:47:22 PM »

General / Looking for a Shader plugin for AM
« on: October 11, 2024, 08:02:09 PM »
I can't find this but I am sure someone by now would have created a plugin that would allow for a shader (crt shader for example) to be applied on top of the entire AM layout screen.   Anyone seen this?

Scripting / Show Letter when jumping to next...
« on: October 10, 2024, 12:11:07 PM »
Just like with hyperspin, I would like to have the Letter shown on screen when I jump to the next letter in the list...  A,B,C,D....   If I could display an image for the letter, better yet.

I dont see a transition parameter for jump next though.  So maybe this is not possible.  Any ideas?

Scripting / Conveyor module improvements for Wheel
« on: October 09, 2024, 09:37:18 AM »
Does anyone have any idea how to improve the conveyor module in the following manner?

Currently the wheel I am using (Nevato theme) works as follows:
When I press and hold down, the wheel moves one position to the next entry, and pauses for about 500ms, and then it moves on to the next several entries in a continuous fast scroll.   I love this feature, it probably comes from HyperSpin because the behavior is very similar.

However...  I would like to be able to set up separate transition_ms parameters for the that first entry move, separate from the transition_ms that is set up for the next several entry scrolls.   To be clear, I am NOT talking about the 500ms delay mentioned above.  I am talking about the  transition_ms parameter which dictates how fast the wheel moves.

Reason is, I want a slow transition for the first move (400ms), and a very fast one for the next several ones.... (40ms).   This would allow for the movement of the weel on the first move to look somewhat nice slow and smooth, while still allowing for a fast browse through the next several entries.

General / Mixing roms and exe on a screen.
« on: October 06, 2024, 08:05:53 PM »
I searched and couldn't find an answer to this. 

Is there a way to have my layout set up so that on the list of games I can run regular mame roms but also mix in there some executables?   I have some autoit exe files that perform some actions on my arcade cabinet that I would like to be able to launch from within AM.   If not possible then at least I believe I can create a separate layout that hosts the scripts and launch from that screen instead. 

 The homepage info states the following which I think is what I'm after:
Supports per-game customization of the game launch commandline (executable and parameters).

How is this implemented?

Scripting / Animate video?
« on: October 06, 2024, 03:49:32 PM »
I have been using the animate module to animate image based surfaces.   Is it possible to do the same for a video?   So far I have failed miserably, was hoping I could have a video slide in, or even change some of the pinch parameters etc with an animation.  Yes I have something very specific in mind!

Thanks for any pointers.

Scripting / Determining orientation of game?
« on: October 06, 2024, 03:06:01 PM »
So I am writing my own theme, and I am finding that in order to fine tune the display of the snap/video, I need to have a different skew and pinch depending on whether the video is horizontal or vertical.    I believe I can NOT obtain easily the width/height of the video itself even using the texture_width or texture_height properties.

So, I am thinking if I can obtain the rom/game orientation info then I can put a conditional statement in my code and format the video/snap object accordingly.

Is there a way to do this?  If not, any other workarounds?

Thanks, Im lovig the power of AM, coming from HyperSpin.

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