Author Topic: preferred theme for mame?  (Read 12003 times)


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preferred theme for mame?
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:47:07 PM »
I like the verticools theme but I'm going to be using a flatscreen TV for  my Mame project.
Is there a way to horizontal this theme hehe?
Otherwise is there a good option for a newbie that can't code?


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Re: preferred theme for mame?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2015, 08:38:26 PM »
The cools theme is the horizontal I think. however I'm sure it is not hard to change. Cools might change it if you ask nicely :)
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Re: preferred theme for mame?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2015, 09:09:35 AM »

If you want to see what it would look like or use in horizontal, go to config/controls rotate L and assign a key like say R. Then just launch game and hit R, this should rotate it to horizontal. It's real easy to convert this H if you are willing to dig in the script a little bit.


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Re: preferred theme for mame?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 07:12:23 PM »
I attempted this and got the remove input changed to R,,,i think that's what you mean?  because the action toggle rotate left doesn't seem to want to change.  Anyway, didn't change anything. 

Also you said launch a game....that doesn't make sense to me as I'm trying to change the game select screen, not anything after game launch.



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Re: preferred theme for mame?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2015, 11:31:11 PM »

Ok, when you add an input key mapping to toggle control the remove input will be displayed at the point. So, maybe you already had a key mapped for toggle control. If you remove the key mapping and go back to it you will only see add input. Just to clear things up. Anyway, so...  I double checked toggle control key mapping on my system for verticools layout and it rotates to horizontal  fine. The statement about launching a game was a typo on my part:p  What I meant to say was once you launch into verticools theme the mapped key for toggle control should be able to rotate the screen like it does for me. Not sure why it's not working for you. When I get the chance, I will look at cools layout and let you know what you can change in the script to display horizontal. I am pretty sure its just a few lines to change if that. 


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Re: preferred theme for mame?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2015, 12:00:31 AM »

Ok, I found your fix to make it horizontal. Under the layout constants section you will need to change one word "Left" to "None". The N needs to be capitalized.  See example: 

// Layout Constants

From this

To this


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Re: preferred theme for mame?
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2015, 06:17:07 AM »
The below is what I'm using on my horizontal cabinet. It's running 640x480, but should work in any square pixel resolution (you may need to tweak the size multipliers though).

I've not cleaned this up at all, it's a straight dump from my cab!

Code: [Select]
// Layout by cools / Arcade Otaku
// For use in a 640x240 resolution
// We use this strange resolution to enhance the front rendering quality in 15KHz
// Layout User Options
class UserConfig {
 </label="Background Image",help="Choose snap/video snap, title, flyer, user image (bg.jpg in layout folder) or no background",options="video,snap,title,flyer,user,none"/>bg_image="video";
 </label="Show Wheel Logo?",help="Enable the wheel logo?",options="Yes,No"/>wheel_logo="Yes";
 </label="Show Category?",help="Enable the category text?",options="Yes,No"/>category_text="Yes";
local my_config=fe.get_config();

// Colour cycle code from LukeNukem
cycleVTable <-{
function cycleValue(ttime,counter,switcher,workValue,minV,maxV,BY,speed){
 if (cycleVTable[counter] == 0)
////////////// 1000=1 second //////////////
 if (ttime-cycleVTable[counter]>speed){
  if (cycleVTable[switcher]==0){
   if (cycleVTable[workValue]>=maxV)
  else if (cycleVTable[switcher]==1){
   if (cycleVTable[workValue]<=minV)
 return cycleVTable[workValue];

// Gives us a nice high random number for the RGB levels
function brightrand() {
return 255-(rand()/512);

// Layout Constants
local flw=fe.layout.width;
local flh=fe.layout.height;
local rot=(fe.layout.base_rotation+fe.layout.toggle_rotation)%4;
switch (rot) {
 case RotateScreen.Right:
 case RotateScreen.Left:

// Background
if (my_config["bg_image"]=="video") {
 local bg=fe.add_artwork("snap",0-(flw*0.1),0-(flh*0.1),flw*1.2,flh*1.2);
else if (my_config["bg_image"]=="snap") {
 local bg=fe.add_artwork("snap",0-(flw*0.1),0-(flh*0.1),flw*1.2,flh*1.2);
else if (my_config["bg_image"]=="title") {
 local bg=fe.add_artwork("title",0-(flw*0.1),0-(flh*0.1),flw*1.2,flh*1.2);
else if (my_config["bg_image"]=="flyer") {
 local bg=fe.add_artwork("flyer", 0, 0, flw, flh);
else if (my_config["bg_image"]=="user") {
 local bg=fe.add_image("bg.jpg",0,0,flw,flh);

// List
local lbx=0;                    // Listbox X position
local lby=flh*0.4;              // Listbox Y position
local itn=9;                    // Listbox entries
if (my_config["wheel_logo"]=="No"){
 lby=flh*0.17;                  // Listbox Y position without logo
 itn=13;                        // Listbox entries without logo
local lbw=flw;                  // Listbox width
local lbh=(flh-lby-(flh*0.08)); // Listbox height
local ith=lbh/itn;              // Listbox entry height
lby+=(ith*(itn/2));             // Listbox draw point - do not change
local lbr=255;                  // Listbox red
local lbg=255;                  // Listbox green
local lbb=128;                  // Listbox blue
local lbf=0.75;                 // Listbox colour fade. Lower values=less fade.

for (local i=(itn/2)*-1;i<=(itn/2);i+=1){
 if (i==0){
 else {
  local unselgame=fe.add_text("[Title]",lbx,lby+(ith*i),lbw,ith);
  if (i<0) {unselgame.alpha=255-((i*(255/(itn/2))*-1)*lbf);}
  else {unselgame.alpha=255-(i*(255/(itn/2))*lbf);}

// Texts
local fltsh=fe.add_text("<  [FilterName]  >",1,(flh*0.06)+1,flw,flh*0.05);
local filtername=fe.add_text(fltsh.msg,fltsh.x-1,fltsh.y-1,fltsh.width,fltsh.height);
local listtitle=fe.add_text("[ListSize] [DisplayName]",0,flh*0.11,flw,flh*0.05);
local slgsh=fe.add_text("[Title]",lbx+1,lby+1,lbw,ith);
local selgame=fe.add_text(slgsh.msg,slgsh.x-1,slgsh.y-1,slgsh.width,slgsh.height);
local freeplayleft=fe.add_text("Free Play",0,0,flw,flh*0.05);
local freeplayright=fe.add_text("Free Play",0,0,flw,flh*0.05);
local inssh=fe.add_text("Instructions",1,(flh*0.92)+1,flw,flh*0.04);
local instructions=fe.add_text(inssh.msg,inssh.x-1,inssh.y-1,inssh.width,inssh.height);
local help_text=fe.add_text("Play Game [BUTTON1]  -  Random [START]  -  Quit Game [Hold START (3s)]",0,flh*0.95,flw,flh*0.04);
if (my_config["category_text"]=="Yes"){
 local category=fe.add_text("[Category]",0-(flw*0.01),flh*0.95,flh*0.85,flh*0.05);
local copyright=fe.add_text("©[Year] [Manufacturer]",flw-(flh*0.06),flh*0.95,flh*0.85,flh*0.05);

// Preview image
if (my_config["wheel_logo"]=="Yes"){
 local wheelshadow=fe.add_artwork("wheel",(flw*0.1)+2,(flh*0.18)+2,flw*0.80,flh*0.22);
 local wheel=fe.add_clone(wheelshadow);

function textTickles(ttime){
 local RED=cycleValue(ttime,"cnListRed","swListRed","wkListRed",100,254,1,1);
 local GREEN=cycleValue(ttime,"cnListGreen","swListGreen","wkListGreen",100,254,1.5,1);
 local BLUE=cycleValue(ttime,"cnListBlue","swListBlue","wkListBlue",100,254,2,1);
 local grey=brightrand();

function fades(ttype,var,ttime){
 switch (ttype){
  case Transition.FromGame:
   fltsh.msg="<  [FilterName]  >";
   filtername.msg="<  [FilterName]  >";
   return false;
case Transition.ToGame:
   if (ttime<10){
    return true;
  case Transition.EndLayout:
   if (ttime<10){
    return true;
   return false;

fe.add_ticks_callback( "textTickles" );
fe.add_transition_callback( "fades" );