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Topics - takoni

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2 Raspberries Pi in a single arcade, one for the emulation and another for the marquee lcd.
When the screensaver of the Raspberry Pi 4 displays random game videos in Attract Mode's screensaver mode, it sends the marquee to a second Raspberry Pi 3 over an internal network. The Pi 3 then displays the marquee on its own LCD screen. When it cannot find the marquee, it displays a default one. This works by using an add-on in the screensaver and a script on the second Raspberry Pi. Additionally, the marquees need to be stored on the second Raspberry Pi as well. It works very well.
Here are the scripts and an example of the files/directories. Made with the help of chatgpt.

Themes / SBOX DASH 2000 Year
« on: November 18, 2021, 05:57:39 AM »
Hi , i have the idea of ​​making the xbox interface design for the systems menu, but I don't have time, I have the background video in a loop and the soundp but nothing else, I post it in case someone with time is encouraged to do it.

Themes / Personalized theme
« on: November 18, 2021, 04:59:12 AM »
Hi all !! well... here is the layout I use since last 4 years in my Arcade with a Raspberry pi 3, it´s simple... it can show snap, the marquee, the info of the  game, argument of it, if it is  vertical game or not, fav or not and if is there .state saved for the game you are viewing... when you uses the key to go to next theme, it rolls over next layouts changing to vertical orientated and to another design changes. I´ll put on MEGA if you consider ... but warning! it has a lot of persoalized functions i created for my setup and i have no much time for suport asks.
Sorry about pics i have no way to capture from the Raspberry Pi... :(

Themes / New layout in progress ...
« on: March 20, 2020, 12:10:09 PM »
Hello everyone, I hope all of you will be fine at  home, mothe F***ER COVID19!!! ... I want to show you my simple and humble latest layout in 4: 3 format that I am designing, thank you very much to the creator of the keyboard search plugin, the idea is to use the arcade overlays created by Flood in the preview. It`s in beta state, there are about 1000 overlays but some of then does´nt fit with resolution ... there are 2 defaults overlays in case custom overlays is not found. The video is taken with smartphone because i only work with raspberry. I need some help in use of mask and some others thins about size of some overlays... i hope to share with you very soon ... God luck and cheers

Here video preview: WIP but working fine.

Hi, hope you like it, and hope you enjoy it!! ;)

here video and all you need to download.

more about this here:

Themes / New theme , PANDORA Remix for Raspberry pi + Attract Mode.
« on: July 17, 2019, 06:10:02 AM »
Here a new layout i am working in... video work basically.... hope you like. only 3:4 format, it is for arcade machines.

Here fast preview:

Themes / LAVA v1.0 Official Release.
« on: June 11, 2019, 07:01:02 AM »
Yaron has made a nice update for Lava theme:
"I made it compatible for both 16:9 and 16:10 screen aspect ratios and I fixed a big memory leak in the random sound function".

Here is a link for the updated version:

Here is a video of the previous version , early state of design, i will update the video soon.

For good order, if you don't have them already, you can download the random wheel sounds from here and place them at your main Attract folder in a folder named 'sounds':!gJs0nQ7a!q4nYNGwxIa8Mo1mPJJ5t9HGJF58vkNe13rlNoNfl708

Themes / takoni
« on: January 16, 2019, 02:31:04 AM »
Here my 2007 Mala layout converted to AM, I have mix some arts and other layouts ideas around AM.

You need a few folders personalization to make this layout work 100%.!OJYWHKJC!aKQ1pTx6R1oMvRZDrk26gRPm6FS2FzctQBIj0bHHo3k

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