iomenu Theme for Systems Menu.Well, I've still finished it, although basically I only lack the texts of most systems, the system works quite well.
I am Basque and Spanish, so the descriptions texts that appear, of course, are in Spanish.
If I had found the files with the texts in English, i would have put them, but i only found games, not systems.
Attract-Mode 2.4 is needed, with the previous ones it will not work correctly.
You can see it here: The first menu, the main one, can not be modified or put options, at least that I know, works with the options set by default in the theme layout.
In the following menus, the options to choose are two, if the wheel is hidden or not after a few seconds, and the type of information to be displayed:
- Basic: that's when the video goes full screen and you see in the lower right corner, some basic data of the system.
- Complete: It is when the video is placed in the upper right and below the details and system information appear.
- None: When only the system video appears.
Here you have the theme, the attract.cfg, the plugin, the romlists and the site where I got the videos:!Lw1WnazR!RLgvom45dgsbDZrCofDHWUG9e1Si21zWsewX_vMbwMA
All this is very personalized, but I'm sure you can adapt it to your systems, and if not, you can always ask me to see if I can help you.

And if you think of something interesting to add to the theme, then tell me, to see if it can be done...