Announcements / Re: Version 2.3 Released
« on: December 25, 2017, 12:48:56 PM »
Hot damn! Multi Monitor now works! It finally displays the Marquee's in the second monitor when moving through the menu.
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to.
Starting Attract-Mode v2.2.1 (Windows)
Config: E:\attractmode\attract.cfg
*** Initializing display: 'Mame'
- Loaded master romlist 'mame' in 321 ms (10372 entries kept, 0 discarded)
- Constructed 28 filters in 126 ms (290416 comparisons)
+ MultiMon Plug-in: Using Monitor #2 (1920x1080)
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [this function isn't static]
*FUNCTION [constructor()] E:\attractmode\plugins/MultiMon2.nut line [60]
*FUNCTION [main()] E:\attractmode\plugins/MultiMon2.nut line [104]
[my_config] TABLE
[tag] "mon2"
[i] 1
[my_config] TABLE
[vargv] ARRAY
[this] TABLE
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong type (unknown expected, got N5Sqrat5ClassI9FeMonitorNS_13NoConstructorEEE)]
rem ensure param isn't blank
ECHO =================================================
rem Check for existing Artwork File
ECHO Checking to see if Artwork file already exists...
if exist e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.zip (
rem file exists
echo Artwork %~n1.zip File Exists, Exiting...
exit /b
) else (
rem file doesn't exist
echo Artwork %~n1.zip File does not exist.
rem Check for existing png marq File
ECHO Checking to see if Marquee file is available...
if exist E:\mame32\marquees\%~n1.png (
rem file exists
echo Marquee %~n1.png File Exists...
) else (
rem file doesn't exist
echo Marquee %~n1.png File does not exist, Exiting...
exit /b
rem copy marq file to artwork
echo Coying %~n1.png to artwork directory...
copy E:\mame32\marquees\%~n1.png e:\mame32\artwork
echo Creating %~n1.lay file...
echo ^<mamelayout version="2"^> > e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<element name="marq"^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<image file="%~n1.png" ^/^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<^/element^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<view name="Marquee_Only"^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<marquee element="marq"^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<bounds x="0" y="0" width="1366" height="384" ^/^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<^/marquee^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<^/view^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
echo ^<^/mamelayout^> >> e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
rem send both to zip
Echo Creating %~n1.zip file...
C:\Progra~1\7-Zip\7z.exe a e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.zip e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.png e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
rem delete marq and lay
Echo Deleting %~n1.png and %~n1.lay...
del e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.lay
del e:\mame32\artwork\%~n1.png
Echo Finished.
<mamelayout version="2">
<element name="marq">
<image file="btime.png" />
<view name="Marquee_Only">
<marquee element="marq">
<bounds x="0" y="0" width="1366" height="384" />
Starting Attract-Mode v2.2.1 (Windows)
Config: E:\attractmode\attract.cfg
*** Initializing display: 'Mame'
- Loaded master romlist 'mame' in 338 ms (10372 entries kept, 0 discarded)
- Constructed 28 filters in 135 ms (290416 comparisons)
Debug-->Monitors Found: 2
+ MultiMon Plug-in: Using Monitor #2 (1920x1080)
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong type (unknown expected, got N5Sqrat5ClassI9FeMonitorNS_13NoConstructorEEE)]
*FUNCTION [constructor()] E:\attractmode\modules\fade.nut line [49]
*FUNCTION [constructor()] E:\attractmode\plugins/MultiMon.nut line [78]
*FUNCTION [main()] E:\attractmode\plugins/MultiMon.nut line [108]
[target] INSTANCE
[height] 1080
[width] 1920
[y] 0
[x] 0
[label] "flyer"
[my_config] TABLE
[tag] "mon2"
[i] 1
[my_config] TABLE
[vargv] ARRAY
[this] TABLE
</ label="Display Flyer or Cabinet", help="Flyer or Cabinet", options="flyer,cabinet", order=9 /> disp_type="flyer";
</ label="Display Move Strip", help="Display move strip. Remember to create a new artwork folder called [flyer2]", options="Yes,No", order=10 /> enable_strip="Yes";
local flyer = fe.add_artwork("flyer", flx*0.59, fly*0.11, flw*0.41, flh*0.691 );
local flyer = fe.add_artwork(my_config["disp_type"], flx*0.59, fly*0.11, flw*0.41, flh*0.691 );