Hi, I need help finishing this snap delay function. Thanks for offering to help Kent79

I attached the nut file. It wont make much sense loaded in AM without Hurstys tiles and a bunch of other stuff. The code is at the bottom of the file. End goal is to have 1 or sec delay before the snap starts playing.
//Snap playback with delay
local snap_active = false;
local delay = 0;
local max_delay = 0;
snap.playing = snap_active;
max_delay=(max_delay>999 ? 100 : max_delay);
::fe.add_ticks_callback( this, "tick_fn" );
function tick_fn( ttime )
if ( delay > max_delay )
if (snap_active == false){
local snap = fe.add_artwork ( "snap", flx*0.183, fly*0.0376, flw*0.635, flh*0.56 );
// snap.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
snap_active = true;
snap.playing = snap_active;